Grow With Cent

Earn With Hatty
6 min readJul 27, 2022


Hello, world! I hope everyone has been having a good week and learning and earning as much as you can. In my last article, I shared an app I have been using that teaches you about finance. I suggest checking out my last article if you missed it. It is titled “Learn Finance And Earn”. What is great about this app is you can learn about a lot of different things and earn either Crypto or gift cards. This app does not have ads or any pop-ups or anything. The creators of this app want people to learn about finance and investing. The more people that know about financing the more people who invest, which helps the country, businesses, and people.

This article I am sharing today is going to be about another great site I have come across. There is no referral program but this website caught my attention because o the layout and how they are using NFTs and ways of MINTing your tweets. I will get more into this as the article goes on.

I have not made much from this website yet but I would like to hear what others have to say about it if they have heard about or used it.

The website I am going to be talking about is called Cent.

Cent is pretty awesome and I think, well I hope it will grow as time goes on. I have not been using this website for very long but I have used it long enough to see the potential it has. Cent kind of reminds me of Twitter and merged together but not really. It is hard to explain but you will see what I am talking about when and if you check it out. I am not using this site to make money but more to spread my blogs and website on more platforms. I think the more places you share with the more chances you have of people checking out your content and using your links.

Cent has made it possible to mint your posts or share your digital art with others in an easy way. A lot of artists who use this platform allow you to claim free art from them for subscribing to their page. I think this is awesome. Who knows what the future holds for these artists so being able to hold a piece of art from them is worth checking out. It is free and a great way to get accustomed to NFTs.

The homepage is simple and easy to use. It does not seem like a lot of people are using this website at the moment but I am hoping as time goes on and the more people that hear about it there will be more people to interact with. You can find pretty much anything you are interested in. There as also some adult-themed posts on Cent but if you do not want to see that kind of stuff you can turn on adult settings and block that content. It is crazy because I would have never heard of this website if I did not go searching through the Dapps on Coinbase wallet.

Cent has its own Crypto that is used on the ETH blockchain. I am hoping after the Merge and Shanghai update the ETH blockchain will be used by more people. After Shanghai I know transactions will be faster and cheaper. ETH is going to change the world. It might take a little while but patience is a virtue when it comes to Crypto.

The social part is this page but they also have a NFT section which you can check out through the main page.

When you first sign up you can just check out other people’s content and interact and post content. You can not create and share NFTs when you first sign up. If you would like to create and share your NFTs you can join a waitlist and if you are approved you can start sharing your NFTs and creating NFT drops. I think this is a great way to start getting your art of posts out more. Like I said earlier, it does not seem like there are a lot of people using this site right now but I believe as ETH upgrades and gets easier to use then more people are going to be using ETH blockchain projects.

This is what the posts on Cent look like. This website has been around for a little over 5 years. I am not sure why it is not bigger than it is and you hear more about it but maybe it is a site that is working off of word of mouth rather than advertising. I am not quite sure yet. Maybe it is also because ETH gas fees are extremely high so people are not using ETH projects that much.

I do not know where this project is going but I think it is a great site to check out and have a little fun with. The idea of being able to MINT your tweets and create NFTs is awesome and I think could become something big in the future.

If you decide to check out this website or already know about this website please let me know what you think about it in the comments.

This is only one of many blockchain social platforms out there. If you are interested in checking out other social blockchain projects I suggest checking out -



If you want to know more about these sites and other social blockchain projects please check out my article Blockchain And Social Media.

I am not sharing this site with everyone to get referral clicks because this site does not have a referral program that I have seen. I just want people to know all of the different platforms out there that can be used to share your content and get your name out there. I am still nowhere near where I want to be when it comes to sharing content but I am starting to realize that these days it is a lot easier to find places to post your content than it was a decade ago. Social platforms are changing and the people that normally could not get their voices heard are having a chance of doing something with the talents they have.

I have only been in the social blockchain world for a couple of years now and I see the large potential it has. I am excited to see what the social part of Crypto ends up being like in the next couple of years.

Check out my website for more content and other ways to earn and learn. HattysShack This website is a work in progress and a bigger and better one is in the works. For now, this is going to have to work but I am hoping in the near future I can publish a new and improved site.

I hope everyone has enjoyed this article and takes a second to check out and let me know what you think. Also, if you know of any other good social blockchain projects I would love to hear about them in the comments.

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