Ready Player Me: A Metaverse Avatar Creation Platform for Gamefi Projects

Nathaniel Adediran
6 min readSep 10, 2022


If GameFi is to become a reality, avatars must become a key component for developers to use. It would be even better if those avatars could be used in various online games and virtual environments.

Ready Player Me

Ready Player Me (RPM) is one organization that has jumped ahead in the race to offer a platform for interchangeable avatar technology. More than 3,000 creators, including VRChat, PULL & BEAR, Spatial, and others, are already using RPM.

Ready Player Me (RPM) is a free cross-game avatar platform that enables non-commercial users and developers to easily make avatars and use them within their apps.

Components for Ready Player Me

Ready Player Me is made up of two components.

To start, there is the Avatar Creator product, a web-based avatar builder that is accessible to everyone from within the Ready Player Me app or through their individual Ready Player Me account.

Image Credit: Ready Player Me

Secondly, the Ready Player Me SDK, which programmers can use to incorporate RPM, including the Avatar Creator, into their applications. The SDK is available in different varieties, including support for Unity and Unreal Engine, the two top platforms for game developers.

It’s crucial to remember that both Ready Player Me Avatars and the Ready Player Me Avatar SDK are available for free for both developers and end users to use.

Avatar Creator

Users can digitally create and modify avatars using the web-based interface known as the Avatar Creator. Various integration techniques make the Avatar Creator accessible. This includes signing up, creating, and managing the Avatar collection on the Ready Player Me website. On the Demo Ready Player Me website, users can also play around with avatars.

Image Credit: Ready Player Me

As a signed-up development partner, you have access to a unique partner Avatar Creator domain (such as that offers a variety of customization possibilities. Additionally, you can provide an integrated avatar creation feature directly from your application.

A perpetual and specific URL can be used by users and apps to access avatars created with the Avatar Creator and stored on Ready Player Me servers as a .glb file.

The Ready Player Me Avatar, however, cannot be minted as an NFT, even if you are a registered partner.

Real Player Me SDKs & Integrations

Ready Player Me supports numerous distribution platforms and can be integrated with a range of development environments.

For quick integration with Unity and Unreal Engine, Real Player Me offers an SDK. The Avatar Creator can be directly integrated into mobile and web applications using Real Player Me’s native web browser module.

The platforms supported by Real Player Me are listed in the table below.

Ready Player Me Supported Platforms

Use of Ready Player Me

1. Non-commercial use under Creative Commons 4.0

Any avatar you make with the Ready Player Me Avatar Creator is released under the Creative Commons 4.0 license, enabling you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes only. You are free to create demos, improve your academic assignments, or simply experiment with avatar creation for fun when used non-commercially.

Image Credit: Ready Player Me

2. Commercial use as a registered partner

When you sign up as a partner, you can use Ready Player Me avatars in your product for no charge if you want to incorporate them into a profit-making app or game.

Benefits of using Ready Player Me

The Ready Player Me Avatar system has the following benefits that non-commercial users and developers can take advantage of.

1/ Avatar solutions don’t require users to invest their resources in designing and implementing them.

2/ Users can enter your environments by using their avatars.

3/ The platform, app, and environment compatibility of Ready Player Me is excellent.

Creating A Ready Player Me Avatar

The Ready Player Me Avatar Creator must be used to create an avatar before using it in any environment.

There are several ways to access the Avatar Creator, including a web-based interface, a user account where users can store and manage all of their avatars, a partner website for all partners, and apps via an embedded WebView.

An avatar can be downloaded or imported into an environment using a specific URL that serves as its identifier.

How to create an Avatar

Always begin by using the Avatar Creator to create an avatar.

1. Visit RPM Avatar Creation Page

By visiting the Demo Ready Player Me website, you can go straight to the avatar creation page, or you could just register and use the ReadyPlayerMe hub to keep track of your avatar collection.

2. Choose the desired body type

The full-body avatar and the half-body avatar are the two body types that are supported by Ready Player Me.

Full-body avatars are illustrated by a complete 3D model.

Half-body avatars for VR applications consist of a head and hands.

3. Upload a picture

You can upload an existing photo or proceed without a photo. A list of starter avatars is available if you continue without uploading a photo.

Image Credit: Ready Player Me

Follow the instructions to finish creating your avatar. Copy the avatar URL to the clipboard when prompted.

4. Check out your avatar

You can download your avatar’s specifications, access it, and import it into an app using it's URL. To download the .glb file that contains your avatar’s specification, paste the URL you saved for it into a browser.

To see your avatar, open the .glb file. Any viewer that accepts .glb specifications will allow you to view your avatar. For instance, on a Windows PC, double-click the file to open it in the pre-installed 3D Viewer.

5. Integrate with the platform of your choice

Additionally, once you have your custom domain, you can integrate the Avatar Creator into your Unity, Unreal, mobile, or web application.

Ready Player Me Partnership

Developers must register as development partners if they want to use Ready Player Me avatars in their paid apps or games.

Benefits of Ready Player Me Partnership

1/ You will be able to use Ready Player Me avatars in commercial applications.

2/ Free Partner subdomain (such as

3/ You will have the option of selecting either the Light or the Dark avatar creator theme.

4/ You will have the option to select between full-body and half-body avatar types.

5/ Advanced avatar configuration options include texture LODs, switching hands, altering the export pose, and blending shapes for animation, among many others.

6/ Exclusive updates and concentrated developer support

Apply to become a partner with Real Player Me.

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Nathaniel Adediran

A creative Web3 Content Strategist || Web 3 Writer || GameFi Lover