Why is Goblin Town so popular? Showing the ugly side of NFTs proves powerful.

Goblin Town is the new ugly, disgusting, and silly self-portrait of the NFT market — it’s also the hottest new collection. 👺

Emily Mae
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2022


Goblins from Goblin Town
Goblins from Goblin Town — the new, grimy, ugly, and timely NFT collection. Source @goblintown.wtf on Twitter.

What are these ugly icky Goblins?

In recent weeks, the bear market energy has hit the NFT Twitter space hard. Enter Goblin Town, an ugly mess of an NFT collection. No utility, no roadmap, no Discord community, and no endorsements. No one currently knows who made these Goblins or why they’ve blown up. The “investors” were merely collectors who showed up on the goblintown.wtf website and minted a free goblin.

Who made Goblin Town?

No one knows yet, and at the surface, no one seems to care. They’re still being gobbled up on the secondary market, even though the team behind them remains undoxxed (unknown.)

Typically a strong selling point for an NFT collection is the team behind it. Goblin Town intentionally leaves a lot of questions unanswered. The team’s influence doesn’t determine the project’s merit — it’s easy to see the quality of execution.

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The Goblin Town website is exceptionally creative — it encourages interaction while artfully only revealing the necessary details. It urges you to find out more information on Twitter, where news about it spread like wildfire. This execution level points to a team with experience in the NFT space; some speculate that Yuga Labs, creators of Bored Ape Yacht Club, has had a hand in making these goblins.

The quality of execution has investors wondering who could be behind these goblins.

Why is everyone gurgling over these Goblins?

They aren’t cute, clean, cool, or cuddly. They’re goblins, and we’re all going down to Goblin Town.

Goblin Town spits its lack of usefulness in the face of investors. The site plainly states, “No roadmap. No Discord. No utility.” It’s a refreshingly transparent statement in a sea of rugpulls and scams.

Goblin Town has investors racing to tumble down, down, down.

In a space full of projects promising gains, upward trends, and increased value, it’s ironic that these goblins have resonated with so many investors.

Goblin Town’s self-awareness oozes through its imagery and messaging. The website states how the goblins were distributed — “1 free + gas mint per wallet.” After that follows a statement that every NFT investor needs to read:

Don’t be f****** greedy. That’s how we got ourselves here.

Telling investors not to be greedy goes against even more common NFT concepts. It opposes the idea of minting as many hyped NFTs as possible for a quick flip and sweeping floors (buying up many low-priced NFTs in a collection.) Challenging such widely accepted ideas is a risk; it’s a gamble that most NFT projects avoid.

But maybe it’s precisely what the space needed.

Such bold moves also point to the idea that the creators of Goblin Town have nothing to lose — they don’t even need to sell their NFTs for money, the mint was free for everyone.

A meme retweeted by the Goblin Town Twitter account.

An ugly and loveable self-portrait.

In a culture where “becoming your NFT profile picture” is a common concept, handing out free images of goblins could honestly seem offensive. But the community is eating it up.

The Goblins make some interesting (and funny) ties to NFT culture, the most notable being a 1-of-1 NFT from the collection with the trait “Is goblin? is orc? IS KEVVIN!” It’s a direct reference to Kevin, an NFT from the infamous collection Pixelmon, a project that made headlines for being a very costly scam. Kevin reminds the NFT community of where it’s been — it hasn’t always centered around clean art, punchy marketing, and cool communities (see Azuki.) The market isn’t always pretty, and the NFT community seems more than willing to enjoy the ugly side.

An NFT from Goblin Town — goblintown#1474 aka Kevin
goblintown#1474 aka Kevin. Source OpenSea

The future of Goblin Town

Goblin Town hits a sweet spot in the market. These goblins are a fun way to self-reflect on the current purpose of the NFT community. They may signal a shift in the market, a welcome transition to thought-provoking, timely, and fun NFT projects.

Tell me your thoughts about Goblin Town, and leave a clap if you enjoyed the story. 💛 You can also find me on Twitter on the hunt for NFT projects to investigate. 🧐

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