How to Keep Your Crypto Secure

Bella ● NotumDeFi
4 min readFeb 25, 2023


How They Hack Crypto Wallets

Crypto wallets are a great way to store and manage cryptocurrencies, but can crypto wallets be hacked? Unfortunately, they can be vulnerable to attacks. Crypto hacks are cyber attacks that exploit weak or outdated security systems to steal cryptocurrency from users’ wallets. Because crypto hackers target user funds, crypto wallet users need to familiarize themselves with the most common methods of crypto hacks to be better prepared to protect their wallets.

The most common type of crypto hack is phishing, which involves posing as a trusted entity or person to gain access to private information such as usernames and passwords. Hackers can use malicious websites or emails that look legitimate to trick users into providing personal information. Another common type of crypto hack is malware, which refers to malicious software designed to steal cryptocurrencies from wallets. Finally, hackers can use social engineering techniques to access sensitive data such as usernames and passwords.

Further in this article, we will discuss the most effective ways to keep your crypto safe.

How to Protect Your Cryptocurrency

Crypto wallet security depends primarily on the owner’s actions.

To protect against crypto hacks, crypto wallet users should always practice good safety hygiene. Here are some crypto security tips that can be implied.

This includes using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication and multi-signature technology when available, avoiding public Wi-Fi networks while using the wallet, and being careful only to download software from trusted sources. Additionally, crypto wallets should be regularly backed up to ensure that funds are safe.

These steps are absolutely universal regardless of the wallet in usage. However, the choice of the app is also one of the key moments when it comes to crypto storage.

Best Cryptocurrency Wallets 2023

The best crypto wallets have many features that make storing digital assets much easier and more secure than ever before. These include cold storage, which can be used to store private keys offline; an easy-to-use interface; support for multiple currencies; backup capabilities and support for staking rewards.

The important part of protecting crypto funds is choosing a secure wallet. There are various types of wallets offering a diverse range of features. First, we can discuss the difference between software and hardware wallets.

Software Wallets

Software wallets are the easiest to use, which makes them extremely popular among newcomers. Most of them are free. They can also provide additional functions like market information or buying and selling within the application.

However, software wallets are usually associated with a lower level of security since they rely on electronic devices, such as PCs or smartphones. The threat is coming from attempts of online attacks and the risk of losing the device.

Nonetheless, some software wallets are considered to be rather secure. Here are some of them:

This one is focused on security that’s why it’s a self-custody wallet. It had a dApp browser, staking features, and a built-in exchange with the best rates on the market.

This application is good for beginner users since it is very simple in settings. It also allows buying, selling, and staking.

Supports a lot of digital assets, including NFTs. Has relatively low fees.

Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets answer the question of how to take crypto offline. Unlike software wallets, hardware stores the most vulnerable information offline or in cold storage. In other words, a hardware wallet is a separate device that looks like a memory stick, which stores the user’s private keys disconnectedly. This keeps this information protected from remote hacks. Here are some wallets that are considered to be the best among hardware ones:

It supports more than 5500 crypto and staking. Also, it has quite a reasonable price. Its battery life is about 8 hours.

It has a smaller range of supported coins. However, it allows connection to laptops and smartphones. One of its advantages is compatibility with the most popular OS.

This wallet supports about 2000 crypto and staking. It offers an app for smartphones and is compatible with the most popular OS. It also has a strong, long-lasting, 100mAh battery.

The Bottom Line

If you think about how to protect your crypto, you should put a lot of consideration into choosing a wallet. Unfortunately, there is no answer about which wallet is the best. The important thing is that you need to find a wallet that meets your requirements. If you want to store your crypto for the long term, you should choose a hardware or paper wallet. If you want something more convenient and quick, use an online wallet. Whatever wallet is used, it is highly recommended to follow the security tips. Even though it cannot guarantee absolute protection, it will, by all means, minimize the existing risks.

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Bella ● NotumDeFi

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