June: $1,099 in passive income from Bots, Miners & Stepn!

Mark @ RealisticCrypto
4 min readJul 2, 2022


Here we are again, at the start of another month with a passive income update from June. I’ll leave some links down below for the previous months updates.

April — $705 in passive income

May — $1,400 in passive income

  1. M2 Pro Miners

I have 2 of these miners. These miners have made me 3,495 MXC each which equates to a total of $565 at current prices. If I hold these to the ATH, this would jump to $933 for the month!

Since I bough these miners — 1 at the end of Feb and 1 at the start of May - I’ve mined $2,026 of the $6,000 investment and paid around $3 total in electricity!

If I wait and sell the MXC when it reaches the previous ATH, I would have accumulated $3,286 in total so far which is over 50% ROI.

Full Review & $50 off here

2. Helium Miners

A little disappointing this month BUT passive income is still passive income!

So I have 2 Sensecap M1 Helium miners set up with 5.8dbi RAKWireless antennas. I have another 2 Bobcat 300 miners which have just arrived so we should see more HNT next month!

In total, 1 has earned 3.72 HNT & the second has earned 2.57 HNT totalling around $60.

If I wait and sell the HNT when it reaches the previous ATH, this months total would be $345.

New to trading? Try crypto trading bots or copy trading

3. Stepn

A new addition last month. I wrote an article on STEPN (here) then STEPN decided to release an update and mess up my strategy! New article on the way for my new strategy though!

I have a level 23 common sneaker which generated 660.68GST this month. At current value this works out to $80.73 for the month.

I’m not going to compare this to the all time high as I don’t believe GST will get back any where close to the all time high but I am continuing to roll any earnings back in to the project.

4. DCA Bots

In total this month I have earned $390 from 3Commas bots.

There’s been a couple of changes here. First off, I’ve introduced a new bot. I had a bit of ETH in my Bybit account so I’ve created a new bot running on Bybit at 5x leverage which has done pretty well netting $48 since 12th June so I’m excited to see how this performs through July.

I’ve also added another new bot for Presearch (PRE) which is a decentralised search engine. Article here. Now I have a short bot & a long both accumulating PRE.

A guide to how I approach setting up bots can be found here.

Finally point, given the prices have tanked over the last couple of months, I wanted to set some perspective on my strategy with these bots. I’ve included a screen shot below which shows how much additional crypto I have accumulated with each bot over the last month. IF these cryptos get back to their all time highs, the profit for the month would be $3,743. IF they only hit their mid point between current price and all time high, this would be worth $2,032.

My strategy, accumulate and compound crypto!

5. SCPrime

This is a long term project that I’m extremely bullish on. An in depth Article can be found here. Not much more to say on this other than I earned 13.3 SCP. At current prices $3.


M2 Pro — $565

Helium — $60

Stepn — $81

DCA Bots — $390

SCPrime — $3

Total: $1,099

And finally, the total if I hold until prices hit the all time high $5,105.

Affiliate Links

More benefits for you can also be found here: https://linktr.ee/RealisticCrypto

Also, if you want to buy me a coffee or a beer :) :

BTC — bc1qaxaq2q9js89gyzhr0202sxt6hhgchprqjga5px

ETH, BNB, AVAX, SOL , FTM based tokens — 0x3B7B843D8125Fe7eBA541e1D751a4A73f0cFad4c


This is not financial advice, I’m not a financial advisor or accountant or tax professional. This is my experience of software tools that have helped me and my experiences with them.

I do use referral links in this guide. Using these supports future articles so if you found this article useful and you want to check out the tools I’ve covered, please use them. I’ll also call out where you get a discount — win-win right?



Mark @ RealisticCrypto

Cryptocurrency trader, miner & investor. Providing Realistic expectations in the Crypto space.