The Secret to Web3 Success: Start Marketing Early!

Abimbola Abe
5 min readMar 3, 2023


Are you a founder who’s poured blood, sweat, and tears into building a game-changing product, only to realize that no one knows about it?

You’re not alone.

It’s a common mistake to overlook marketing until the day of launch, but that’s a missed opportunity to create a buzz around your brand and attract early adopters.

Imagine this: what if you could build a community of passionate fans eager to spread the word about your product?

What if you could attract media attention and investor interest without cold-calling or sending countless emails?

And what if you could do all this without feeling like you’re pushing your product down people’s throats?

It’s not a fantasy.

Effective marketing strategies allow you to create a brand that resonates with your target audience and excites people about what you’re building.

In this post, we’ll explore why marketing should be top of mind from day one and how it can help you achieve your business goals.

So buckle up because I’m about to show you the power of marketing in the world of Web3.

Build A Community

As a founder in the web3 industry, you have a vision that burns deep within your soul.

You’ve poured countless hours, sweat, and tears into creating a product that will revolutionize the world.

But what good is that product if no one knows about it?

That’s why marketing should be on your mind from day one.

Building a community around your product is not just about attracting potential customers; it’s about creating a movement.

It’s about inspiring people to join your cause, believe in your vision, and help you achieve your dreams.

By sharing your journey and passion with the world, you can build a tribe of early fans who will champion your product and spread the word to their networks.

These early adopters can become your biggest advocates, helping you gain traction and build momentum.

But building a community takes time, effort, and consistency.

You can’t wait until launch day to start talking about your product.

You need to start early, planting the seeds of excitement and anticipation in the minds of potential customers.

That’s where marketing comes in.

By creating a consistent stream of content, you can build brand awareness and establish your product as a thought leader in your industry.

You can show your potential customers why your product is unique, how it solves their pain points, and why they can’t live without it.

Don’t wait until the last minute to start thinking about marketing.

Don’t let all of your hard work and passion go unnoticed.

Start building your community today and watch your vision come to life.

Building a Brand

Building a brand takes time and effort and cannot be achieved overnight.

By promoting your product early and consistently, you can start planting the seeds of brand awareness and build a loyal following that will be eager to see your product succeed.

Think about it — if you wait until the day of your product launch to start talking about it, you’re essentially starting from scratch.

You’re trying to splash in a crowded market without any prior visibility or momentum.

But if you start building your brand early on, you can gradually build buzz and momentum over time, creating a groundswell of interest and excitement around your product that will be hard to ignore.

So don’t underestimate the power of brand awareness. It’s not just a buzzword or a vague concept — it’s a critical component of your success in the web3 industry.

Promoting your product early and consistently can build a following, generate buzz, and create the foundation for long-term success.

Attract Your Audience

By creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience, you can make a magnetic effect that draws them to you.

Imagine sitting back and watching the right people come to you without spending endless hours chasing them down.

By investing in marketing from day one, you can make this dream a reality and free up your time to focus on what matters — building a great product and serving your customers.

Self Promotion

You’ve poured your heart and soul into building a revolutionary product that has the potential to change the world.

But now comes the hard part — you need to sell it.

As a founder, you know that self-promotion can sometimes be uncomfortable and even daunting.

But what if I told you that marketing isn’t just about promoting your product, it’s also about promoting yourself and your skills as an entrepreneur?

Marketing is your chance to showcase your passion, vision, and ability to solve problems creatively.

It’s an opportunity to connect with your target audience and build trust.

The more you practice marketing, the better you communicate your value proposition and persuade others to buy into your vision.

Think of marketing as your secret weapon to success.

By flexing your self-promotion muscle, you’re not just promoting your product; you’re also promoting yourself as a leader and a visionary.

You’re showing the world what you’re made of and why you’re the best person to bring your product to market.

So don’t be afraid to market your product from day one.

Embrace it as an opportunity to showcase your talents and build a loyal following of early fans and advocates.

With the right marketing strategy, you can create a powerful brand, attract investors and media attention, and ultimately drive sales and growth for your business.


Marketing is not just a necessary evil or a box to check off your to-do list. It’s a crucial part of your journey as a web3 founder and deserves your attention and effort.

So don’t wait until the last minute to start marketing your product. Start today, and watch your success story unfold.

Are you ready to take your web3 business to the next level?

Start prioritizing your marketing today and reap the benefits of a strong brand, engaged community, and more efficient outreach.

Don’t wait until launch day to start building awareness and generating interest.

Take action now and watch your business thrive in the competitive web3 industry.

Click here to book a free marketing consultation with me.

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Abimbola Abe

Documenting my transition Journey into Web3 || Web3 enthusiast and digital marketer. Experienced community manager and writer.