TRIZ Method in Blockchain Projects: Creative Thinking Technology

Sergey Golubev (Сергей Голубев)
7 min readAug 25, 2022


Mankind does not stop, and the last decades confirm this — the number of achievements and discoveries is steadily growing. And all thanks to the fact that some people find unique algorithms to simplify standard, routine processes. One of them is the TRIZ method. The theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) is one of the most controversial methods.


In 1946, Soviet engineer, scientist, and science fiction writer Genrich Altshuller began to study problem-solving techniques most often used by inventors. In total, he pointed out 40 techniques, which he called the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ). He came to the conclusion that the solution of a technical problem leads to a moment when there is no answer to the question yet, and there are many options. Every inventor finds himself in this situation. Altshuller also concluded that the most effective solution to a problem is achieved with the help of resources (material, temporal, spatial, human, and so on) that one already has. Then the answer will become obvious. In the 80s, this theory was taken as the basis for teaching methods in Soviet schools and used in factories. Today TRIZ is widely recognized all over the world. Leading manufacturing companies use TRIZ methods and tools in their work — Samsung, LG, Gillette, HP, Intel, Boeing, Xerox, Ford, Toyota, Kodak, Johnson&Johnson, and others. World TRIZ conferences are held every year, and the International, Asian and European TRIZ Associations are actively involved in their activities. In 1998, the Altshuller Institute was opened in the USA to train engineers and managers.

What is it?

TRIZ is a set of methods for solving problems and improving systems. With it, you can increase efficiency and improve the ability to solve complex problems, while using a creative approach, developing imagination and flexible thinking. Some experts consider this theory the most effective for developing creative skills, as it is not based on assessment and does not provide a single correct answer. The theory is applied when inventive problems arise in way of a person. These may be those problems that are not solved in obvious or familiar ways. That is, you need to invent something that will help you win without any losses.

When to use?

The TRIZ decoding hints that there are some inventive problems. And just when they arise, the need to apply the theory begins. An inventive problem is a problem that cannot be solved by known or obvious means. Therefore, there is a need for an invention that will allow you to win, while losing nothing. The first step on the way to the invention: reformulate the problem so that the formulation itself cuts off inefficient solutions:

• Everything should remain as it was

• EITHER the harmful, unnecessary quality must disappear

• EITHER a new, useful quality will appear

Thus, an ordinary task becomes an inventive one when it is necessary to eliminate a contradiction in order to solve it, or, in other words, to arrive at an ideal final result.

How to deal with contradictions?

A contradiction is a relationship between two concepts and judgments, each of which is a negation of the other. There are three types of contradictions in TRIZ. In the list, they are arranged from the simplest in terms of the resolution to the most difficult:

ü An administrative conflict occurs when “the system needs to be improved, but I don’t know how or I don’t have the right to do so.” This contradiction can be neutralized by studying additional materials or making administrative decisions — that is, by searching for resources with which this contradiction can be resolved.

ü A technical contradiction occurs when an improvement in one parameter of a system leads to a deterioration in another parameter. For example, the wing of an airplane needs to be strong — more material is needed for this. But it should be light — but then it will not be strong.

ü Physical contradiction: “to improve the system, some part of it must be in different physical states at the same time, which is impossible.” This is the most difficult contradiction because it rests on the physical laws of nature.

Ideal Solution

An ideal solution or an ideal final result is a situation in which the problem is solved without any cost or loss. That is, external resources are not used, nothing in the system becomes more complicated, and no undesirable effects appear. The formulation of the ideal solution can be carried out in three ways, but in any case, the use of the words “self”, “itself”, “by yourself”, and so on. If the Ideal Solution is formulated correctly, then the desired effect will be achieved practically free of charge, that is, using existing resources. So, basically, three formulations of the Ideal Solution are used:

1. The system independently implements this function.

2. There is no system, and its functions are performed by using available resources.

3. The function is not necessary.

Types of TRIZ resources

Resources are everything that is useful and necessary to achieve the desired result. As we remember, in order to achieve a result, it is necessary to use only those resources that are already available. In TRIZ, they are divided into several categories:

ü Temporary

ü Information. This includes books and other media, as well as social channels.

ü Material. Here it is worth thinking about equipment, money, or tools.

ü Spatial. Area, volume, and other resources.

ü Humanitarian. This category includes the people themselves, and their capabilities, such as sight, hearing, smell, and touch.

ü Energetic. Electric, thermal, atomic energy, sound signals and so on stand out here.

ü Others. This includes culture, image, and other resources, including past events.

TRIZ Decision Techniques

In TRIZ, 40 different methods and techniques have been identified for solving contradictions in technical inventive problems. Below I will list the 10 most popular ones:

1. The principle of splitting up

It works like this:

• we divide the object into independent parts;

• we carry out tasks in a partial form;

• increase the degree of splitting.

2. The principle of issuance

Here we separate from the object those parts or properties that interfere or are not needed, or, conversely, we select the necessary elements.

3. The principle of association

To implement it, we do the following:

• we connect objects that are homogeneous or intended for related operations;

• we unite homogeneous or adjacent operations in time.

4. The opposite principle

Here we follow the following algorithm:

• perform an action opposite to what is dictated by the conditions of the problem;

• make the moving part immovable, and the immovable one we set in motion;

• turn the object inside out or turn it upside down.

5. The principle of continuity of useful action

In its implementation, work must be carried out continuously. In this case, all elements must function at full load all the time, and the performer should eliminate idle and intermediate actions.

6. The principle of “turning harm into favor”

• Non-standard method, but it works, and as follows:

• use harmful factors to achieve a positive effect;

• we eliminate the harmful factor by combining it with other harmful factors;

• we strengthen the harmful factor to such an extent that it ceases to be harmful.

7. The principle of “intermediary”

To implement it, you should introduce an intermediate object that transfers or transfers the action. You can also temporarily attach another easily removed object to the project object.

8. The principle of self-service

Everything is simple here — the object serves itself independently, if necessary, performs auxiliary and repair operations.

9. The principle of copying

Instead of an inaccessible, complex, expensive, inconvenient, or fragile part, simpler or cheaper copies can be used.

10. The principle of cheap fragility instead of durability

This implies the replacement of an expensive part with a cheaper set, inferior to the original in some qualities, such as durability.

TRIZ and creativity

To understand what is common between TRIZ and the creative approach, let’s identify some similarities in them. So, both methods are based on the following methods of finding a solution:

Ø Brainstorming is an active discussion of an object by several participants without a preliminary evaluation of proposals. Each person should offer as many options for solving the problem as possible, even if they are unrealistic to implement.

Ø The method of analogies involves comparing and identifying similarities between two objects. Works great when combined with brainstorming.

Ø Morphological analysis is a search for solutions for individual elements of the problem and their further combination in the work.

Ø The method of focal objects is the search for associations with random objects and the use of those properties that are not related to the main subject.

Ø The Robinson method includes the search for the most diverse ways of using the selected object.

Ø The system operator implies finding connections that allow you to create a separate system

How to use TRIZ to solve problems in the blockchain

In order for the technology to help solve the problem, it is advisable to follow the following algorithm of actions:

1. Formulate the inventive problem of the code in the project

2. Analyze the system and determine what parameters the task consists of

3. Identify the contradiction and determine what kind it belongs to

4. Formulate the ideal end result — what should be

5. Identify available resources to help with the solution process

6. Use one or more suitable techniques

7. Analyze the result

Despite the fact that this technique was originally intended to solve technical problems, it has found wide application in other areas. With its help, you can find non-standard solutions to standard problems. In fact, every person daily implements TRIZ techniques and principles, but simply does not know it.

Written by Sergey Golubev (Сергей Голубев)

Crynet Marketing Solutions,, EU structural funds, ICO/STO/IEO projects, NGO & investment projects, project management

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Sergey Golubev (Сергей Голубев)

Project manager, ICO/IDO/TGE , venture & marketing projects, crypto and investment projects