Activate your Trusted Seed Membership Before the Burn 🔥

All Aboard! This is the last stop in the Trusted Seed’s legal formation.

Commons Stack
Commons Stack
3 min readMay 14, 2021


This is a short post to let you know that the activation of Trusted Seed memberships is well underway, and we are preparing to hold a major burn of the on-chain CSTK of members who have not activated yet. Don’t want to see your tokens go into the incinerator? Activate your Trusted Seed membership today and avoid the burn altogether.

Wait, What?! You’re Burning CSTK?

Don’t worry, your CSTK Score is recoverable.
The Commons Stack team will keep track of your CSTK Score off-chain for when you activate in the future. This includes CSTK earned through praise or other routes —it’s all logged for later, but no un-activated CSTK is safe from the burn! 🔥

Awesome! How do I activate?
You can activate your membership by using our Swiss Membership DApp! The steps are listed below, and shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to complete. There is also a walkthrough video on YouTube.

Remember, if membership activation creates a financial burden for you, there are scholarships available. If you are interested in and aligned with the Commons Stack vision, we want you involved.🌱

Why Burn CSTK at all?

  • In 2019 we started distributing CSTK “tokens” as non-transferable reputation before we formalized the legal association. Later, in discussions with our lawyers, we were advised to rebrand it as a Score within the legal entity.
  • We finalized our legal setup and the Swiss Membership DApp in February and gave our community 3 months to activate their memberships. Before burning CSTK Scores as the last step in formalizing the boundaries of the Trusted Seed.
  • We use the CSTK Score for governance with tools like Tokenlog and Conviction Voting, which both require on-chain CSTK. Going forward, we want these events to be measuring only the signals of the activated members of the Trusted Seed.

🔥🔥 At last count we will burn 269,526 CSTK 🔥🔥

Why the Trusted Seed?

  • If you haven’t been convinced on the necessity of being part of the Trusted Seed, here’s a reminder of some of the membership perks:

The Token Engineering Commons is Coming

This is also a reminder that the Hatch for the Token Engineering Commons is around the corner, and their community voted to use the Trusted Seed in their legal strategy, so only Trusted Seed can participate in their Hatch.

Long story short: Don’t get BURNED — activate your Trusted Seed membership TODAY! 😇

You can also join the Commons Stack community on our Discord server.

If you want to get more involved, there are several ways to engage with the Commons Stack team and community:

🌱 Apply & Activate Your Trusted Seed Membership 🌱
Join the conversation on Telegram or Discord
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🎥 Check out our latest videos & interview on YouTube
📚 Read more on what we are building and check out our new Content Map
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📞Join our Community Calls on the Community Hall Voice Channel in our Discord:

Trusted Seed Office Hours — Tuesdays, 12pm EST / 6pm CET
Contributors Sync — Thursdays, 12pm EST / 6pm CET
Monthly AMA — Last Wednesday of every month at 11am EST / 5pm CET



Commons Stack
Commons Stack

We provide blueprints and tools for impact communities to realize economic sustainability and shared resource governance.