Patience Igwe
Published in
7 min readMar 29, 2022



i. Introduction

ii. Types of crypto jobs

iii. How to get a crypto job

  • Become an ambassador
  • Types of content creators
  • How to find ambassadors roles
  • Become an intern
  • Contributing to DAOs
  • How to find DAOs to join
  • How to contribute to a DAO
  • How to earn from DAOs

iv. Factors to consider when selecting a project

v. Summary


With the uproar of web3 and the advancement of cryptocurrency, one would be missing out a great opportunity to belong to this very enterprising and actively growing sector. There are several ways to amass wealth in this space, the likes of trading, investing, staking, yield farming, etc. However, due to the technicalities and level of arithmetics on tradings, a lot of people still find it difficult to earn from these platforms. Then came another option to earn from what you can offer. Amongst them includes: play to earn, learn to earn, flipping nfts, and then crypto jobs.

The funny truth about crypto jobs is that it is built upon a community. Meaning that they depend on the community to thrive but this cannot be achieved without people who manage, market, grow, build, and develop the communities, hence the need for a crypto job. And with the evolution of web3.0, and the cryptocurrency community, a lot of projects are on ground with more sprouting out on a daily basis. This can only mean one thing for you and I and that is more job opportunities.


Crypto jobs can be divided into tech and non-tech jobs.

Crypto Tech jobs are those jobs that require a little bit or more of coding abilities including java, javascript, css, solidity, python, etc. While non-tech crypto jobs are those jobs that require little or no tech abilities. They are mostly soft skill based, and require creativity and good mental prowess. There are a lot of crypto jobs but I will mention just a few of them.

Tech Crypto Jobs Includes:

  1. Web developer

2. Smart contract dev

3. Full stack blockchain dev

4. Software engineering

5. Solidity

6. Lead React Developer

7. Javascript Developer, etc

Non- tech Crypto Jobs

  1. Writer (copy writers, creative contents and technical writers)

2. Graphics designer / UI/UX

3. Community Moderators /Manager

4. Business developer

5. Project developer

6. Research analyst

7. Customer Support

8. Ambassadors, etc


There are several ways to get crypto jobs with little or no experience. However, for the purpose of this article, we will focus more on the few:

  1. Ambassadorship programs
  2. Becoming an Intern
  3. Contributing to DAOs, etc.


An ambassador is a person who promotes and spreads information about a project to a large audience. The idea of ambassadorship is to publicise / advertise a project and make it the market sensation through active dissemination of information using different marketing strategies and platforms.

Ambassadorship roles are conversant with new projects seeking to gain their grounds on the crypto, defi, metaverse, nft, web3 and blockchain space. These projects need growth and exposure hence, the need for ambassadors. These ambassadors utilise different social media platforms to promote these projects and in turn, the projects allocate a share of their coins/NFTs as a reward.

As an ambassador, you need to possess certain skills. These skills will give you leverage as to how well you can promote the project. Such skills includes: designing (graphics / UI/UX ), create memes, emojis, contents, translations, etc.

Note, as an ambassador, you are a content creator. And as a content creator, you have a wide horizon which means that you can choose a particular or multiple streams of content creation. You are simply unlimited.

Types of content creations:

  1. Articles : theses includes all forms of writings, including technical writing, creative writing, reviews, etc
  2. Videos : These includes all forms of video productions including, presentations, live streams, reviews, etc.)
  3. Designs / Infographics / Memes: This involves the use of graphics, and comics, to relay information
  4. Podcasts: These involves the use of audios and voice recordings for professional ads including seminars, AMAs, reports, etc.


Here are steps on how to find ambassadorship jobs:

  1. Signup or login on your different social media platforms, the likes of twitter, reddit, medium, etc.
  2. Go to the search button and type ambassadorship jobs, crypto ambassador, blockchain ambassador or other related words.
  3. Select the most recent of them all or those that are not more than 5 days old and apply.
  4. If you are suitable, a letter will arrive in your mail with further instructions.


The word intern is short of internship. It is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited period of time. It is more like an apprenticeship role, where the intern work very closely with the senior team member in a particular niche, either technical writing, community moderator, developer, etc.

A lot of employees on the crypto space got recruited as interns. Also, joining internship programs can be used to build your portfolio, which can assist with letters of recommendation or lead to future employment opportunities. Internships can be paid or unpaid, depending of what you aim to achieve: the knowledge, skill, finance, etc.

To become an intern, follow the procedure of “HOW TO FIND AMBASSADOR ROLES” above, then search for “INTERNSHIP JOBS”, apply and follow subsequent instructions.


First of all, let us understand what a DAO really means. The term DAO simply means Decentralised Autonomous Organisations. But that still does not explain what it really is. To understand a DAO in simple terms, a DAO is a community that is owned and managed by its members. This means that no one person has absolute power over the decisions and affairs of the community.


The best thing about the DAOs is how open they are. Some of them require you to purchase tokens to join while some others let you to get a sense of how they operate.

There are many different types of DAOs which we will be talking about in our next article. So now, we will be focusing on how to contribute to a DAO.


To contribute to a DAO simply means to participate in a DAO. it can be actively or not, depending on the amount of time you have and what you aim to achieve. A few of the things termed contributions in a DAO includes: Socializing and building friendship in the group, joining in the DAOs weekend livestreams, etc.

To contribute to a DAO, the first thing to do is to :

  1. Understand and identify the right DAO for you and join their discord server
  2. Complete the onboarding process and introduce yourself in the #INTROs. Also check the #announcementt channel
  3. Start socializing and participating in the DAOs activities
  4. If you observe someone who’s always active in the DAO, there is a possibility they are a core contributor. Try to send them a direct message and ask about how you can contribute best to the DAO.


To earn massively from DAOs, timing is everything. As the number of hours you dedicate to a particular DAO in conjunction with your skills goes a long way to determine your role and what you make out of it.

If you have from 1- 3 hours per week, you can start by engaging in community conversations and promote DAO on different social media platforms.

Also, If you have up to 7–10 hours weekly, you can become a core contributor and also start growing the community.

And just like I said earlier, timing is everything. Once you identify a DAO that appeals to you, then you set the level of responsibility that suits you and that’s it.

Note: it is worthy of note that there are certain criteria that should be considered when choosing or selecting a project.


Here are a few factors one should consider before or when selecting a project, either for investments, job or research purposes. They includes:

  • The projects investors
  • The project team and
  • The developmental stage of the Project.

The Project investors go a long way to determine how well the project will go. They are people who believe in and share the same idea about that particular project, hence giving their support via fundings and grants and in return becoming a shareholder in the project. A project investor with good business acumen and portfolio has the potency of recognising good projects hence the need to watch out for the investors.

The Projects Team: These comprise the core team. One of the major reasons to always check out the core team is to know their level of experience, how long they have been on the space, where they have worked before, success of the projects they handled before, if any and how they will manage / develop the new project.

The developmental stage of the Project: The stage of a project matters also as this can help understand the fundamentals and know if the team is working accordingly as stipulated in the road map.

Note: Projects with good fundamentals have the possibilities of doing well


Blockchain technology has literally affected almost all aspect of life including education, real estates, banking, health, business, etc and crypto jobs is just another big opportunity for you and i to belong to the next big financial space. So, what are you waiting for?


About the Author

Igwe Ihuoma Patience is a self-taught creative and industry specific content writer, cryptocurrency enthusiast with 2years plus experience and knowledge of the constantly evolving blockchain space.

I am skilled in content creation, copy writing, curating captions, community management, project shilling and I teach others how to get started in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space.

My goal is to make blockchain learning and updates easy for anyone and everyone to understand.

Join Coinmonks Telegram Channel and Youtube Channel learn about crypto trading and investing

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Patience Igwe

A talented and result-oriented web3 content writer/community manager, a cryptocurrency thought leader with 2years plus experience in blockchain technology.