Marble Heroes: All you need to know about the free Play-to-Earn Universe.

Nathaniel Adediran
5 min readAug 4, 2022


Marble Heroes

The traditional game industry has been dominated by strategy games for a long time. The majority of these games were successful because they followed tried-and-true game mechanics.

These games are initially fun, but with time they get boring and repetitive since they are too similar. A number of brand new names have emerged with the growth of GameFi and the emergence of a gaming metaverse in 2021.

When Marble Heroes debuts on major platforms, it will become one of the first games to mix the advantages of blockchain gaming with the perfect features of traditional strategy. The amazing, enormous, and lovely Marble Heroes Universe is developed with a special function.

What is Marble Heroes?

Marble Heroes is a free online blockchain game owned by Vitaliy Yare where players find partners, fight opponents, and pump skills to earn rewards using NFT marble creatures.

Marble Heroes

Along with its core attributes as a card game, Marble Heroes also integrates the style of medieval chess and the imaginative play of a fairy tale. Players may have fun and make money at the same time in Marble Heroes because of its distinctive characters and engaging gameplay.

Marble Heroes Tokenomics.

Token name: Marble Heroes Token

Token Symbol: $MBH

Total Supply: 550,000,000

Marble Heroes Token is an ERC-20 token built on the BSC blockchain. Its primary purpose is to conduct transactions and engage in interactions across the whole Marble Heroes Ecosystem. Marble Heroes Token will be used as a local in-game currency in the ecosystem, as well as a governance and gambling resource.

Marble Heroes Role Design.

There are three races of Marble Heroes, and there are three different types of heroes in each race. The following are the Marble Heroes races.

Marble Heroes

Terran Race.

The Terran Race is a creative race that specializes in utilizing and changing resources to effectively accomplish its objectives. They are a race with high intelligence and medium physical strength. It has very flexible card skills that are effective at handling a wide range of circumstances.

The Terran race consists of Hero types such as:

  • Earthlings.

Earthlings are Terran Race heroes with average physical ability.

They employ many types of weapons and excel at medium- and long-range attacks. They can efficiently cope with most species because they are at the top of the food chain in the Marble universe.

  • Aliens.

Aliens are Terran Race heroes that came to the Marble Heroes Universe to find a new home in outer civilization. Despite having delicate bodies, they have advanced scientific and technological knowledge. They excel at long-range strikes.

  • Artificial humans.

Artificial humans are Terran Race heroes built by artificial intelligence which is controlled by the AI matrix. They excel at medium- and close-range attacks. They have increased self-healing capabilities and a lot of backup parts, although they still have the flexibility of earthlings.

Spirit Race.

In Marble Heroes Universe, a race known as the Spirit Race possesses mysterious magic skills that can change natural energy. They are weak physically, yet they have amazing magical abilities.

Marble Heroes

The Heroes of the Spirit Race are:

  • Plants.

In the world of Marble Heroes, plants are the most popular creature. Plants have good concealing and self-defense skills. They have the magical ability to absorb energy from the earth and are skilled in treatment. They lack flexibility, unfortunately.

  • Animals.

Animals, a Spirit race hero in the Marble Heroes Universe, lived in harmony with plants peacefully since ancient times. They move around a lot. They specialize in quickly converting an attack from a long-range to a short-range one. Animals have strong hunting instincts that enable them to more effectively strike enemy weak points.

  • Elements.

Elements are the representatives of magical energy and are exceptionally skilled in transforming into other elements using the magic energy and abilities of the planet. Although they have powerful magic skills, they are rather weak.

Warcraft Race.

Warcraft Race are mutated from elves because of the erosion of some evil magic. Through the usage of magic, their physical talents are overly enhanced. They are challenging to get rid of and have a severely damaging impact.

Marble Heroes Universe

The Warcraft heroes in Marble Heroes Universe are:

  • Orcs.

Heroes of the Warcraft race, Orcs have powerful physiques and a high pain threshold. Although their thick skin makes it difficult for them to sustain deadly wounds, their low IQ makes them readily fooled by outward looks. When furious, they possess incredible explosive power.

  • Undead.

Undead are Warcraft heroes with the appearance of death and spirit body that make it hard for the enemy to detect them. When they want to launch a lethal attack or when they are going to be attacked, they can hide around the adversary.

  • Zergs.

Zergs are little Warcraft heroes who, although being extremely fragile, can terrify the opponent when they band together. Zergs are adept at blending in with their surroundings and engulfing their adversary with their massive population advantage.

Marble Heroes Business Model.

Marble Heroes will be a free game that will operate as a service. As stated in the project whitepaper Marble Heroes’ Business model will be driven by a strong and diversified revenue model such as:

NFT sales — which include sales of heroes, equipment, and other in-game assets.

Transaction fee — Marble Heroes will charge a small fraction of the $MBH token transaction volume.

Other revenue — including advertising, premium player subscriptions, and services. This will be added later, once the game has matured.

Final Thoughts.

The Roadmap included in the project whitepaper states that the Marble Heroes Game will be released in the first quarter of 2023. By that time, the Marble Heroes Metaverse’s vision will have been realized in full and will be brand-new and more stunning than ever.

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Nathaniel Adediran

A creative Web3 Content Strategist || Web 3 Writer || GameFi Lover