Activating the Trusted Seed!

Use our new DApp to become a legal member of our Swiss Association.

Kris Jones
Commons Stack
5 min readMar 17, 2021


Update: The membership activation process has changed. Follow this step-by-step guide to activate your membership.

We are proud to announce the launch of the Trusted Seed membership DApp for use in joining the Swiss Association for the Trusted Seed. Thanks to the tireless efforts of two dozen Commons Stack contributors*, we have a DApp that spans three blockchains (Rinkeby, xDAI, and Mainnet) and officially registers you as a legal member of the the Trusted Seed’s Swiss Association!

Opening up formal membership is our first step toward being able to fund both operational activity and member services for our community. This is a huge step forward and we are excited to have all of you onboard with us.

If you haven’t applied to become part of the Trusted Seed, that is the first step. The next step is to activate your membership via our new DApp!

1. 🌱 Apply for membership in the Trusted Seed 🌱

2. ⚖️ Activate membership by joining our Swiss Association⚖️

If you still need to apply, the DApp will show you this screen after signing the legal documentation.

Using the DApp to Activate your Membership

Our lead developer on this CSdDev project, Sponnet, has given a full walkthrough on YouTube which takes you through all the steps to become a legal member of the Swiss Association. Learn how to pay dues and sign the Association’s statutes and terms and conditions — both documents are version controlled and registered with their IPFS hash, so it is clear which version of these documents you signed in the case of future changes.

If you’ve already been accepted into the Trusted Seed, you are ready for activation! Head to the DApp, ensure your MetaMask is connected to Mainnet Ethereum with enough ETH for gas and DAI for membership dues, and follow the steps outlined in this video:

Why a Swiss Association?

The DAO space is still in its infancy, along with any regulations where they exist. Many DAO participants are unknowingly entering into general partnerships, which comes with its own set of required considerations. For one, DAO members could be held individually liable for actions of other DAO members that are done in the name of the DAO. By joining the Trusted Seed’s legal Swiss Association, you will be protected from some of the potential risk involved with a general partnership.

Benefits of a Swiss Association:
1. Legal entity with simple constitutional requirements
2. Members, not investors
3. Global membership available
4. Satisfies minimum viable centralization

For example, imagine if the TE Commons (the first project to use the Commons Stack design pattern), does a design audit on a project’s token economy, and the audit suggests that the economic design has critical flaws and the price of their token drops. If the core team of the audited project were so inclined, they could claim that the audit is defamation and sue individual members of the TE Commons for damages, since they are general partners in the DAO. However, since they are also members of the Trusted Seed, the Association is prepared to fight for its members in situations like this. It will contribute to its members legal fees and rally support for acts taken in good faith in whatever ways are needed.

Benefits of Membership

★ The Trusted Seed will provide support if legal issues arise as a result of good faith participation as a part of an approved DAO or Commons.

★ You can obtain a CSTK Score and grow it by contributing time or more dues. With your CSTK Score, you can take part in various governance opportunities such as:

  • The option to participate in funding the Hatch of Augmented Bonding Curves for various upcoming Commons deployments which are unlikely to be open to the public.
  • The Token Engineering Commons and likely other future Commons may want to offer opportunities to members via their CSTK Score reputation.
  • Get free Commons Stack swag! We airdrop all members who have paid dues a token called CSLOVE, which can be used to buy 2 pieces of Commons Stack swag!
  • The Commons Stack Community Fund, where your CSTK Score can be used in our Conviction Voting app to decide on the Community Fund’s allocation of PAN from our role in the Panvala League.

★ You used a DApp to officially become a legal member of a Swiss Association, and that’s pretty neat!

Obligations of Membership

To activate your Trusted Seed membership, dues are minimum 450 DAI, and can be paid directly through the Swiss Membership DApp at To maintain your membership, you will have to pay dues annually, however there is no obligation to do so. All dues are tracked through Giveth Trace, and you are able to see exactly how your DAI is spent.

Membership in the Trusted Seed can be revoked. If any member of the Trusted Seed begins displaying a pattern of extracting profits from the Commons/DAOs they join, to the substantial detriment of those communities, that member will be subject to a system of graduated sanctions, the most severe of which could be the revocation of their CSTK Score.

Because members of the Trusted Seed understand that these sanctions can be applied, we expect the threat will act as a sufficient deterrent and we will never actually have to apply this level of sanction.

Scholarships Available

If you are interested in activating your Trusted Seed membership but don’t have the funds available to cover your membership dues, we also offer a scholarship program. You can apply for all or a portion of the total membership dues to be covered, depending on your circumstances.

The scholarship process is quite simple, and is broken down in detail here. You can start your scholarship application at

If you have further questions, join our Discord server and let us know what we can clarify!

Apply & Activate your Trusted Seed Membership today:

🎉 🎉

  • The contributors who helped make this possible are: @Sponnet2, @paxthemax, @aminlatifi, @fabiosmendes, @MerlinEgalite, @sergei_tran, @markop, @freedumbs00, @Gfriis @Tam2140, @katalenacaban, @geleeroyale, @nelsonm @jelena_dragovic, @loie_giveth, @krrisis, @KrisJones, @knobsDAO, @griffgreen, @jeffemmett, @coachb, @raphaelbaumann, @Santigs67 and @Immanent7. Thank you all for your amazing work here!

If you want to get more involved, there are several ways to engage with the Commons Stack team and community:

🌱 Apply & Activate Your Trusted Seed Membership 🌱
Join the conversation on Telegram or Discord
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🎥 Check out our latest videos & interview on YouTube
📚 Read more on what we are building and check out our new Content Map
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📆 Add our calendar to yours (click the blue ‘+’ in the bottom right corner)
📞Join our Community Calls on the Community Hall Voice Channel in our Discord:

Trusted Seed Office Hours — Tuesdays, 12pm EST / 6pm CET
Contributors Sync — Thursdays, 12pm EST / 6pm CET
Monthly AMA — Last Wednesday of every month at 11am EST / 5pm CET



Kris Jones
Commons Stack

UofS & QU Alum. I research and write about blockchain, tech/web/new media/society.