Let’s get Presearch listed on Binance!

Published in
6 min readJun 10, 2022


A lot of people have asked for Presearch to be listed on Binance, but they don’t quite meet the requirements. That means they need our help.

Binance requires a minimum daily trading volume of $1,000,000 to qualify for a listing. To add Presearch to Binance, we’ll need to have 20x the current daily trading volume.

I’m going to cover:

1. Binance’s requirements.

2. Using KuCoin to increase trading volume.

3. The different types of KuCoin Bots that trade PRE.

4. How to use each KuCoin Bot.

5. How Presearch is going to make it easier to buy PRE on KuCoin.

Binance Requirements

Binance requires a variety of prerequisites to launch a coin on their exchange. The requirements are:

  1. Application filled out on https://www.binance.com/my/coin.

2. Answer an 8-page application. Easy peasy. I’ve reviewed the questions and I can answer all of them without the knowledge Trey or Colin has.

3. Pay Binance New coin fee (I’ve heard whispers that Presearch won’t need to pay that though.)

4. Wait 2 weeks to a month for approval.

5. Provide ongoing weekly or monthly progress reports. Already do this.

6. Over $1 million in daily trading volume

7. Incorporate BNB/BUSD into the application. Maybe we’ll be able to buy coins from search engine?

8. Provide support for Binance to your community.

Learn more about Binance listing requirements at https://www.binance.com/en/support/faq/053e4bdc48364343b863d1833618d8ba

Now that you know what Binance requires to get listed on its exchange, let’s look at how to use Kucoin.

Getting funds in KuCoin

If you don’t already have a KuCoin account, you’ll need to sign up for one. You can use my referral code to sign up.


Once you are signed up, you’ll need to move funds into KuCoin. You can buy USDT or BTC with a debit card. Alternatively, you can deposit crypto into KuCoin.

Deposit Money or Crypto in Kucoin

After you have funds in KuCoin, you’ll need to transfer them to your trading account. To transfer click Assets in the bottom right corner. On the next page, click Transfer

Transfer funds from Kucoin Main Account to Trading Account

You’ll then go to a page that shows all your coins. Choose the one you want to transfer to Trading. Then it will take you to the page below.

Kucoin Transfer Screen

Enter the amount and “Confirm.”

Now you are ready to start a trading bot, but which one should you use?

KuCoin Bots

For those of you that have never used KuCoin Bots, you can find them in the KuCoin App. I circled it in the screenshot below.

Find Trading Bot icon in KuCoin

KuCoin has a total of 6 bots you can choose from currently:

1. Spot Grid (PRE/USDT only)

2. Futures Grid (PRE not available)

3. Smart Rebalance (PRE plus up to 5 other coins in bot)

4. Infinity Grid(PRE/USDT only)

5. DCA (PRE/USDT only)

KuCoin trading Bot Options

All bots will have:

  1. The coin(s) you wish to trade. You’ll want use PRE/USDT for most.
  2. A total investment box with a pay with coin option. Minimum of $40, but fluctuates based on the demand for the coin. I’ve seen as high as $1,000 for a minimum.
  3. Stop Price: If price drops below this point, exit coin.
  4. Take Profit Price: If price rises about this price, exit coin.
  5. Auto/Customize Feature: Use Auto to use the AI suggested settings or customized to create your own.

In addition, each bot will have other fields you can fill out. These fields vary by the bot you select.

Let’s start by looking at the Spot Grid.

KuCoin Spot Grid Trading Bot

KuCoin Spot Grid Screen

If you choose to use the spot grid, you’ll need to include the low and high price, number of orders, and total investment. At the time of writing, the minimum for PRE/USDT bots is $126.668.

You can also specify an entry price, stop price, and take profit price.

The spot grid bot works by buying PRE when it goes below prices calculated based on your settings, and selling PRE when the price goes above certain levels.

For instance, if you have the following specs:

Entry: $0.10

Low: $0.07

High: $0.13


Investment: $200

You’ll spend $100 on PRE as soon as you start the bot (or the PRE price reaches the entry price).

Then you’ll have sells at $.1006, .

$.1012, $.1018, $.1024 … $.13.

And buys at $.0994, $.0988, $.0982 … $.07.

A profit is made based on the difference between the buy and the sell price. In this example the minimum profit would be $.012 per $2 trade. Most of the time the spot grid bots do 100–1000 trades per day. So in this example, a $200 bot would generate between $200-$2,000 trading volume.

Futures Grid

The futures grid does not offer Presearch, but it works like the spot grid plus you can short or long a coin with up to 5 times margin.

Smart Rebalance (Only way to do PRE/BTC or PRE/ETH)

Kucoin Rebalancing Bot with PRE, ETH, and BTC trading

Smart Rebalance is a bot that works like an automated index fund. You choose up to 12 coins and assign them a percentage of the portfolio.

You’ll also want to set the auto rebalancing feature based on percent change or time period.

I suggest 1% change because it tend to have better returns, but the 30 minute time period will guarantee 48 transactions no matter what the market is doing. It might incur losses if there are not meaningful market changes in 30 minutes though.

Currently to run a PRE-BTC-ETH bot is $215 minimum.

As the prices rise and fall it will automatically readjust to maintain the same percentage by dollar value.

Infinity Grid

PRE/USDT Infinity Grid Bot on Kucoin

I personally prefer this one.

The infinity grid is a bullish version of the spot grid. One of the problems with the spot grid is there is a top value for the range.

The infinity grid is not range-bound. Just set the minimum price, profit per grid, and how much you want to put in it. After that, it trades every .2%-10% increase until you choose to stop it or it hits the take profit price (when set).


PRE/USDT DCA Bot on Kucoin

The DCA bot will have the lowest trading volume of the bots in this guide.

If you want to dollar cost average into PRE, you can use this bot. Just set the amount you want to invest in each period, the max investment (optional), and the frequency.

The DCA options are 1 hour, 2 hour, 4 hour, 8 hour, 12 hour, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 1 week, and 2 weeks.


That’s how to use each of the different bots on KuCoin to help Presearch get listed on Binance.

Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this blog, make sure to follow me. If you aren’t already using Presearch, try it today.

if you’re already running bots share your comments on the strategies to help others succeed.

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I’m a professional writer that loves music, crypto and economics. Follow me on: Medium.com BrandMadeBetter.com UpFlip.com