Time To Start A Business With NFT Game Development Like CryptoKitties!

Allan Jackob
4 min readMay 25, 2022


There are numerous business opportunities in the world right now and all the credits go to the concept of decentralization. This is leading to the inception of incredible opportunities. Right now, the gaming industry is on a massive roll. Gaming is one of the few industries that is loved and adored by almost everyone in the world. It is in existence for more than three decades. Moreover, it is also one of the few industries that strive to reach great heights every year in a resilient fashion; from Super Mario to GTA games, the growth has been phenomenal, and exceptional new ways to play are unlocked as well in the gaming industry’s tenure in the world.

NFT Game Development Like Cryptokitties
NFT Game Development Like Cryptokitties

Now, the gaming industry has unlocked another cheat code by entering the blockchain world. There are various games that have been released ever since the entrance into the NFTs and blockchain world, but, one has been the pioneer for everything in gaming; it is CryptoKitties. This game is perfect for gaming and NFT enthusiasts to start a solid NFT game development like Cryptokitties business and experience all the great things of NFT gaming firsthand.

Why Are NFT Games The Current Trend?

Before the addition of NFTs to games, the complete profits made by the game were only shared among the developers and the company. The players got none; all they had to do was play and enjoy the game and not earn any profits. This is now overcome with the help of NFTs and blockchain; coining to a very popular term nowadays called “Play to Earn”.

Benefits of playing NFT-based games,

☀ With the help of NFTs, all the gaming collectibles in the games are represented as NFTs and they are used for monetization ultimately. These NFT collectibles are traded on various secondary marketplaces.

☀ Playing the game fair is the code for every player in the world. But, there are few players who like to break that code. In order to neutralize those players, the blockchain is used. Each and every gaming transaction and information is stored in the public ledger, and thus, transparent to all. Therefore, the unfair advantage used by players is removed.

☀ Saved game data is one of the important factors for a game. If the game data is deleted, the complete hard work for the game is gone. In order to let players secure their data, blockchain technology is used. In this way, when an abrupt shutdown happens, the data is secured effectively.

CryptoKitties- Explained

CryptoKitties is one of the pioneering games in the NFT world. This game is developed on the Ethereum blockchain. This game involves the process of breeding digital cats. These digital cats are represented as NFTs. These digital cats are divided into many generations and based on their generations, the outlook of the digital cats varies. The complete functioning of this game starts by purchasing two cats from the marketplace. In order to step foot inside the game, the breeding of the two digital cats must take place. The breeding leads to the formation of a new cat. The characteristics of the new digital cat are dependent on the characteristics of the parent cats. This is done with the help of a technology called the Genetic algorithm. This concept is very much similar to the DNA processing in humans.

nft game development like cryptokitties
Cryptokitties -NFT Cats

The interesting part of this gaming platform is that the users get to choose the rarity level of the digital cats. For example, if users vote for the digital cat NFT to have a yellow background, then the rarity lowers and vice versa. Once, the NFT cats are rewarded to the users, they can sell them on various secondary marketplaces.

NFT Games As A Business Development Niche

NFT games are becoming more popular day by day. Now, it is a much-requested domain by everyone in the digital space. This is the prime reason for business platforms to drift towards the concept of NFT and blockchain games. Thus, it would be a perfect scenario for businesses to experience the novelty of this technology and also the rewards of profits and revenue along the way. In order to achieve this stage, there are various NFT games to choose from, and the best one is the NFT game development like CryptoKitties. This development core can be provided to the business entities with the help of an NFT game development company.

Final Thoughts,

The NFT game development is the most trending business opportunity in the digital space right now. Moreover, getting a perfect development domain like this will pour in with immense revenue and profits in no time. Now is the time! It’s high time to search for a blockchain development company to get the best NFT game development like Cryptokitties and create a gaming empire in no time!

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