HeyAlfie Overview

Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2022


As crypto, NFT and DeFi enthusiasts, it can be challenging to navigate the blockchain. It’s hard enough to simply buy the coin you want (looking at you Coinbase), let alone enter into different liquidity pools, staking contracts, and lending platforms on different chains. Active users need to create multiple wallets for multiple chains, connect to several different sites, and remember to claim their rewards. And while you may think you’d never forget to claim rewards, it happens frequently — ask stakers on the Zilliqa blockchain when gZil rewards ended: several went unclaimed and got permanently wiped out. That’s why friends Moe Tengku, Sam Zulkifli and Adam Helmi created HeyAlfie — a centralized, easy to use dashboard to help you better navigate the crypto world.

What’s HeyAlfie?

Currently working with Zilliqa’s ecosystem of projects, HeyAlfie allows users to connect multiple wallets to a simplified, visual dashboard for a total portfolio view. Equally as important, once users are connected, they can claim rewards from staking contracts and liquidity pools, add liquidity on multiple decentralized exchanges (DEXs), view NFTs, and swap tokens all in one place. But these features are just the beginning for this creative group.

HeyAlfie’s Dashboard Overview

HeyAlfie is raising liquidity and funding through the sale of their Alfie NFTs. An Alfie NFT isn’t an ordinary NFT though. Ownership of one Alfie NFT allows users to take advantage of the premium features currently available, as well as features in the pipeline. Current features of the HeyAlfie dashboard include connecting multiple wallets, connecting to all of the decentralized applications (dApps) in the Zilliqa ecosystem, choosing multiple currencies and viewing your transaction history. The team is also working to incorporate staking Alfie NFTs, an easy-to-use lending platform, full transaction history with export function, a profile page and activity notifications. And long term, they hope to add farming reward alerts, profit and loss (P&L) for wallets, impermanent loss analysis, a risk calculator, social feed interaction, connection to centralized exchanges and create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). For the team’s full list, visit this link here.

Though funded through Zilhive and started on the Zilliqa blockchain, HeyAlfie has plans to branch out and bring new chains into their dashboard. Allowing users to claim from their beloved XCAD and Zilswap pools, along with other pools such as Anchor and MMF for example. Moe, CEO and Co-Founder, says right now HeyAlfie is being built for the “Zilliqa power user” i.e one that is heavily involved in the Zilliqa eco/community, but also uses other chains. Their focus is to help the community within Zilliqa connect to other chains they already use. Users of the HeyAlfie can also rest assured that they are not paying additional fees when claiming, adding, or swapping tokens. This function is simply a contract call, so HeyAlfie doesn’t take anything from the transaction.

You can claim staking rewards and DEX rewards right on HeyAlfie’s dashboard.

Lending is a popular topic of discussion within the Zilliqa community, with a few different projects currently in development. These platforms are great for the Zilliqa ecosystem, and are needed to create additional liquidity, ultimately leading to more activity. HeyAlfie is workshopping a simple concept to take the rewards from the borrower’s stake and give them immediate liquidity to do whatever is desired, without the need to unstake. They simply claim your staking rewards, while you invest in the several other projects on Zilliqa at a 0% interest rate. It’s still in the development phase, but from what it sounds like, could be a nice way for newer borrowers to dabble into crypto lending.

Co-founder, Sam, says HeyAlfie’s biggest hurdle is keeping up with all of the new projects coming from Zilliqa’s growing ecosystem. New dApps, Dexes, and NFT projects are being released regularly. NFTs, for example, can be on several different marketplaces, making it difficult to see all of the NFTs in your wallet(s) at once. HeyAlfie allows you to see all of them in one place, no matter the marketplace you bought them from. If a dApp or an NFT contract is not currently in the dashboard, you can simply message the team in their Telegram chat, and they’ll respond to you quickly.

HeyAlfie’s NFT viewing dashboard. You can also send NFTs to different wallets via HeyAlfie.

As of today, HeyAlfie has roughly 24,000 wallets connected and around 500 daily active users. As the eco grows and more chains are added, it’s safe to assume these numbers will climb.

For beginners or seasoned users of Zilliqa, HeyAlfie makes it simple to interact with the ecosystem and gain insight into your overall portfolio. I suggest connecting your wallets to the app, buying an Alfie NFT or two, and enjoying the visual and interactive dashboard experience. While the concept of a centralized dashboard for investing and trading is nothing new, it’s a potential game changer in the messy, ever-changing crypto world we’re all trying our best to navigate.

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