Put Them Farm’n Boots On. These Fields is Ready to Sow!

Blaster Master
4 min readMay 17, 2023


PulseChain is a fork of Ethereum 2.0. The PulseChain main net is live, and it is currently in the first week of it’s existence.

The PulseChain bridge at pulseramp.com is operational but slow. Multiple liquidity pools have been added to the liquidity farm. But only the Pulse:PulseX pair has a TVL over $1,000,000. APRs appear to be extremely high but it is important to remember that the market that generated that yield had high volume and a relatively low total value locked. This means only a few participants were providing liquidity and those liquidity providers, of course, are making all of the fees generated from trades in that liquidity pool. Let’s take a look at the farms that are now open:

Liquidity Farms on PulseChain https://app.pulsex.com/farms

Personally, I do not like to hold a large quantity of bridged tokens. I believe that the developers on this project have the best interest of the network and users in mind. That doesn’t change the fact that a common point of failure for any blockchain network is the bridge. I use a bridge to bring dry powder in. I trade those tokens for currencies that are native to the blockchain that I am on. You may do whatever you are comfortable with. No doubt, early participants and risk takers are gaining huge profits from fees and additional payouts in the Incentive token. Below is a screenshot of the Pulse:PulseX farm and some liquidity info. For security reasons, I will not be showing a funded account.

Drop Down of Pulse:PulseX Farm https://app.pulsex.com/farms
Total Tokens Locked PulseX:Pulse

Now let’s look at the rest.


Dai Stablecoin from Ethereum (DAI)
Contract Address: 0xefD766cCb38EaF1dfd701853BFCe31359239F305

Total Tokens Locked Dai:Pulse
Price Chart Dai Pulsechain

Check it out. The price of Pulse is currently cheaper than it was during the sacrifice phase. Participants in the sacrifice got 10,000 pls per dollar. You can get nearly 50% more than that on PulseX.com right now. If you have Dai on PulseChain that is. If not, you will have to get in line to cross the bridge.


USD Coin from Ethereum (USDC)
Contract Address: 0x15D38573d2feeb82e7ad5187aB8c1D52810B1f07

Total Tokens Locked Pulse:USDC
Price Chart USDC:Pulse

As you can see, there is a discount here too. Not as drastic though.


HEX from Ethereum (HEX)
Contract Address: 0x57fde0a71132198BBeC939B98976993d8D89D225

Total Tokens Locked eHex:Pulse
Price Chart eHex:Pulse
Price Chart Pulse:eHex

These charts can be important for those that sacrificed eHex back in 2021.


Wrapped Ether from Ethereum (WETH)
Contract Address: 0x02DcdD04e3F455D838cd1249292C58f3B79e3C3C

Total Tokens Locked Ether:Pulse
Price Chart Ether:Pulse


Tether USD from Ethereum (USDT)
Contract Address: 0x0Cb6F5a34ad42ec934882A05265A7d5F59b51A2f

Total Tokens Locked USDT:Pulse
Price Chart USDT:Pulse

Hot Dog! Would ya look at that!

Last but not least.


Total Tokens Locked pHex:eHex
Price Chart pHex:eHex
Price Chart eHex:pHex

That’s all folks. Happy hunting. And remember, blockchain transactions are immutable.

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