World’s Top Coffee-Producing Countries

Rayhan Khan
Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2023


In a world where coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages, it is interesting to know where this beloved beverage comes from. With coffee shops on almost every street corner in many cities, the demand for coffee is constantly high, making it one of the top commodities in the world. According to the International Coffee Organization, the world produced a total of 169.6 million 60-kilogram bags of coffee in 2020. In this article, we’ll explore the top coffee-producing countries in the world and why they are so important.


Brazil is a true coffee production powerhouse, producing nearly 40% of the world’s coffee supply. Many areas in Brazil have a climate perfectly conducive to coffee farming, making it the largest producer of Arabica coffee beans. Coffee plantations cover about 27,000 square kilometers of Brazil, with the majority located in Minas Gerais, São Paulo, and Parana. Brazil distinguishes itself from most other coffee-producing nations by drying the coffee cherries in the sun (unwashed coffee) rather than washing them.


Vietnam is the second-largest coffee-producing country in the world, and it found its niche in the international market by focusing primarily on the less expensive Robusta bean. Robusta beans can have up to twice as much caffeine as Arabica beans, giving the coffee a more bitter taste. Though coffee has been grown in the region for well over a century, production skyrocketed through the 1990s after Vietnam’s communist government introduced economic reforms. Today, Vietnam accounts for more than 40% of the world’s Robusta bean production.


Colombia is known for its aromatic, mild, and fruity flavored coffee, making it one of the most famous coffee-producing nations. The country’s coffee is so well-loved that a popular advertising campaign featuring a fictional coffee farmer named Juan Valdez helped brand Colombia as one of the most famous coffee-producing nations.


Indonesia is home to some of the rarest coffees in the Western world, including Kopi Luwak—a type of bean that has been eaten and defecated by the Asian palm civet. Coffee made from these coffee beans might cost you anywhere between $35 to $100 per cup. Indonesia is also one of the largest producers of Robusta coffee in the world.


Ethiopia is the country that gave us the Arabica coffee plant, which is considered to be the most widely sold coffee in cafes and restaurants across the world. Known for its full-flavored, down-to-earth, and full-bodied coffee beans, Ethiopia is also home to some of the oldest coffee trees in the world.

All of these top producing countries are located in the so-called "Bean Belt," which is located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. This region has ideal climatic conditions for coffee farming, including a tropical climate, rich soils, and sufficient rainfall.

The Future of Coffee Production

As global temperatures continue to rise, the future of coffee production is uncertain. Climate change is already affecting coffee production, with rising temperatures and erratic weather patterns affecting coffee crops in many regions. To future-proof the continued growth of coffee beans, finding newer and hybrid blends of coffee beans is essential.

Several studies and research missions have found wild species of coffee growing off the coast of Côte d'Ivoire and in certain regions of Sierra Leone, which could be used to create new coffee varieties that are more resilient to climate change. Research is also being conducted to develop new coffee varieties that are more resistant to pests and diseases.

In conclusion, the world's love for coffee has led to a high demand for this beloved

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Rayhan Khan

Wordsmith weaving magic through the power of the pen, creating compelling content that captivates and inspires.