Inflation is likely staying longer



Photo by Thibaut Marquis on Unsplash

Inflation can be harmful in a number of ways. If the rate of inflation is too high, it can erode the value of people’s savings and make it more difficult for them to plan for the future. It can also lead to uncertainty and instability in the economy, as people and businesses may not be sure how much prices will increase in the future. Additionally, if the rate of inflation is very high, it can lead to hyperinflation, which can be a serious problem for an economy. In extreme cases, hyperinflation can lead to the breakdown of the monetary system and can make it difficult for people to buy basic goods and services.

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Over the long term, inflation erodes your income and wealth purchasing power. This means that even as you save and invest, your accumulated wealth buys fewer and fewer goods and services. High inflation can also make it difficult for households and firms to make correct decisions in response to the signals from market prices. In addition, it can add an inflation risk premium to long-term interest rates and complicate business and labor planning and contracting that are essential to capital formation. High inflation can also lead to higher volatility of inflation, which creates uncertainty and can hinder economic…

