My mistakes in crypto so you dont have to make them.

2 min readMar 1, 2023


As someone who has been involved in the cryptocurrency space for the past 5 years, I have learned a lot about the industry and made my fair share of mistakes along the way. In this post, I would like to share some of the key lessons I have learned and how I am correcting my mistakes.

Lesson 1: Research before investing

One of the biggest mistakes I made early on was investing in projects without doing proper research. I was caught up in the hype and FOMO (fear of missing out) and invested in projects that had no real use case or value proposition. As a result, I lost a significant amount of money.

I have since learned the importance of doing thorough research before investing in any project. This includes understanding the project’s whitepaper, team, roadmap, and community. I also look for projects that solve a real-world problem and have a clear value proposition.

bad mistake example : Doke Inu

Lesson 2: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Another mistake I made was putting all my crypto investments into one project. I believed in the project and thought it had a lot of potential, but when the market crashed, I lost a significant portion of my portfolio.

I now diversify my investments across multiple projects to reduce my risk exposure. This allows me to benefit from different projects’ potential growth while reducing the impact of market volatility.

Lesson 3: Keep emotions in check

When the market is booming, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype and become overly optimistic. Similarly, when the market is crashing, it’s easy to panic and sell everything.

I have learned that it’s important to keep emotions in check and stick to a long-term investment strategy. I focus on projects with strong fundamentals and don’t let short-term market fluctuations affect my investment decisions.

Lesson 4: Keep up with industry developments (Most important)

The cryptocurrency industry is constantly evolving, and it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest developments. I used to rely solely on social media and news outlets for information, but I have since learned the importance of attending conferences and engaging with the community.

By staying informed, I can make better investment decisions and identify opportunities before they become mainstream.

In conclusion, the past 5 years in the cryptocurrency space have been a learning experience for me. I have made mistakes, but I have also learned valuable lessons that have helped me become a better investor. By doing proper research, diversifying my investments, keeping emotions in check, and staying informed, I am correcting my mistakes and building a strong crypto portfolio.

Do follow me on my twitter : /budakcrypto

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A kid that loves crypto and blockchain, trying my best to give you guys alphas