The ten most interesting Blockchain-apps on my iPhone! :-)

Bert Bosman
7 min readJun 17, 2018


Do you want to earn crypto too? Do you already use an app on your iPhone which is connected to the blockchain? Read on and find my top-ten picks and be amazed what’s already out there. They’re all for iOS and in alphabetical order, but therefore also ‘random’… if that makes any sense. I hope so. Enjoy! ;)

Alien Arsenal

Although this game is about the battle for the blockchain I am very well aware of the fact that I’m starting off a little bit weak here. Alien Arsenal is only on this list to prove a point. All these apps (and yes the platforms that they run on too, in this case Ethereum ; ) are in development. So yes, there can be some downtime or yes, it might be a bit slow now and then. We’ll even have to wait for confirmations, like in this app, but hey… it’s all work-in-progress people!

I think it’s very important to be aware of this and to be a little bit humbled by the fact that we’re still living in very-early adaptor phase. Trust me though, this list gets better with every step we make and by the time we’ve finished the article probably some new updates have already been uploaded to the app store again.

This game by 8circuitstudios is about developing your own Alien ERC-721 token and throwing those aliens into the battle arena to fight with some bosses, if they’re not too busy that is. You can also train them and lots of more possibilities to come. Try it and see why these crypto-games need to go on a side-chain for sure! 😉


Are you also wondering whether your token is a security or a utility? In this article about the experiental economy you can read why I think you’re missing the point. But click and be amazed later please, because it’s kind of a long-read.

In short? BlockV is all about this new collectible token called a vAtom and you can pick them up, drop them, pay with them, leave a message or use your imagination to design it in any other way you can. Whatever you can think of a token should be able to do, it might very well be possible with this application in the nearby future. So yes, this app will deliver what marketeers are dreaming of and no, they do not have a clue yet of what’s to come. I am very curious to see how this develops.


Off course one of the more interesting questions nowadays is, which wallet will win the match in the battle for mass adoption? Did you discover some cool wallets already? This was the first on my phone, so I’m writing it down with a little bit of sentimental value here. If you want to join a really cool competitor, go check out Ethos! They will launch with a community airdrop. Starting out with a lot of coins seems like a very bright idea to me. Maybe you’re still in time to register for that. I think you can finish the article first though, but be fast, it will launch soon!


Cindicator is looking for the master forecasters of our planet. Are you one of them? Apparently only 2% of us will be qualifying for that position, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t give it a try. If you do your predictions well, then yes, you’ll make some ether too! Don’t set your expectations to high though.. that just might be a very bad forecast… ;)


Do you also want to make money with your attention?

Off course. I’m looking forward to the day that we’ll make coins just by reading, but until then we’ve got this app. If you like this article, please use this link to sign up with Earn please! I’ll make a buck extra in BTC, and for you it’s possible to earn it back real quick. Your attention that is…

Usually the requests are from crypto-start-ups who like to add some real human users to their twitter or telegram-accounts, which off course they can brag about later. But this is very cool to keep up to date too on what’s developing in the crypto-scene. I must admit. Business in Earn is a tad bit slow lately. Could it have something to do with this bear-market we’re seeing?

The Bear will vanish.. have patience! ;)


I’m really looking forward to connecting my crypto-Instagram account to my Indahash-app, but somehow I keep getting stuck at only 12 followers, which were the statistics way back when I started out a few weeks ago… ( time flies in crypto-land ; ). I’ve made the 300-followers requirement already, but Indahash does not update the data in their app very well. So, there are some bugs, but that doesn’t mean there’s no potential. The whole idea is that an advertiser will pay you for putting some tags in your pre-ordered Instagram post-updates. So we can all be real influencers some day. I’m looking forward to trying it for real and earning some IDH-tokens!

Spells of Genesis

The first card of this addictive game sold for 3.700 dollars in 2016!

S-o-G is the first gaming-app that I’ve discovered with an actual blockchain-wallet inside, although I must say, it does not really function 100% yet (and secretly, yes it’s actually just the Indiesquare wallet we’re connecting with ; ).

If you want to get a feel of the direction this blockchain-world of collectible cards is developing into… go check out this kickstarter-campaign of Zombie Battleground from Loom Network!

How great is it that “in principle from now on” we can be true owners of our own hard-fought-for digital assets in a game? BTW. The Satoshi-card from above was sold for 6.65 bitcoin back then. Do the math, but no tokens yet for that also unfortunately. Which reminds me. I’m looking forward to some education apps. If you know any.. do write them down in the comments! ;)


This is a big exception to this top-ten list! BEWARE: this is not a blockchain-app!

In this app we are not the owner of every coin we make. Once you realise what that means, you’ll probably be an even bigger fan of crypto-currencies and decentralisation from now on. That being said, the token-economics are quite interesting for this in-app-currency. You’ll make coins by walking and you can make even more if you pay a subscription with your earned coins. Later on you can buy very cool stuff too like clothes, backpacks and flight tickets for your holiday. That is if you walk there first off course, because you’ll need quite a lot of them.

If these guys from Sweatcoin don’t cancel your subscription or change the rules later all is fine! Can we trust them? O yeah also, I want to advise you to read the subscription terms, but first you’ve got to find them somewhere. I’ve looked and e-mailed the team, but got this reply…

I could not find any subscription-terms yet… so there might be a catch. Be careful when taking steps outside the door and going into real life too. It’s a totally different world out there, nothing like what you expect from behind the screen!


Speaking of crypto-kitties and collectibles again. Toshi is the Ethereum wallet which I’ve used on my phone to buy two of those purring little cuties and I could also store them inside. I’ve still got to transfer some Ether to let them breed, so for the time being they’ll just have to HODL a bit I guess. This is more then just a wallet though. It is basically a sort of MetaMask for your phone, and you can access all kind of cool decentralised applications with it. Put some Ether in your wallet from the bot ( you’ll get 27 cents if you are very persistent ; ) and you can already make some transactions with it. If you really feel the need to sent something somewhere, or you feel sorry for the kitties.. then you can off course use my address too!



So, wow, that went fast. We’ve already reached the tenth application. With the airminer of the very interesting game Worldopoly you can literally mine coins in your town. You can trade these coins for WPT-tokens later on, and with those tokens you can actually buy any street in your neighbourhood too. Then in the nearby future you’ll also be able to put AR advertisements and so on in your streets to make some extra bucks! Do I need to say more? I’m sold for this interesting game in our new world layer of augmented reality and looking forward to improved versions and different ideas that are evolving out of these developments…

That’s it for now folks! Off course I could’ve also mentioned a few more, like insuring your bike with Teambrella, making some Ether by shooting a video on Rize, or identifying yourself with Civic for instance, but to be honest, these apps are a little bit less developed and/or not that addictive at all. So I’ve chosen to focus more on apps for daily use this time…

If you like this article you can sent me some free4you-LIKE-coin via this link! :)

If you have already discovered some cool apps yourself or got some other remarks, please.. let me know in the comments!

AR-Advertising in Worldopoly!

