Using CSLove To Get Your FREE Commons Stack Swag

Commons Stack
Commons Stack
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2021

Commons Stack loves the Trusted Seed, and now we have another way to show it — airdrops of CSLove to claim free swag!

Easy as 1, 2, 3!

The very first thing you need to do before claiming your CSLove swag is to activate your Trusted Seed Membership using our Dapp. If you would like a full walkthrough of that process, we have a whole other post just for that! The rest of this post is focused on getting you the swag you deserve!

Every Tuesday our team works to airdrop CSLove and Rinkeby ETH to wallets that have activated their Trusted Seed membership. Please note that this all takes place on the Ethereum Rinkeby test network! If you need assistance connecting MetaMask to Rinkeby, check this guide.

Once the weekly CSLove airdrop has happened, there will be a notification email sent to the email address you provided with your Trusted Seed application. If you didn’t see an email notification, make sure to check your spam folder as well!

Soon, the airdrop of CSLove tokens will be automated from the membership Dapp, but for now it is done manually.

If you don’t see the CSLove token in your MetaMask asset list, You can also add the token directly to your wallet using this guide from ConsenSys, and the CSLove token address: 0x4D64A862e0eFb94b1d2A84A67F7a2d669AFA8eDf
Once again, make sure you’re connected to the Rinkeby testnet!

Once there is CSLove in your wallet, head to and pick out two items — any two items! If you connect your Rinkeby-connected wallet, you should be able to checkout using the CSLove token to receive the two items you picked for free!

If for some reason the token does not cover shipping, please let us know! We will work to get everyone their swag sent for free.

That’s it! 🎉

Thanks to Ferran Reyes for the Photo

Your Commons Stack swag should be on its way to your doorstep. We are sure it will look great on you, and we hope you show it off! Share your photo with us on Twitter or in our Discord server and we’ll surely dish you some praise. 🙌

If you want to get more involved, there are several ways to engage with the Commons Stack team and community:

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Trusted Seed Office Hours — Tuesdays, 12pm EST / 6pm CET
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Monthly AMA — Last Wednesday of every month at 11am EST / 5pm CET



Commons Stack
Commons Stack

We provide blueprints and tools for impact communities to realize economic sustainability and shared resource governance.