UX in the metaverse: Introduction, design, and the power of storytelling

The metaverse is an immersive and interconnected virtual world that combines elements of virtual reality, augmented reality, and the internet. As the metaverse becomes increasingly mainstream, UX designers will need to adapt their skills to create intuitive and engaging experiences that meet the unique challenges of this new environment.

Mirza Mahad Baig
Published in
8 min readFeb 28, 2023


As virtual and augmented reality technologies continue to evolve, we are rapidly approaching a future where the digital world will be seamlessly integrated with the physical world, creating a new digital realm called the Metaverse.

The metaverse is not just a new platform for entertainment or gaming, but a fully immersive digital environment where people will live, work and socialize.

As UX designers, we need to be prepared to adapt to this new paradigm shift and rethink the way we approach UX design. I’ve summed up everything I know about the Metaverse and how we UX designers should adapt.


We have to gain a deeper understanding of what Metaverse is and how it works to create more intuitive and immersive experiences.


The term metaverse was coined by sci-fi writer Neal Stephenson in his 1992 novel “Snow Crash” and refers to a virtual reality space where people can engage with a computer-generated environment and interact with other users in real time.

The concept has gained renewed attention in recent years due to advancements in virtual and augmented reality, blockchain technology, and artificial intelligence. The metaverse is expected to be built on a decentralized web infrastructure, with blockchain serving as a way to verify identities, secure transactions, and establish ownership of digital assets.

I suggest you read “Value creation in the Metaverse” by Mckinsey & Company. It is the most comprehensive and easy-to-understand report about the Metaverse that I came across.

Infographic from “Value Creation in the Metaverse” by McKinsey & Company that explain the business value and opportunities in the Metaverse
Infographic from “Value creation in the metaverse”

While the metaverse is still in its early stages of development, companies such as Facebook, Epic Games, and Roblox are already investing heavily in this space, and it is likely to become a mainstream platform in the coming years


McKinsey & Company’s report “Value Creation in the Metaverse” describes ten layers that make up the Metaverse

Infographic from “Value Creation in the Metaverse”
Infographic from “Value Creation in the Metaverse”

The development of the Metaverse will require a variety of technologies to create a fully immersive and interconnected virtual world. This includes but is not at all limited to:

  1. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies
  2. 3D modeling and rendering software
  3. Blockchain, smart contract and cryptocurrency, NFTs for secure transactions and ownership verification
  4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms for creating intelligent and responsive virtual environments
  5. Cloud computing infrastructure for scaling and managing the vast amounts of data and computing resources required for the Metaverse
  6. Spatial computing technologies that enable the seamless integration of digital content with the physical world
  7. Edge computing for real-time processing of data and low-latency interactions
  8. Haptic feedback devices that allow users to touch and feel virtual objects
  9. Spatial audio technologies for immersive audio experiences
  10. Wearable devices such as VR headsets, smart glasses, and haptic suits enabling users to interact with the Metaverse in a natural and intuitive way.

This is not an exhaustive list, and the Metaverse tech stack is likely to evolve and expand as the concept develops further. I suggest UX designers learn the basic Blockchain protocols and gain a better understanding of smart contracts and the Metaverse tech stack.

Understanding these technologies is important because in order to design for Metaverse, we have to be aware of the technological limitations and constraints of the Metaverse.

User Experience Design in the Metaverse:

In the metaverse, UX design will take on a whole new meaning, as users will be able to interact with digital environments in a much more intuitive and immersive way.

Spatial Design:

Understanding spatial design or simply put 3D design is necessary for creating more user-centric experiences. Unlike traditional 2D interfaces, the metaverse requires designers to consider how users will move, interact, and navigate within a 3D space.

UX designers need to be familiar with 3D modeling and rendering tools because the metaverse is a 3D space, and designing for it requires a deep understanding of spatial design.

3D modeling and rendering tools like Spline, SketchUp, and Blender allow designers to create and manipulate 3D objects and environments, giving them the ability to design immersive experiences that feel realistic and engaging to users.

Familiarity with these tools also enables designers to understand the technical constraints of working in a 3D environment and to communicate effectively with developers.

Spatial sound design will also play a critical role in creating better experiences. Spatial sound design involves creating audio experiences that are tailored to the user’s position and movement within a space, and can greatly enhance the sense of immersion and presence within a virtual environment.

VR/AR Technologies:

UX designers need to be familiar with VR/AR technologies as these technologies form the backbone of the Metaverse experience.

Understanding how VR/AR works, and the capabilities and limitations of these technologies can help designers create more immersive and engaging experiences for Metaverse users, being familiar with these technologies can help designers anticipate potential technical issues and design around them.

There are several sources available for UX designers to learn about VR/AR technologies for the Metaverse. Online communities and forums such as the VR/AR Association and the Immersive Learning Research Network provide opportunities to connect with other designers and learn from experts in the field.

Blockchain & Web3:

In simple terms, Web3 and blockchain will act as the backend and Metaverse as the frontend of the future Internet.

By utilizing decentralized protocols and smart contracts, blockchain-based systems will provide users with unprecedented levels of security, privacy, ownership, and control over their digital assets.

UX designers need to be familiar with these concepts to design intuitive interfaces that allow users to easily manage and interact with their digital assets.

I suggest you not get overwhelmed by the vast field of blockchain, stick to the basics and start learning in baby steps.

The Power Of Storytelling:

Our job is to make the user experience better no matter the medium. The human psychology, design principles, buying patterns, and UX foundations will remain the same.

Although applying these fundamental principles to Metaverse will be a new challenge for us. Other than learning tools, the most important skill to hone in designing immersive experiences is Storytelling.

As this virtual space of Metaverse becomes more pervasive, we will need to adapt our strategies to stay competitive in this new environment. One way to do this is by leveraging the power of storytelling to create engaging and immersive experiences for users.

Back to the Basics:

Storytelling is an ancient art form that has been used throughout history to communicate messages, share knowledge, and entertain. At its core, storytelling is the art of conveying a narrative or message through a series of events, characters, and plot twists.

Storytelling is not just about telling a story, but also about creating an emotional connection with the audience. Effective storytelling involves using relatable characters, vivid imagery, and powerful language to convey a message that resonates with the audience on a personal level.

This emotional connection can help to build trust, establish credibility, and create a lasting impression in the minds of the audience.

In the metaverse, storytelling will take on a whole new level of immersion and interactivity. As users navigate through 3D environments and interact with other users, businesses and marketers will have the opportunity to create immersive brand experiences that engage and inspire their audience.

With the right storytelling techniques, businesses can use the metaverse as a platform to communicate their brand message and connect with their audience in new and exciting ways.

Storytelling in the Metaverse:

Storytelling in the metaverse will allow UX designers to create a more cohesive experience. But it also presents some unique challenges. For one, the medium itself is still evolving, which means that designers and developers will need to experiment with different storytelling techniques to see what works best.

The metaverse is a highly immersive and interactive environment, which means that storytelling will need to be woven into the fabric of the user experience rather than being a standalone element.

A key element of storytelling in the metaverse is data. By collecting and analyzing data on user behavior and engagement, UX designers can refine their narratives and create experiences that are more relevant and engaging to users.

This can include tracking user interactions with virtual environments, analyzing social media activity, and collecting feedback through surveys and other tools.

Ultimately, UX design in the metaverse will be about creating a seamless and intuitive experience for users in a completely new digital environment. By embracing the unique challenges and opportunities of the metaverse, and keeping ethical considerations at the forefront of our design processes, we can help shape the future of digital experiences in a positive and responsible way.

The emergence of the metaverse presents a whole new world of possibilities and challenges for UX designers. As we shift to a more immersive and interactive digital environment, UX design will take on a whole new meaning, requiring new skills, principles, and techniques.

We need to embrace and learn new skills and expand our understanding of spatial design, 3D modeling, and blockchain technology to create immersive and engaging experiences. The importance of storytelling cannot be overstated. Storytelling has always been the key differentiator between good and bad experiences and, it will play a crucial role in designing metaverse experiences as well.

By adopting these new approaches and adapting to the evolving landscape, We UX designers can stay ahead of the curve and help shape the future of the metaverse. If you have anything else to add, kindly do so in the comments below.

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McKinsey & Company: Value creation in the metaverse

Book: “The Metaverse: And how it will revolutionize everything by Mathew Ball”

Michael Fröhlich, Franz Waltenberger, Ludwig Trotter, Florian Alt, and Albrecht Schmidt. 2022. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency in Human Computer Interaction: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda. In Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2022 (DIS ’22), June 13-June

Kornel, A. (2018). Mastering the Art of Conversing. In: Spinning into Control. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-51356-4_3

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Mirza Mahad Baig

Hi there, I'm a multi-disciplinary with over 5 years of experience. Over the years I have worked in multiple industries all over the world.