The Rise of NFT Royalties: Game-changer For Artists & Investors in 2023

Pavithra Umashankar
5 min readMar 6, 2023


Rise of NFT Royalties

It’s no secret that art and investing constantly evolve. And with new technologies come new opportunities for artists and investors alike. One such opportunity is the rise of NFT royalties.

Unlike traditional royalties, which are paid out after a work is sold, NFT royalties are paid each time an NFT changes hands. So, if an NFT is sold multiple times, the artist will receive a percentage of each sale.

The payment passing for every sale could be a game-changer for artists, who often struggle to make a living from their work. With NFT royalties, they could earn ongoing income from their artworks — even if they’re not actively selling them.

NFT Royalties: An Overview

NFT royalties are a payment that the creators of certain digital assets, such as artwork, videos, or other online content, may receive. These payments are made in exchange for the use of the asset and can be either one-time or recurring. In some cases, NFT royalties can also be earned by those who hold or trade the asset.

Working of NFT Royalties

When an NFT is sold, the creator can include a royalty fee in the smart contract code, a set of rules governing how the NFT is bought, sold, and traded on the blockchain. The royalty fee is usually a percentage of the resale price, ranging from 2.5% to 10%.

Whenever the NFT is resold on a secondary market, the smart contract automatically calculates the royalty fee based on the percentage set by the creator. It transfers the payment to the creator’s wallet address. The creator can earn ongoing income every time their NFT is resold, even if they only received payment for the initial sale.

Royalties incentivize creators to continue producing high-quality content, as they can earn a share of the profits from subsequent sales of their work. They also ensure that the value of the NFT is maintained over time, as the creator’s ongoing involvement and interest in the work can help to drive demand and increase its overall value.

How to Calculate NFT Royalties?

The calculation of NFT royalties involves multiplying the price of the NFT with the percentage of royalty agreed upon. The resulting amount is paid to the artist whenever someone utilizes the NFT.

To illustrate, an NFT represents a painting sold for 1 ETH with a 10% royalty fee. In this case, the artist would receive 0.1 ETH whenever someone accesses or utilizes the painting. The mechanism guarantees that artists receive adequate compensation for their creations each time they are employed.

Are NFT Marketplaces Avoiding NFT Royalties?

There are several reasons why marketplaces might be avoiding NFT royalties.

They believe it is unnecessary and slows down the buying and use of NFTs. Some artists have started to create NFTs without including royalty provisions, making it more difficult for marketplaces supporting royalties to compete.

However, not all NFT marketplaces have chosen to eliminate the royalty system. OpenSea, for example, continues to support the royalty system.

Also, Magic Eden supports Ethereum and Solana-based NFTs and plans to charge royalties for both but not Cardano-based NFTs. In October 2022, Cardano’s NFT volume surpassed Solana’s, potentially due to this difference in royalty policy. The popularity of royalties may have influenced the outcome!

Lucrative Benefits of NFT Royalties

The benefits of NFT royalties are twofold.

Benefits of NFT Royalties

Passive Income!

NFT Royalties provide a passive income stream for creators and rights holders. They can be sold for much higher prices than traditional digital files since they’re considered more valuable and unique.

Increased Asset Value

They help to increase the value of the underlying asset (the NFT itself). For example, if an NFT sells for $1,000 and the creator or rights holder receives $100 in royalties, the value of the NFT has increased by 10%. The increase in value can attract new buyers and help to drive up prices even further.

Complete Ownership

Selling NFTs allows artists and creators to retain complete control over their work, and they can decide when and how it’s useful and don’t have to give up any rights to sell it.

Eliminating Art Galleries

By creating and selling an NFT on a platform, artists can earn a percentage of each sale made from that NFT. It provides the artist with a constant revenue stream without relying on art galleries or other intermediaries.

Improved Works

NFT royalties can encourage artists to create better work. Since they will receive ongoing payments for their work, artists get incentives to create pieces that will be popular and in demand. It can lead to higher-quality art and more opportunities for artists to sell their work.

Additional Revenue Streams

There are various avenues for NFT holders to generate passive income, including

Revenue Streams
  • Staking their NFTs for rewards proportional to the number of staked tokens
  • Renting out their NFTs for a set period
  • Receiving payment based on the rental agreement
  • Contributing to liquidity pools for rewards based on NFT trading volume.

Also, NFTs with built-in utilities or yield farming can provide profit opportunities.

Notably, electronic musician Jaques Green earned $27,000 in royalties from his 2011 track, while artist Mike Winkelmann has programmed his NFT to pay a 10% royalty on future sales.

Famous artists like Steve Aoki, Ozuna, and Kings of Leon are also embracing this new technology to drive sales and generate royalties, making it a lucrative source of revenue for creators and buyers alike.

Final Thoughts

To maximize earnings from NFTs, explore using royalties with other profitable methods. Learn about the NFT market, creators, royalty percentages, staking rewards, and passive income opportunities. Interested in investing in impactful crypto, NFT, and metaverse projects? Find the top NFT development company and connect today!

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