You Should be Investing in Crypto! Here’s why!

Gridbot Guru
6 min readMay 25, 2022


First off, I am not a financial advisor, and make sure you are doing your own research with these types of investments. However, if you have come across this article then I believe you are one of three different types of people. The first type of person who might read this is a person who has no idea what crypto is and would like to learn some more about the topic. The second type of person is someone who has a pretty good knowledge about crypto and wants to hear from other people who also invest in crypto. The third type is a person who knows the potential for crypto however also wants to get some talking points for WHY crypto would be a great investment.

You also might be like myself, and be a combination of all three types of people. If you somehow fit into one of these areas keep reading and hopefully you can get some more information for your personal use.

What is Crypto?
Most of you have probably heard of the term crypto but there are still many people who don’t really have a full understanding of what crypto is. Cryptocurrencies are a type of digital coin. In one of the simplest forms, think of crypto as a digital money that people can pass between each other without the need of a third party as in a bank or other institution.

Most of the time when a person pays for something they either have cash, or they have to use another form of payment whether it be a bank card or a check. However you can actually own your own crypto and pay for it person to person instead of having another party involved. Now that you have an idea of what crypto is, let’s look at how it is used.

What is Crypto Used for?

So when people are thinking about crypto most people fit into two categories. The first one is those people who have no idea about how crypto will be used or what it is for. The second group is people who have a good idea of how to use it and what we will be using it for in the future. The idea of having a way to pay for something digitally without a third party involved really appeals to other people. Along with the ability to have something that is decentralized and not “controlled” by a third party or a specific group of people.

Why Should you Invest

Well to say you “SHOULD INVEST” is not the correct wording. Most of the time people who are trying to get into crypto for the first time think that they will go up 50% overnight, or that they will get insane profits without much effort. That is not correct! Most of the time when someone invests with crypto there are upward movements and downward movements. There will but days that you look at your investment and you will be up 10% and other days that you are down 25%. So if you are willing to take that chance then crypto might be for you.

However I will say one thing and that is if you are one who needs the money you invest with then I would say it might be better to put that money in a place that has less risk than crypto!

Why Should you Invest — Part 2

If you have gotten to this part and feel like you would like to invest in some crypto I want you to think about this. Crypto is a digital currency, and you can essentially buy items with it. Over the long term that value of the crypto you hold “SHOULD” go up. Meaning that if you ended up buying Bitcoin back in December of 2018 you could have gotten in at around 3,000 per coin. So we can take any amount and break it down for 3,000 usd per coin. If you were to hold out you eventually would have been able to sell those coins for at least 30,000 which would have been a 10x increase in your investment. Let’s go even further and say you held out until 65,000 but it dropped back down to 54,000 and you sold. That would have almost been an 18x increase.

Now are these movements “normal”? Well, not really. They are extreme cases and I do not want people to think that these things happen overnight. But they do happen, and you can make a profit from the movements. Which leads me into our next sections and that decentralization!


Many times when there is an economic disaster and people lose out on money or stop spending money a central unit will “do things” to fix the situation. For example in 2020 when 95% of the world was on lockdown and could not go to the store to spend money, or go to the store and work to get a paycheck, many of the governments created a stimulus bill, or “pandemic” checks. What were those, well essentially it was free money that people “didn’t have to work for.” Am I saying that it was the wrong thing to do? No, but I am saying that when you start pumping the economy full of money, that “people didn’t work for”, then you get inflation. Now it might be just a little, it might be a lot, currently the United States just came back down from a 41 year high of 8.5%. That means that the dollar is worth less, and on top of that everything else is costing more.

This is where crypto comes into play. No one can tell Bitcoin what it can and can’t do. Just the power of the people. Not a government, not a person, not anyone besides the power of the people. And that is why investing in crypto now, would be a smart long term play in my opinion.

How to Invest

When looking at how to invest, the first thing you should do is make a budget and figure out exactly what you can and can’t afford to invest. The truth is, every crypto could be gone tomorrow. You remember #Luna? Yeah, gone. Countless others have left the market only to be a memory. However, if you have made a budget, and you have 10 dollars, 100 dollars, or 1000 dollars, you can put into crypto then I do believe that the time is right to start you on the path of financial freedom! I have included a few links that you can use in order to get started today!

Gridbot Guru on YouTube: Click here!

Pionex for US citizens: Click here!

Pionex for Global citizens: Click here!

To sign up for Coinbase: Click here!

Join Coinmonks Telegram Channel and Youtube Channel learn about crypto trading and investing

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Gridbot Guru

I am just a normal person who has a high interest in Cryptocurrency. I teach in the day, and trade at night. Check YT for Gridbot Guru for educational videos!