The 450 million iPods that helped Apple sell 2.2 billion iPhones.

Durwin Ho
4 min readJun 29, 2022


Apple sold 450 million units of iPod.

“RIP iPod, you walked so smartphones could run”

That was the headline for TechCrunch when they announced that Apple, one of the richest company in the galaxy, is ending the iPod.

That means Apple will no longer be selling the iPod, supporting it in terms of repairs and warranty.

As for existing iPods, they will sell whilst stocks last.

I swear I didn’t realise Apple was still selling the iPod till today!

It is an end of an era.

I don’t know how many if you were there when Steve Jobs unveiled the iPod.

But it was as if the earth shook just enough to go off its axis.

It was like Jobs parting heaven with that tiny device that could contain 1,000 songs and have a 10-hour battery life.

Remember, back when the choices were between a Blackberry or a Sony Walkman, that uses discs that coffee-shop owners are now reusing as reflective plates to ward off pigeons at hawker centers in Singapore.

The iPod literally changed the game forever.

The iconic ads Apple did for the iPod.

Everyone else was thinking how to make CDs smaller, more portable, more mobile.

Apple was reinventing what was possible, thinking about squeezing hard drives into the palm of your hands.

They were building starships and thinking of interstellar travel while everyone else were building faster cars.

That was in 2001.

Steve Jobs unveiling the iPod was a generational game-changing moment in modern tech history.

Every young person interested in tech, startups, innovation who wants to up their presentation and communication skills in general should watch the original demo in 2001.

Now some 20+ years later and 17 generations of iPods later, the world has kept up and it is now time for the iPod to retire and bask in its glory.

The iPod changed an entire generation.

The classic, unforgettable scroll wheel design that baffled and astounded everyone.

The metallic, ultra-sleek exterior that was like nothing in the market at all.

The iPod Mini and Nano made music portable, fun, easy and cool.

The iPod Touch gave birth the iPhone, which went on to change its generation, again.

The iPod Shuffle was just an extremely quaint and cute device.

I don’t even use it but I got it for the form factor and coolness.

There is just so much history and beauty in the iPod and also how Apple pays attention to their products.

All of the best companies in the world are product driven.

Apple is no exception.

They were strict with product design.

They were relentless with achieving perfection for all aspects of their product.

“Without the iPod, there’s no iPhone, no iPad. Last week, iPod and iPhone co-creator Tony Fadell

The iPod went through so many changes, each one better than the last one.

Then again, knowing when to end a product line is also an art.

Each of Apple’s product makes hundreds of millions, the iPhone made nearly $200B in 2021.

Knowing when to “retire” or end a product is critical too, as much as knowing when NOT to kill a product.

Apple probably realised that despite upgrading and improving the iPod, the sheer might and power of a modern iPhone is just too overwhelming.

The latest iPhone can do anything and can cost more than their MacBooks!

Would love to hear Apple’s thought process behind why they decided to end the iPod and why now.

The iPod will go down in history as a pivotal product that opened doors nobody knew.

Long live the iPod.


Have you ever owned an iPod?


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Durwin Ho

CEO of StartupX | Web3.0, Crypto, DeFi, NFT Enthusiast |HyperX Sustainability Hackcelerator | Startup Weekend Singapore.