(ELI5) Optimistic Rollups

2 min readDec 11, 2022


An optimistic rollup is a scaling solution for blockchain networks that allows transactions to be processed outside of the main blockchain layer.

These scaling approaches are called “optimistic” because the off-mainchain transactions have not yet been confirmed on mainchain when they are confirmed on the optimistic rollup. So there is an element of hope that cryptographic proof of the L2 transactions will eventually be included on the L1 ledger.

Some examples of optimistic rollups in production include:

  1. Arbitrum: Arbitrum is a layer-2 scaling solution that uses an optimistic rollup approach to increase throughput and reduce transaction fees.
  2. Optimism: Optimism is an Ethereum scaling solution that uses an optimistic rollup to increase throughput and reduce transaction costs.
  3. Polygon/Matic Network: Matic Network is a layer-2 scaling solution that combines Plasma and an optimistic rollup to increase throughput and reduce fees.
  4. ZK Rollups: ZK Rollups is an Ethereum scaling solution that combines zk-SNARKs with an optimistic rollup to increase throughput and reduce fees.
  5. Loopring: Loopring is a decentralized exchange protocol that utilizes an optimistic rollup to increase scalability and reduce transaction costs.

Overall, optimistic rollups are designed to increase scalability by allowing transactions to be processed off-chain in a secure manner, but still allowing them to be “rolled-up” and included on the main chain. This allows for faster and cheaper transactions, while still providing a high degree of security and trust.

Optimistic rollups combine the security of the main blockchain with the scalability of off-chain solutions, allowing transactions to be efficiently validated and processed off-chain, while being securely anchored to the main blockchain. It is a type of layer two scaling solution that provides a decentralized, trustless, and low-cost way of scaling blockchain networks.

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