DogeTV is Now a Thing

Moonie Moonstein
5 min readNov 3, 2022


Dogecoin is off the chain this week and ignited the meme economy along with it. You may have wisely asked yourself, “how can I benefit?”

There’s the obvious answer being that you could buy Dogecoin, cross your fingers and believe that the next three months macro will look better than the last three weeks’ macro has. If good (or even just slightly better) news trends around the globe into winter than you are likely going to see some profits from aping into this week’s Doge rally.

On the other hand, there is an ETH token with a familiar name and unique concept that could end up benefiting more in the immediate future than Doge from its own rally. I’m talking about DogeTV. Yes, it’s a real thing giving token holders real access to REAL Pay-Per-View events, popular streaming services, international sport events and all the traditional cable offerings in several different consumer price points.

Aside from getting a lower cost home entertainment bill, DogeTV plans to auction off its NFTs that will represent a revenue share from the subscription fees. Early buyers may actually end up getting paid to watch TV if the service proves to be a viable option for people.

Snapshot taken at 4:43 a.m. UTC Thursday, Nov 3, 2022
Snapshot taken at 4:54 a.m. UTC Thursday, Nov 3, 2022

The Good

It has been a good first week for the DogeTV token. The price has climbed to $0.30 per token, making for a $3 Million market cap. They have just been listed on Coin Market Cap . Their Telegram is brimming with excitement over their moonshot, but what sets DogeTV apart from 99.9% of all other tokens is how engaged the users / holders are in actually using the service a token provides integrated so well into their daily lives. There appears to already be a fondness toward the week old service by its small user base just based off of the superior service offering alone.

The Bad (Including much unfounded speculation)

Currently, DogeTV carries an 8% transaction tax. That’s you losing 8% of the current token value when you buy, sell or transfer to another wallet (so, try not to do that last one at least). The explanation from their website for the tax is:

“All transactions will incur an 8% tax this is distributed as 2% to liquidity pool and 6% to the project wallet, The project wallet will be used to pay for marketing to push DogeTv to great heights, as well as being used for further development and maintenance of the DogeTv platform ensuring our holders receive an elite service from a professional brand.” *post publishing note: the current tax at time of writing NOW is only 6%.

I always say to look for money coming in to the project from outside the buy / sell action of the token since those schemes are unsustainable. Fortunately, DogeTV potentially has that incoming revenue stream to offset the need for generating token buying volume that is quelled faster by the contract selling into the market. But, every project must start somewhere and DogeTV appears ready to shift those taxes down as revenue enters from outside the contract functions. This has been discussed in the Telegram group and there is speculation that the contract tax function is coded to ONLY go down and never above 8% (sounds suspicious to me as I assume the code could be changed regardless).

This brings us to the next bad point. It could be a rug pull. What if the devs honeypot or blacklist wallets for selling and/or do all the evil things we’ve all heard of happening to people or fallen victim to ourselves? Hey, it’s crypto. Audits cost money and a solid one done by professionals can be very backed up these days. The contract is not audited currently, but it is understood by the community that one is either currently underway or soon to be underway. A name of who would perform such an audit has not been released yet. Looking into a DogeTV buy must be done with all the clear headedness to know that you could lose everything you put in, but that is the same for every week old, low cap gem in the world. Again, audits cost time and money and devs must always consider that they will need to make changes to fine-tune something inside a contract’s function, and in DogeTV’s case, the devs may lower the taxes down the road as revenue covers the cost of operations.

The Moon

Looking at the current chart, DogeTV has not seen the parabolic spike in activity that we look for when choosing to take profits from our crypto moonshots. In fact, the CMC listing appears to have gone under the radar at the moment and $DGTV may be offering a final dip before lifting off into space. Macro conditions still apply, of course. Doge needs to hold the line and the world can’t implode into chaos. There can always be a reason for a token’s failure to moon, but taking calculated risks is the key to mooning overall. I see nothing to indicate $DGTV upward momentum is peaked. Quite the contrary. Given the unique and ACTUALLY CURRENTLY WORKING offering of a profit-share-killer-app-crypto-TV-service there could be a lot of room to move up and WAY up from here. There has been some solid building done and proven on the website already, and user reports are positive on the service. This shrinks the negative potential and raises the positive by several degrees against your typical contract that launched this week imo.

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Moonie Moonstein

Moonie tries to be active in the chat and sees potential in crypto as a store of value and a global prosperity vector.