Humanized Marketing: It's all about conversations

Humanized Experiences: It’s All About Conversations

Sandeep Banyal
Published in
5 min readApr 8, 2023


Conversations have always been exciting primarily because its human interactions. Human interaction is key to building connections as well as relationships. Conversations are equally important for enterprises to engage in meaningful dialogue with the customers and gaze at the interest of customers. In recent years, this has changed, and dialogue or conversations have been taken over by communications. Enterprises like to communicate their offerings, products, and services to the customers, the downside of this we have lost not only the human touch but also empathy toward our customers.

Returning to its roots, Marketing needs to be more humanized, natural, and feel like talking to humans. Marketing should take customers from communication to conversations.

Everyone likes Peppa Pig, isn’t it?

Despite age, Peppa Pig is more conversational and instantly grabs the audience’s attention.

Toddlers are introduced to this magical world through conversations and stories, this not only fascinates them but builds a relationship between the toddler and the world.

Have you ever had times when you just sit with someone and before you know it, within minutes you’re talking about something you’re both interested in? Most coffee shop/ commute/ bar conversations take place that way.

Humanized Experiences is all about conversations.

The recent release of the ChatGPT chatbot in November 2022 has generated significant public interest. ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that allows users to simulate human-like conversations with an AI.

Humanized conversations allow enterprises to have a dialogue with purpose with the customers.

Build Empathy in Marketing to have humanized interactions

Build Empathy in Marketing

Human adversities have forced Enterprises to go back to their roots Empathy. The recent pandemic is where enterprises have become more empathetic to their customers and have pivoted their brand strategy. Brands opted for more human and hopeful messaging. Brands stay away from provocative content and provide more useful content to customers.

Today more and more brands are talking about humanized, more personalized content with the customers. Buzzword personalization. To me, personalization is not just limited to delivering one-to-one content, but it’s an opportunity for brands to be more sensitive and considerate of their customer.

Empathy in marketing builds rapport and puts your customer at ease, reducing the amount of interpretation needed to understand what you’re trying to communicate and this is easily delivered by having humanized conversations.

Build Relationship

Build Relationship

The foundation of the relationship is trust and authenticity. Understand your consumer’s demand, expectations, reality, and brand position. The enterprise uses Customer 360 to have a deeper knowledge of the client.

· Build Customer 360 aggregating explicit, implicit, and customer responses.

· Capture real-time as well as non-real-time customer data.

· Experiment with the data to get better insights.

· Segment customers into micro-segments.

· Create new customer types to foster stronger interactions.

Relationship 360 is a helpful instrument to assess the maturity of a relationship. How much effort are businesses making to establish and sustain long-term relationships? This will allow the business to take the initial step toward engaging in customer dialogues. Better and more successful interactions demand a healthy relationship.

humanized conversations will put customers at ease and allow relationships to grow at their own pace but for sure, a relationship for a long time.

Listen to the customer

Most businesses frequently mix listening with monitoring. To properly listen to the customer, revisit your channel strategy. Concentrate on uncovering critical insights via researching customer interaction patterns.

· Do not rely just on behavioral data to drive customer motives.

· Fogg customer analysis against different customer personas.

· Recognize the customer’s pain spots throughout the customer journey.

· Bring engagement and service channels together to address customer expectations.

· Feed insights back to marketers to have better conversations with the customers.

Web analytics tools are critical for listening to customers and their expectations. Revisit the data layer, tag management configuration, and execution. The first stage might be a detailed examination or evaluation of the web analytics configuration.

Act on Customer Response data

Create a data ecosystem to make the most of customer response data. Including customer response data in a customer data set will assist marketers in understanding how customers interpret marketing conversations.

Customer response data will prompt you to respond.

• Is it truly necessary?

• Does it pique the customer’s interest?

• Does it meet the customer’s expectations?

Often, we collect customer response data in order to optimize future interactions; however, we do not use the response dataset to analyze the customer data efficiency and efficacy. Response data should not be viewed as another data dimension, but rather as a tool for building stronger relationships with customers.

Trusted Partner

Customers must see businesses as trustworthy partners. Trusted in terms of products, services, and offerings, as well as the brand’s genuineness. We’ve previously discussed empathy, but developing empathy and trust is vital.

Accessibility is a critical step in developing a trusting connection with the customer. Individuals, corporations, and society all gain from making digital properties available. Digital assets are basically intended to function for everyone, regardless of technology, software, language, location, or aptitude. When digital assets achieve this purpose, they are accessible to persons with varying hearing, mobility, visual, and cognitive skills.

The list can be long to build the idea of conversations with the customers. It’s because conversation provides a much wider scope to communicate with the customers. When conversing with customers, you can easily get feedback from the customers as they are part of the brand conversations.

The customer has too many options in the digital age, thus the idea of having conversations gives the bandwidth to the enterprises to drive the conversation in another direction for the purpose of communicating well and getting better engagements with the customers.

Conversation and communication are not two sides of the same coin. A conversation that is meant to convey is nearly always more important than one that is not.

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Sandeep Banyal

Principal Partner - MarTech, helping organizations with digital advisory and enterprise solutions