Torment 2

Andrew Westcott
Collaborative Chronicles
1 min readSep 20, 2017

Part Two of a 100-word drabble that is turning into a series.
You can catch up with Part One

They sped off in the stolen station wagon laughing and giggling as only drunks do.

They’d gone a few miles when Sam the driver had a sudden thought. “Hey, where’s my bag?” He glanced at the back seat. Empty. “It must’ve slipped off when I punched that jerk.”

Sam punched the steering wheel and stamped on the brakes skidding to a halt. “Damn, nothing for it, we’ve got to go back to get it.” He gunned the engine, tyres squealing to get grip they did a U-turn and headed back to the scene of the crime.

You can catch up with Part One

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Andrew Westcott
Collaborative Chronicles

I am a writer and a reader and I enjoy doing both immensely. I live in the South West of England.