The Graph: the google of web 3.0



Tokens are for web 3.0 while static pages are for web 1.0

With the rise of projects and innovation in the blockchain industry, there has been an increasing rise in the adoption of web 3.0 projects.

There is a need for developers to effortlessly search for data with little or no stress. That is where the idea of “ The Graph” comes into the picture.

What is the Graph?

The Graph ( GRT) was launched in December 2020. The Graph is a decentralized and open-source indexing protocol that helps developers to interact and search for Ethereum data through simple queries.

The Graph makes the whole process of accessing data inside an open or closed system much easier than it seems.

This makes the Graph a strong pillar of web 3.0 and a vital linkage to blockchain databases.

Interest in the use of the Graph continues to grow as statistics have shown, more than 1 billion search queries in June 2020.

Source: The Graph search queries

History of The Graph

Back in 2017, Yaniv Tal co-founder of the Graph protocol, and his colleagues ran into a problem while trying to build new Ethereum dApps.

They came to the realization that there was no querying or indexing software for Ethereum. They realized that blockchain developers go through the pain of finding and collecting their own data to build applications in the Ethereum network.

There was a need for indexing software or google of blockchain

This idea led Tal and his colleagues to make an application that made data retrieval much easier for developers and for the crypto community at large.

Tal and his colleagues created the world's first and most efficient blockchain indexing software called “ The Graph”.

How does the Graph work?

The Graph has a series of “subgraphs” which are referred to as APIs (Application Programming Interface) on the blockchain.

API helps your computer to communicate and interact with other services without you building new connecting infrastructures.

Think of the API as a restaurant menu. You are given a menu to pick what you and your friends want to eat and drink without going into the restaurant kitchen. Whatever you and your friends pick will be served without knowing what happened in the kitchen.

API works as the menu, we query it to give us information from the databases through the internet. API makes data retrieval easy.

Subgraphs are like API, they work by using their own open-source query language called GraphQL (QL stands for query language).

GraphQL serves as the backend to Graph’s search engine. With the help of the subgraphs, developers can pull a list of records and define the exact record and data they want to make use of.

Data retrieval has never been easy and the world we live today places so much importance on data. The Graph would definitely become one of the sorts after projects in the blockchain industry.

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I am a crypto writer and analyst with over five years of experience researching DeFi, Metaverse, NFT, and the latest crypto trends.