MAM — Paving the way into a new age in crypto…

Nelson Crypto passive income
8 min readOct 22, 2022


Hello, my name is Nelson, I’m going to tell you about MAM, they say it’s a miner… Join me and let’s find out!

MAM — Mischief Airdrop Miner…

First off the only reason for this project to have “miner” in the name is because when people join they use BUSD to buy “shitcoins” and those “shitcoins” are used to determine the value of your holdings in the project, subject to inflation we may see the value per “shitcoin” moving up or down.
Ultimately it is this that determines if you are getting paid better or not…
And this is where the miner association ends…

This project brings us some unique and well-thought-out features that make it very interesting and innovative.
One of those is the airdrop feature present in it, the DRIP AIRDROP.
“The Drip airdrop has always just been an added bonus. It’s my fav project and I wanted to “do my part” to add to the faucet tax vault as my teams are really large and I want to see them all get their ROI. I also didn’t want to take the drip for myself as that’s not right so I decided to send it down to my drip team. So if you were in drip and on my team, you would have seen your airdropped drip boosted since the MAM launched.” — Richie Crypto Mischief.

I will take a moment here and simply applaud this!
I am a believer in community-driven, and we have Richie here, who is a DRIP investor, he loves DRIP to the point of creating a whole new project aimed to help his favorite project, while at the same time, trying to get all or most of his team members that may be in the red back to green… Respect!

If you have been in crypto for some time and especially if you heard of DRIP you no doubt know Richie.
I am not in DRIP but have been following Richie’s youtube channel for some time and what I love about his reviews is that he could not care less about getting refs. He loves to talk about crypto and review projects, toss money into it and see it grow, degen-style…
What we can also count on is, that he will feed us no BS, if a project looks good he will tell us, if there is some BS in there that the teams behind may not exactly want us to know and he finds it, you can be sure he will simply open his mic to tell us…
As for the person behind the screen… My previous statement should tell you something about that…

3% Daily
Remember above I said we buy “shitcoins”, but inflation exists… Meaning that just like when we buy a token if the price per token rises the overall value of our bag rises along if the price per token decreases the overall value of our bag decreases as well. And this is the “miner” part. This is important as the 3% are paid over the overall value of our bag of “shitcoins”.
Currently, 500BUSD gives us some 7913 “shitcoins”, setting the price at around 0.063 BUSD per “shitcoin”.
The bad part…
Over time as people claim their rewards both the value of their bags and the value of everyone else in the project decreases, meaning if our bag is worth less we are getting less in daily rewards…
The good news is that MAM is part of a new wave of projects that use outside sources to generate additional income that will be used to fight this inflation keeping the price per “shitcoin” at a more balanced value. EFFECTIVELY TERMINATING THE MINER PART IN MAM!

MAM analytics chart

What we can see here is that on day one and during the initial stage of its launch MAM acted as a miner, rising in TVL and price per “shitcoin” and once people started claiming the TVL dropped bringing the price per “shitcoin” down with it, but then something started to happen… TVL is stabilizing at the 10K BUSD to 12K BUSD range… Why?

Rehypothecation… Or as Richie named it “mirror pools”…
Richie loves DRIP and MAM is built to act as a way to help DRIP and incentivize other people that love DRIP to roll up their sleeves and start doing something to benefit DRIP, but, Richie loves his community and his team also. This made Richie start the mirror pools before MAM was out and during the initial stages of MAM he was building them up, using his own money, almost 10K BUSD he invested in Tomb, Grizzly, Horde, and others and has built it up to almost 40K BUSD, from which he is currently claiming and adding to the MAM TVL an average of 800 to 1000 BUSD worth every week! This will inevitably “kill” the miner and see an ROI Dapp being born! One where the income from the mirror pools will act as an LMS to prevent the price from dipping too low. great entry point all the time…

MAM also features a daily and higher deposit lotto, similar to others we have seen in the space recently but Richie being Richie a twist was needed…

Rank 1: 30%, Rank 2: 25%, Rank 3: 20%, Rank 4: 15%, Rank 5: 10%. Rewards pool is capped to 2,000 BUSD every day”
What this little and beautiful twist does has spread the rewards over more people thus limiting the ability for a single person to dominate the lotto and exponentially increase his “shitcoin” bag, thus preventing whale domination in MAM.
I love a good top depositor prize and I’m sure I will get it a couple of times, this is also a great way to bet your inflation and DCA your “shitcoin” bag btw.

ERS — Elastic Referral System…
This is a simply beautiful way to incentivize community shilling!
Best marketing any product/project can have is word of mouth, and Richie knows this very well.
From 8% to 16% referral bonus.
If the contract balance is growing the referral reward is set at 8%. If the contract balance is shrinking the referral reward is boosted to 12%.”

So as the TVL rises the referral rewards drop to 8% has TVL drops the referral reward rise to 12% as a way to incentivize users to share the word about MAM and bring people in and bring the balance back to a steady and normal level. In an “emergency”, the referral rewards can go up to 16%…

This is quite an ingenious way to get users to understand how important word of mouth is in the crypto space!

MAM is in no way associated with DRIP directly.
There is a 3% tax that is set to buy DRIP from the market and airdrop them to MAM users that are on Richie’s DRIP team. In my opinion, if you are a fan of DRIP you should be in this project! Get out of your seat, and follow Richie’s example, do something to help improve and extend the life span of the project you love, and if you are a DRIP “millionaire” then you should put your eyes on this and give back some to a project that has given you so much…

If like me you are not a DRIP fan and are not invested in DRIP don’t go thinking it’s not worth joining MAM!
I did it! And now, about one month and a half after its launch, here I am finally getting into MAM as I should have done on day one!

MAM is a project that has already achieved a reduced ponzi state and in my belief will very shortly break out of ponzi. The crypto space needs projects like this! More teams willing to work in ways to reduce or break the ponzinomic that kills so many projects, no more late entry losers, no more projects deemed “death” after the initial 5 minutes…

And on top of all this…
0.5% tax for charities! This is crypto to work at its finest! And the way it should be…

If you made it this far you may be wondering about the NFT utility mentioned, but sadly this is something I will cover in a new article coming soon!

In a nutshell!
250 BUSD at this moment will give you some 4040 “shitcoins” that will earn you some 7.5 BUSD per day or 22.50 BUSD per week, if you claim 3 days per week, balance is key, as you are compounding the other 4 days your bag is growing and with the mirror pools set in place and working you are assured to be able to build up a nice bag to earn you more every week. And this is what I call passive income…
I so rarely regret not joining a project on day one but I could not continue to stay away, and I hope this helps you understand Crypto space is changing, evolving, and new mentalities are arising and a new age in crypto will come, don’t sit idle, take action and join the movement to make DeFi a better, safer, and a little fairer to all!


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Nelson Crypto passive income

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