ColdStack 2023 Recap: The Growth Of Ecosystem

Alexander Shishow
Published in
8 min readJan 9, 2024

Dear community members! As we bid farewell to 2023, it is essential to reflect on the key developments and milestones that shaped ColdStack’s landscape.

This report aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the advancements, challenges, and hits that emerged over the year.

2023 was a transformative year for ColdStack, marked by widespread adoption, user experience enhancement, cross-protocol collaboration, and a burgeoning market. The strides we made in 2023 serve as a strong foundation for an even more promising future, where ColdStack will revolutionize the way we secure, manage, and interact with data in the digital age.

Until now, the decentralized data storage industry has been evolving in leaps and bounds. ColdStack has great potential for continued expansion, innovation, and impact on various sectors of the digital economy.

Growth Of ColdStack Ecosystem

In 2023, we were mainly focused on making new strategic partnerships and integrations. They played a pivotal role in ColdStack’s growth.

Collaborations with more than 25 key players in the blockchain tech industries led to new integrations, broadening ColdStack’s reach and utility. Our constant endeavor caused important headway:

  • Interoperability: Different Web3 projects might specialize in various aspects of decentralized technologies. Partnering allows us to combine our strengths and create more comprehensive solutions by interoperating or sharing functionalities.
  • Expanded Functionality: Collaborating with other projects expanded the functionality of ColdStack and each platform we partnered with.
  • Community Growth: Partnering helped us tap into each other’s user base, expand our community and gain new users and customers.
  • Innovation and Development: By pooling resources, expertise, and insights, we accelerated our development cycles and brought new and improved features to market.
  • Ecosystem Building: We aimed to build a robust ecosystem around our technology. Partnerships created a more holistic ecosystem with an attractive environment for developers and users.
  • Market Expansion: Partnering with other projects helped ColdStack in entering new markets and reaching previously untapped demographics.
  • Shared Goals and Values: Generally, our partners share our common goals and values, such as decentralization, privacy, or inclusivity. Partnering allowed us to work together toward these shared objectives, amplifying their impact.
  • Risk Mitigation: By working together and sharing resources, we learned how to navigate challenges better and avoid single points of failure.


Our efforts aimed at making new partnerships were driven by the desire to create more comprehensive, user-friendly, and innovative decentralized solutions, leveraging the strengths of each party involved.

Below we listed all the projects that have become our partners in 2023 and wrote a few words about each of them. Some of them are larger and more well-known, while others are super fresh and promising. For us, each partner is equally important and valuable, which is why we itemized them in alphabetical order.

You can get acquainted with the details about each partnership by clicking on the attached links.

8.Finance is an educational and marketing platform with a simple game that helps everyone easily get into the Crypto World.

AraxLand is a Web3 game that combines Augmented Reality, blockchain, and NFT technologies. In terms of gameplay design, it is a collectible card battler with evolution-fuse (Trading Card Game-RPG) mechanics.

Arcus is a play-to-enjoy and play-to-earn mobile game seeking to maintain the balance between intensely competitive, enjoyable gaming and long-term profit potential through its various game modes.

Babylon Voice is an AI company that specializes in providing a secure and anonymous voice-based identity solution for accessing the Metaverse, Games, Wallets, and Dapps.

Bearverse is a 3D multiplayer PvP game for mobile devices in a mixed genre of strategy, auto battler, and breeding.

Crypto Eagles is one of the pioneer and global marketing firms, connecting information to thousands of investors. They create a free and equal forum for cryptocurrency discussion and blockchain exchange.

Derify Protocol is an innovative decentralized derivative trading protocol.

Dora Hacks allows people to explore the world of innovation and connect hackers around the world via BUIDLs, hackathons, grants, quadratic funding rounds, bounties, idea networks.

EDNS.Domains is a pioneering tech company at the forefront of L2 infrastructure development, dedicated to facilitating the seamless transition from Web2 to Web3 for businesses.

EML Protocol addresses the challenges and structural issues inherent in the current platform business and payment systems.

ETH Swarm is a decentralized storage and communication system for a sovereign digital society.

Etherland digitizes real-estate properties and all their respective legal documents, granting unhinged traceability and immutability through Blockchain and IPFS technologies.

Forcefi is a permissionless fundraising platform where new projects can build a team, grow their community, and raise funds.

Jackal is a decentralized data storage providing a lot of unique features.

LEAFES is a metaverse experience factory for easy brand integration and monetization tactics.

LetsDYOR is a research-oriented platform where investors can make informed decisions through reliable and unbiased research.

MetaHub Finance is the leading platform for building the Web3 Affiliate Community.

Multipass by GameInn allows users to log in to any of our partner websites with a single click.

Noahswap is a cryptocurrency distressed asset management and trading platform.

Power DCloud is an all-in-one decentralized cloud that provides everything you need to build next-generation Web3 sites and applications.

TitanDAO creates the Titanverse, an immersive reality centered around TITAN, which includes NFTs, DeFi, games, micropayments and merchandise.

WarQube is a free-to-play and play-to-earn cooperative 3D video game based on blockchain technology in a mix of Tower Defense, isometric shooter and MOBA genres.

Web3 Compass is the first and exclusive Web3 search engine.

Collaborating with industry leaders was an opportunity to exchange valuable experience generating unique development strategies. It also caused a rise of ColdStack recognizability and boosted the adoption of our technologies, which was our true intention and significant incentive bonus.


Augmentability allows us to position ColdStack not just as a cutting-edge storage solution but as an inviting and user-embracing ecosystem, setting a new standard for multipurpose intuitive Web3 platform usability.

  1. Integrated Crust Cloud permitted users to access and leverage decentralized storage resources with full ownership directly via their blockchain wallet. W3Buckets and W3Gateways combine the power of decentralized storage resources with NFT infrastructure. This new concept assures users with a minimum of 3 and up to 100 replicas per file, unlimited data retrievals via dedicated gateways, customizable storage capacities, etc. Read more:
  2. Integrated BNB Greenfield extended the option of controlling data and enabled users to upload and retrieve their data using unique access after setting up personal usage permissions. Read more:
  3. Integrated Paal AI bot into the ColdStack support channel on Telegram enabled with the instant information help. Users can get answers to their questions and find out the necessary information in a second, without waiting for a response. Such user experience improvement allowed our team to spend more time focusing on the product’s development and bug fixes. Read more:

Community Engagement And Governance

ColdStack fostered an engaged and vibrant community. Governance mechanisms were refined, allowing users to actively participate in decision-making processes, further decentralizing the platform’s governance.

A series of initiatives were implemented to foster deeper connections among users and encouraged community-driven innovation:

  1. While hosting an AMA-session with Crust Network, we revealed the effectiveness of our innovative decentralized technologies and set directions for future development. Listen to the AMA:
  2. The start of our first Hackathon “Store It On Web3'’ on DoraHacks, offering the prize of 5000 $CLS, was announced in May. Hosting a Hackathon was aimed at encouraging the pursuit of creating unique, innovative solutions and amplifying the crypto community. Read more:
  3. Governance enhancements empowered token holders to actively participate in decision-making processes. Proposals for network upgrades, feature integrations, and ecosystem expansions were openly discussed, ensuring a democratic and transparent approach to platform development.
  4. Cross-project giveaways attracted the attention of many new users who got interested and started using our platform. By the way, it was a great opportunity to treat participants with astounding prizes like tokens, domains, free storage, etc.

This inclusivity not only strengthened the sense of ownership within the community, but also propelled the platform’s evolution by leveraging the diverse expertise and perspectives of our stakeholders.

As we continue to prioritize community involvement and governance transparency, we solidify ColdStack’s status as a decentralized storage solution shaped by the collective wisdom and engagement of our vibrant community.

Adoption And Recognition

2023 marked a turning point for Web3 technologies as businesses and individuals became increasingly aware of its benefits. The surge in decentralized data storage solutions is driven by factors such as increased data security, total privacy, and reduced dependence on centralized entities.

All of our partnerships are keen to contribute to the massive adoption of blockchain technologies and harness the potential of Web3. Our innovative approach to decentralized storage garnered increased attention and recognition within the industry.

  1. Cross-marketing activities with 25+ Web3 platforms attracted new users, letting us gain their trust and expand the community, while maintaining a leading position in the market.
  2. YouTube Channel: Yes, you heard it right! We launched our YouTube channel to share our project features and make the necessary tutorials to onboard bigger communities.
  3. By affiliating to the F6S platform, ColdStack supports startups, 200 of which can temporarily use our decentralized data storage for free. We will consider potential collaboration with the most promising ones.
  4. ColdStack team attended NFT-event in Paris and Dubai Blockchain Congress. We found a lot of like-minded partners and experienced specialists from other progressive crypto projects. Such connections inspired us to see offbeat development vectors and work out new potential use cases.

What’s Next?

The best is yet to come!

In 2024, we’re planning to focus on:

  • enhancing functionality by integrating new platforms,
  • developing the product by implementing tech innovations and fixing bugs,
  • boosting community,
  • creating an incentive program for the most active users,
  • making video content,
  • maintaining a powerful marketing strategy,
  • contributing to the adoption of Web3.

As some of our updates have been pondered for some time, we decided to declassify them. In the beginning of 2024, we’re going to proceed with two more novelties:

  1. Integrating Ethereum Swarm towards facilitating our service versatility to provide the most efficient decentralized storage solution for any customer’s needs.
  2. Integrating Jackal, an open-source decentralized protocol, to extend the functionality of our decentralized storage aggregator and improve user experience.

Stay Tuned

Looking towards a bright and promising 2024, ColdStack team wants to thank our community members, partners, and investors for your support and involvement. This feedback motivates us to keep working hard and move on.

The concept of the decentralized Web is undoubtedly overcoming centralized alternatives. The paradigm of interaction via the Internet will be revolutionized very soon, so let’s join forces and use all our resources to build a unified Web3 ecosystem, simple and useful for everyone.

The upcoming year promises to be full of thrilling innovations and surprising updates. Keep an eye on our announcement channels not to miss anything important!

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