How To Make Money With Quora

Make Money With Quora and Affiliate Marketing

Michael Hokl
Published in
5 min readJun 11, 2022


Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Hello there, how are you? So you want to make money using Quora? Well, let me tell you something: Quora has over 300mio views every month. Therefore, there are many opportunities for you to generate traffic to your block or your sales funnel. Don’t know what a sales funnel is? Check out this article where I explain what it is and how to design one. Now let me explain how to make money on Quora.

Setting up your account

Setting up your quora account is straightforward. You just sign up and fill out all necessary information. Once you did that it’s time to optimize your account.

· Banner: It is very important that your profile looks professional and appealing. To achieve that you can edit your banner. What you have to do is upload a picture that fits your niche of your product. For example if you promote Bitcoin products, it makes sense to upload a crypto wallpaper as your banner.

· Profile picture: Your picture needs to have your face on it. The dimensions are 1000x1000 pixels. Imagine you are taking pictures for your driver’s license, but please smile. Think of something that makes you happy right away. You smile and then you’ll have a nice looking picture.

· Credentials: If you are answering questions, people will see your credentials next to your profile picture. Therefore it is important to add them, so you will look like a professional. Now, if you don’t have Certificates, degrees and so on, or you just don’t want to show them just type in: your niche+blogger. For example you want to promote keto products, you simply put ‘’Keto Blogger’’ as your credential. It is not optimal, but better than leaving it blank.

Answearing questions

Now that you have your account, you can start answering questions. Look for the search icon and type in your niche. If you did that, you can filter the results on the left side. You click on ‘’Questions’’ and scroll down to filter the age of the content. I recommend answering questions that have been asked within this month. Choose your questions and answer them, but to get sales it is important to find answers that have a high potential to get many views. How to do that? Very easy. There are two methods:

1. Go to google and type your niche in the search bar, but add ‘’quora’’ at the end. Imagine your niche is weight loss. You type it in the google search bar like this: Weight loss Quora. Now google will show you what questions are ranking very high in google, but also Quora. Now go ahead and answer the question. The beauty of this method is that you will get traffic from quora, but also from google.

2. Go to your profile and create a new ad campaign. Don’t worry, you will not spend anything. Fill out the first page by giving the campaign a name and you select ‘’generic’’ as the conversion event. Set your daily budget to $10 and click on continue. On the next page don’t do anything and scroll down until you see ‘’choose primary objective’’. Click on ‘’questions’’ and then on ‘’bulk add’’. Now type in your niche related keywords and you will see ‘’questions’’ and how many times people are clicking on the question. Try different keywords and choose the questions with the highest click rate. Copy and paste those questions in the search bar. Go ahead and answer those questions.

How to write good answers

To write good answers it takes a few things:

1. Add good images, which relate to your answer.

2. Use a mix of bulletpoints and text.

3. Add headings.

4. Write longer answers, but keep them informative.

5. Avoid spamming links. Place them wisely.

6. And the most important thing: Add Value

Answering questions like this will rank you higher and you’ll get more views and more sales.

Look at this answer (I choose keto as the niche) and the questions is: What is keto diet?

‘’Keto is a form of restrictive eating. You are not allowed to eat any kinds of carbs. If you do that for a few weeks, your body will start to burn fat. This happens because your body has no more fuel sources so it has to use fat as fuel. Click this link to lose weight’’

So what do you think about this answer? I mean it answered the question, but it’s boring right? And to be honest, I would never click the link. With this answer I don’t trust the writer.

Now take a moment and think how you can improve it. It’s not that hard. Add some pictures, more information and add some bullet points that show the pros and cons for example. Just follow the rules above and you are good to go.

Placing Links

Before you place any links at all, answer questions without any links for one week. After week one you can place a link in every third to fifth answer for 2 more weeks. Now Quora will not register you as spam and won’t take you down right away.

Choosing the link placement wisely is crucial. I always recommend to place them closer to the end of the answer, so people trust you more and are more likely to click it, because they want more information. But be aware that Quora doesn’t like affiliate links or URL shorteners like

What you can do is simple. Just create a landing page where you offer an E-Book, video or checklists for free. That way it is not an affiliate link and quora won’t make problems. Now why for free? You will set up a sales funnel. You can check out my tutorial here where I explain how to do it. You tell them to get the free E-Book, but to get it they have to submit their e-mail address. If they did, they will be redirected to the sales page. Now they maybe make a purchase or not, but remember, now you have their e-mail. You can send them even more offers and bonuses via e-mail.

I recommend GetResponse to do the job for you, as you can collect e-mails, create funnels and create automatic e-mail responses, all in one tool that is free. Learn more by clicking here.


Making money with Quora is pretty simple. Create a great profile, write good answers and you will rank higher and get more views. Place the links wisely and set up a sales funnel, so you can capture e-mails and sell even more. This way you are able to generate massive amounts of income.

This article contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase anything by using my link I will get a commission. The price for you won’t change.

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Michael Hokl

Hello. My name is Michael and I am a full time blogger, educating people about making money and investing it correctly.