ERC20 Token Sale: Implementing Smart Contract Allowances for Dynamic Token Distribution

Muhammad Waqas
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2024


ERC20 Token Sale

Photo by ZSun Fu on Unsplash


In a previous article, we successfully implemented an ERC20 token, providing basic functionalities like minting. However, distribution was limited as only specific addresses could receive tokens directly through minting. This article aims to expand our token’s usability and integrate it into the dynamic landscape of decentralized finance (DeFi).

Transition from Direct Minting to DeFi Integration

Prominent DeFi projects like Uniswap utilize multiple smart contracts to offer sophisticated services rather than embedding all functionalities within a single contract. This modular approach not only enhances security by isolating potential vulnerabilities but also improves scalability and upgradeability. Inspired by this structure, our project will follow a similar path.

Implementing the Token Sale Contract

We will re-use the ERC20 token created previously. Instead of directly integrating a token sale mechanism within the token contract, we will delegate this functionality to a separate smart contract. This separation allows us to manage token distribution more flexibly and securely through the allowance mechanism.

Smart Contract Code Overview

Here’s a basic version of our token sale smart contract implemented in Solidity:

Detailed Breakdown of the Token Sale Contract

  1. Interface Definition:
  • The IERC20 interface includes the essential functions transfer and decimals which are required for token operations within the sale contract.

2. Token Price Setting:

  • The token price is set in Wei, which is the smallest unit of Ether (1 ether = 10¹⁸ wei). In this example, 1 token costs 1 ether.

3. Token Initialization:

  • The constructor of the TokenSale contract takes the address of the deployed ERC20 token and initializes the IERC20 interface with this address.

4. Purchase Function:

  • The purchase function is payable, allowing it to receive Ether.
  • It verifies that the sent Ether is at least equal to the price of one token.
  • It calculates how many tokens to transfer based on the Ether received.
  • It returns any excess Ether to the sender if they send more than the exact token price.
  • Finally, it transfers the appropriate number of tokens to the buyer.

Deployment and Interaction

To operationalize the TokenSale contract:

  1. Deploy the ERC20 Token: Deploy your ERC20 token contract and mint an initial supply of tokens.
  2. Deploy the TokenSale Contract: Deploy the TokenSale contract, passing the address of the ERC20 token contract to its constructor.
  3. Set Allowance: Grant the TokenSale contract an allowance to transfer tokens on behalf of the token owner. This can be done using the approve function of the ERC20 token:

This command allows the TokenSale contract to transfer up to the specified amount of tokens on behalf of the ERC20 token owner.

4. Purchasing Tokens: Users can now send Ether to the purchase function of the TokenSale contract to buy tokens. The contract will handle the transfer of tokens and refund any excess Ether.


Implementing a token sale contract introduces a structured method for distributing tokens, providing a scalable solution beyond mere token minting. This system allows for dynamic pricing and sale of tokens, facilitating broader participation in the token ecosystem. Through this guide, developers can understand the intricacies of token sales and apply these concepts to their blockchain projects.

Next Steps

For developers and blockchain enthusiasts looking to expand their knowledge, exploring advanced sale mechanics like auction-based or tiered pricing systems could provide further insights into sophisticated token distribution methods.

This comprehensive guide offers a foundation for creating and managing ERC20 token sales, highlighting the flexibility and power of smart contracts in decentralized finance and beyond.

