Tx.origin Attack in Smart contract

Learn about popular smart contract Vulnerabilities.

Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2022


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Smart contract security:

A smart contract is a piece of software that runs automatically when specific criteria are met.Because smart contracts are executed on a decentralized blockchain network, they are considered to be secure by design. However, smart contracts can still be vulnerable to certain security risks, such as coding errors, malicious attacks, and insufficient testing. To reduce the risk of security issues, it is important to follow best practices for writing and deploying smart contracts, such as thoroughly testing the code, using secure coding techniques, and keeping the contract code simple and modular. It is also important to regularly audit smart contracts to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities.

The DAO Hack

One of the biggest hacks involving a smart contract occurred in 2016, when a vulnerability in the smart contract code of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) was exploited, resulting in the theft of around $50 million worth of the cryptocurrency Ether. The hack was the result of a coding error in the DAO’s smart contract, which allowed the attacker to repeatedly withdraw funds from the contract without permission. The incident highlighted the need for thorough testing and auditing of smart contract code to ensure that it is secure and free of vulnerabilities.

Popular Vulnerabilities in Smart contract:

Reentrancy attack

Reentrancy attacks occur when a contract calls another contract and the second contract calls back into the first contract before the first contract has completed its execution. This can lead to unexpected behavior and potential loss of funds.

To prevent this, Solidity offers the revert() and require() functions, which halt the contract execution and revert any changes made if the specified condition is not met.

Here is an example of a contract that is vulnerable to a reentrancy attack:

contract ReentrancyAttack {
address public owner;
uint public balance;
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
balance = 100;
function withdraw() public {
// vulnerable to reentrancy attack
if (balance >= 10) {
balance -= 10;

To prevent this vulnerability, we can use the require() function to check that the balance is sufficient before making the transfer:

contract ReentrancyAttack {
address public owner;
uint public balance;
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
balance = 100;
function withdraw() public {
// prevent reentrancy attack
require(balance >= 10, "Insufficient balance");
balance -= 10;

In this updated contract, if the balance is insufficient for the transfer, the require() function will halt the contract execution and revert any changes made. This ensures that the contract cannot be exploited by a reentrancy attack.


The tx.origin attack in Solidity involves exploiting the fact that the tx.origin global variable in Solidity contracts is the address of the external caller of the contract, rather than the actual contract owner. This allows an attacker to impersonate the contract owner by calling the contract from another address, bypassing any access controls or permission checks that are based on the contract owner’s address.

Here is an example of code that is vulnerable to the tx.origin attack:

pragma solidity ^0.8.01;
contract MyContract { address public owner;
constructor() {
owner = msg.sender;

function myFunction() public {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Unauthorized access");
// ..........

In this example, the contract checks that the caller of the myFunction() function is the contract owner. However, because tx.origin is used instead of msg.sender, an attacker can call myFunction() from any address and impersonate the contract owner. This can potentially allow the attacker to gain unauthorized access to the contract’s functions and data.


The sandwich attack is a vulnerability that can occur in Solidity smart contracts when they use multiple functions to modify the same state variables. This can lead to unexpected and potentially malicious behavior in the contract.

Here is an example of a Solidity contract that is vulnerable to the sandwich attack:

pragma solidity ^0.8.01;

contract SandwichAttack {
uint public balance;

function deposit(uint amount) public {
balance += amount;

function withdraw(uint amount) public {
balance -= amount;

function transfer(address to, uint amount) public {

In this contract, the transfer function uses the withdraw and deposit functions to move funds from the contract's balance to another address. However, if a malicious user were to call the deposit function in between calling withdraw and transfer, they could effectively cancel out the withdrawal and increase the contract's balance by the amount they deposited. This would result in the contract's balance being incorrect and potentially lead to funds being lost or stolen.

To prevent this vulnerability, Solidity contracts should use the require keyword to ensure that state variables are not modified by multiple functions simultaneously. For example, the above contract can be modified as follows:

pragma solidity ^0.8.01;

contract SandwichAttack {
uint public balance;

function deposit(uint amount) public {
require(balance + amount >= balance, "Overflow detected");
balance += amount;

function withdraw(uint amount) public {
require(balance >= amount, "Insufficient balance");
balance -= amount;

function transfer(address to, uint amount) public {

In this modified contract, the deposit and withdraw functions both use the require keyword to ensure that the contract's balance is not modified simultaneously by multiple functions. This prevents the sandwich attack from occurring and ensures the integrity of the contract's state.

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