NFTs: A Gamer’s Journey - Part 2

Challenge #2

Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2023


Hi NFT-game designers,

I’m a gamer. NFTs are not my thing. But hey, they’re getting more popular. So I decided to give it a shot and try myself at NFT gaming. But my little experiment raised many questions.

So I decided to write about my journey, hoping you could find in it useful info to help you onboard other traditional gamers like me.

I broke down my NFT gaming journey into 5 challenges. May they inspire you.

Challenge #2: “OK, & what do I do with them?”

Yeah, I get it — game companies get us buying stuff that we use but never own, but an NFT actually lets us own the digital asset that we use! OK…

But as a gamer, I just want to play games. Good games!

If you want to onboard me, you’ll have to show me that your NFT improves my experience as a gamer.

So how about explaining clearly — what can I do with the NFT? Why should I get one?

Some games are heavily reliant on NFTs and crypto, so you have no choice but to learn about them in order to fully play the game.

The BYOVERSE, for example, is a 3D apocalyptic world on steroids, where players have to survive and thrive in hazardous biomes. It leverages NFTs to build on interoperability and develop its own deep in-game economy. So everything can be an NFT — from a character, to a ship, to a tool or weapon; many resources are tokens on the blockchain.

Treeverse is an open-world classless MMORPG built for mobile with social features and an emphasis on cooperative gameplay. In Treeverse, you can buy appearances for your character which are purely cosmetic NFTs, or land plot NFTs that give you the ability to teleport to it, but that have no effect on your character’s skills, strength or evolution.\

I’ll have to understand NFTs better to play BYOVERSE. But if I want to try myself at NFT gaming and decide on going with BYOVERSE, it could turn out a cool experience as long as the onboarding is done well.


Pay attention to how easy or not it is for a non-NFT gamer to onboard.

And don’t forget to balance the game — I mean, does having NFTs grant you benefits over those without NFTs? Is an NFT the only way to get a benefit?

In other words, is your game a “Pay2Win”?

If the NFT offers an advantage in the game mechanics (or if the NFT is mandatory to play)…

And…if there’s no other way to gain this advantage than by buying the NFT…

Then it’s a Pay2Win.

Crypto gaming temptation

Or make it a fairer path into NFTs. Perhaps enable your NFT either to offer minor bonuses, or bonuses that are reachable for new “Free2Play” players too.

Then I might be interested in your game. And I might even be interested in your NFTs.

But we’ll leave that for our 3rd NFT gaming challenge…in Part 3: “OK, & now, how can I get those NFTs you’re talking about?”

Web3 has a lot of value to offer the individual gamer.

As an NFT game creator, you have the chance not just to influence a gamer’s in-game journey, but his/her IRL journey too — in learning about Web3, NFTs and the blockchain, and reflecting on ownership and asset management.

As a passionate gamer, I hope you’ll seize this opportunity.

And if you do…

I can’t wait to experience your game.

NFTs: A Gamer’s Journey

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