Web3 Marketing 101: Mindset & Skills in the New Internet Sectors

Paolo ∞
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2023


my first book as author
Watch the Trailer now

Web3 is creating new opportunities: some old jobs are dying and companies needs to be prepared for the new season of the internet. It’s time to jump in the ride.

Marketing is changing rapidly with new trends and web3 is working with its special one. Learn now or see your self to catch up the trend.

That’s why I have created a Guide to learn more about Web3 and the marketing that is currently working in the the new Internet.

These are not information I got online but information I’ve collected working in the field.

The guide will give you the possibility to be ahead of the competition, get the skills and get the expertise to become a Web3 marketer.

Web3 sectors are cool. We are all perceiving the internet is changing and you don’t want to left behind in this running environment.

I am offering you to join us in a Journey that will let you go back in the market with new skills you will be able to spend for your company or to find a new one.

Don’t miss out the opportunity. The first drop will be only for 20 people. You will join the community of students and we’re going to have a call together for learning about your doubts.

The guide is composed by 3 modules

In Module 1 you are going to learn about the fundamentals in a easy and non-technical way

In Module 2 we will dive into the Marketing in the Web3: overview, channels and tactics. We will also learn about the fundamentals of tokenomics.

In Module 3 we will go deeper with Growth Marketing Fundamentals, Setting up a Web3 Marketing Strategy and learn about valuable Metrics.

At the end I’ll show you some job positions you can aim to achieve and some conclusion.

By the end of the guide, you will be able to tailor made a Marketing Strategy for your needs and you’ll get a Certificate of Attendance as a POAP NFT

Who am I and why you should trust me.

I am pino7, professionist in the industry.


I am all-in the Web3 Marketing since 1 year.

I’ve been involved in NFT launches, building Brand Identities, Projects Fundraising, Outreach Campaigns, Marketing Advices & Meetup Organizations.

I’ve also worked with DFINITY Foundation, Swiss unicorn startup in 2016 who gave birth on the development of a Blockchain Layer 1, Internet Computer Protocol $ICP today with a market cap of $1,6bn (data not updated).

I had the possibility to work into the industry and I spent time traveling from conferences to conferences during the 2022 meeting a lot of cool and interesting people having Web3 lifestyle and living this new amazing sector we call Web3.

If you want to step into the Web3 and execute a successful marketing strategy you’re in the right place.

Don’t miss out the opportunity.

This guide will help you

  • Learn what’s working as marketing in the Web3
  • Upskill in the Web3 as a professionist
  • Create and execute successful Web3 Marketing Strategies

And maybe it will be your golden ticket to enter in the Web3 world as a professionist.

Inside of the guide you will find 3 modules:

  • Module 1: The Overview
  • Module 2: The Specialist
  • Module 3: Advanced Level

Inside you can find the theory, some golden info you can’t find online and some case study, even my personal ones 🥤

Buying the WAGMI Edition you’re going to have access to the full guide, receive a POAP NFT, have a meet and greet with me and have access to the exclusive community of students.

Spots are limited for only 20 people.

At 97€.

70% OFF with the code: “TRUST” for the first 10 people.

The gift are not ended, in fact you can have the first module(90 pages) for FREE.



Paolo ∞

Marketer//PM//Entrepreneur in the web3. ICP Enthusiast.