Multiple swaps in a single transaction through DZap

3 min readSep 19, 2022


In the DeFi space, swapping of one token for another is the most basic transactions. But, sometimes a user’s desired intent might be to carry multiple transactions. Example: buying/selling more than one tokens using a Decentralised Exchange (DEX). For this simulation, user needs to make individual swaps for each transaction and pay fees on each one of them. The gas fees, time and efforts increase as the number of transaction increases.

The process by which multiple swaps are carried out in a single transaction is know as Batch swap

Batch swap allows anyone to swap more than one cryptocurrency in a single click. For example: What is the standard procedure if you have 5 ERC-20 tokens in your wallet and want to convert them all to USDT? 5 distinct swaps and consecutive gas fee payments However, with the Batch swap feature, you can swap all five tokens in a single transaction and only pay the gas fee once.

Decentralised Exchanges like Uniswap, Sushiswap, etc don’t have a feature of Batch Swaping. But, DZap has bought this feature live for DeFi users.

DZap — a product designed to streamline the swaping process for all the DeFi users.

What is DZap?

DZap is a one-stop platform to carry Batch Swap. DZap unifies multiple step processes in DeFi into one to provide a more powerful DeFi experience. DZap provides an intuitive UI for users to carry Batch swap that includes — Batch Buy, Batch Sell and Multi-to-Multi.

Batch Buy: Swap one token to multiple tokens. Users can input any token and Batch Swap them into any combination of up to 50 other tokens. This means you can take one token and in one transaction swap it into multiple tokens.

Batch sell: Swap multiple tokens to one token. Users can input any number of token and Batch Swap them into one token. This means you can take multiple tokens and in one transaction swap it into one token.

Multi-to-multi: Swap multiple tokens to other multiple tokens. Example: if you select to swap 3 tokens from your wallet into other 8 tokens, its now possible with DZap.

Batch Swaping through DZap saves upto 42% on gas fess and 80% time.

DZap will roll out more advanced features, dashboards, and more intuitive user experience. Support for LP tokens and Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) will be live soon.


Swaping tokens can be a tedious and time-consuming process. DZap makes swaping and trading much easier and time-efficient, simplifying the process down to a single click.

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Important Note: DZap is in beta mode right now but the platform is fully audited. You check out the audit report here.

You can provide your feedback on DZap Canny or join Discord.

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Don’t Swap , Do DZap , Multiple Swaps in one go!