Why you should change your job and do what you love

Christos Palaskas
3 min readFeb 17, 2022


I have been a Senior Software Engineer with a company in the Automotive industry for 6 years. At first, I loved writing software for cars, felt that it touches millions, improving in a way their quality of life. Then slowly but steadily, I started spending more and more time on cryptocurrencies. It was far more exciting for me, far more rewarding than learning the latest news on autonomous driving or infotainment systems. I was learning about decentralization, trust, smart contracts, decentralized exchanges, decentralized applications, digital identities, non-fungible tokens, native tokens, airdrops, voting systems, metaverses, oracles, trading, futures and more. I felt like part of a revolution, part of a movement to change the world, make it a better place! Part of a community of thinkers, builders, developers, visioners that work together to shape the future.

At work, I was barely making it. Forcing one leg in front of the other every day. Pushing myself to go to work, because I had to. I was lucky to work on a new product that included exploring new technologies, so I learned interesting things, like AWS Sagemaker and Lambda (serverless services), Azure cloud, Docker, Grafana, Dell’s OneFS and more. It kept being somewhat engaging, but after my 8 hours, on my free time, I would delve into learning more about blockchain technologies, rather than my day job’s technologies.

I wondered, how much better I would be at my job if instead of learning about crypto on my free time I learned about autonomous driving. If I had the same passion for cars as for crypto and decentralization (and freedom). I needed a unification of my passion and my career. It would help me advance in the company, get promotions, “climb the ladder.” But instead of forcing myself to “love” something I don’t, I decided to take the leap and go the other way. What if I worked for a blockchain technology company and kept learning about crypto and blockchain on my free time? I would be doing what I love and still become better at my day job.

But then you get the “what ifs”. From yourself and from your circle. What if you don’t get the same pay? What if they don’t offer similar benefits? Crypto is a new space, a controversial space, what will people say? You’re leaving a steady job, a proven industry (automotive), a promising industry (autonomous driving) to join the dreamers? What if the government regulates crypto out of existence? What if your CV gets marred? What if your new company fails?

If you are not happy with your current job, I suggest find the rebuttals to all the “what ifs”. Do something you love, it is liberating. Life is too short to waste on working just to get paid. There is no satisfaction in that. Something inside is missing. The unknown is always scary, and changes are intimidating, but we have to understand that we are creatures of habit and become complacent with the current situation. But big things come from big changes. You don’t need to make a leap forward, just take the first step to the right direction.

I took the first step, applied for a blockchain company and got an offer. It is still early to make conclusions, but I will tell you that I already see opportunities coming my way. Before even the start date. Because this new field, this new career, taps into my other abilities and connections, from my passion. From the real side of me, the side I enjoy being the most.

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Christos Palaskas

Software Developer Engineer in Test, Blockchain Technologies. Cryptocurrency enthousiast, Cardano Staking Pool Operator. Former monk. Author.