Eeman Yusuf
Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2022


Finding your niche in web 3

I am passionate about web but I am not into tech, how do I fit in?

Most web 3 users want to make an impact on the web without completely leaving their comfort zone or chosen profession. For someone that’s into art, the idea of suddenly going into technology could be a frightful and most likely unsuccessful journey. Web 3 undoubtedly employs a huge use of technology in its operation with the use of artificial intelligence and virtual realities however it should be noted that the tenets of web 3 lies on decentralization and blockchain technology. These are concepts that require more than just technical expertise.


Web 3 aims to create an internet and community where power belongs to the people and there is no centralization of power at any level. Decentralization is not a license to chaos and disorderliness, hence the need for the establishment of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).

A DAO is a governing body in web 3 led by the community to promote the interest of the community. There are always decisions to be made as regards to several protocols on web 3, and since there is an absence of an authoritative decision maker, the community comes together to make decisions in their best interest. Being a decentralized body, decision making process may lag hence the need for roles like community manager, publicity team, marketing team. These roles are all in place to ensure the effectiveness of the DAO. Anyone with leadership, managerial skills amongst other skills needed may apply for such position.

The selection of roles does not equate to more or different power, the power of decision making remains decentralized. In a DAO, everyone is empowered, with no one having more power than another when it comes to decision making. Decision making in a a Decentralized Autonomous Organization is mostly carried out through voting.

Nevertheless, DAOs remain one of the various aspects of web 3 that provide avenue for more skills in operating other than technical skills.


This is a structure that helps to store information, records, transactions in a transparent and secure way. While information on a blockchain can be viewed by any one, it can only be interacted with by the ones with the authority to do so. This might be in the way of possession of certain private keys or phrases. The essence of blockchain technology is to ensure a trackable yet secure information record system.

Since, there is no sector that does not make use of data or information in the course of the exercise of their work, the adoption of blockchain technology becomes almost imperative. Many sectors have adopted the use of blockchain technology such as healthcare sector in the safekeeping on patients’ record. The Food production sector is also not an exemption, information on food and all its content is registered on the blockchain, eliminating the risk of the distribution of illicit or contaminated food. The legal sector is also one other sector that is looking forward to adopting blockchain technology for the recording of evidences, witness’ report and all other vital documents. Other sectors are all gravitating towards the adoption of blockchain technology. Blockchain technology allows the integration of web 3 into any sector in a society.


Another sector in web 3 that requires more skills than technical skills in its operation is the NFT space. Non- Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are unique cryptographic tokens existing on a blockchain that cannot be replicated. This unique feature of NFTs has made it grow so wide and can be linked to real life assets. NFTs have been used to launch various brands in various sectors like movie industry, fashion industry, food industry, music industry, real estate, etc. These assets can be exchanged digitally just with the exchange of the NFT.

NFTs have become of of the most popular and successful ways in which brands launch or promote their business .Being a digital representation of a brand, it largely relies on developing a strong and valuable community in its operation. Hence, roles of artistes, moderators, community managers, writers for whitepapers, artistes, space hosts, are non ending in the NFT space.

The need for marketing and publicity on web 3 has also created more opportunities in the web. Web 3 is still a very new concept, without the awareness of its benefits, it will not be adopted by the public and remain just an idea in theory. The importance of content creators cannot be undermined to the development of web 3. This includes, writers, artistes, youtubers, bloggers and every other content creator out there. There is still need for more awareness about web 3, content creators are always welcomed into the web.


Web 3 is for everyone and would need the support of everyone to achieve its goal. Researches are still being made to intensify and foolproof web 3 before its full integration, hence it is erroneous to state that only one sector is needed in the exercise.

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Eeman Yusuf
Eeman Yusuf

Written by Eeman Yusuf

A Web 3 writer, aiming to bridge the distance between knowledge and the seeker. Twitter-