The Best 5 custom GPTs for bloggers and content creators

Revaz Gh. (MaestroError)
Community-Driven AI
5 min readJan 3, 2024

Revolutionizing Content Creation: Harnessing the Power of Custom GPTs as AI Blogging Tools

Generated by Article’s Featured Image Maker

Continuing the best Custom GPT series — Today we gonna discuss and explore some GPTs which might be useful for bloggers and any other content creators working with text & images.

1. Article writing

After some research, I decided to recommend ArticleGPT because I think it is:

the best match if you need small and engaging articles

See more details about article generator GPTs in my latest story and choose which works for you:

2. Title generation

I am using the Andrew Darius’ Title Generator for the title generation. Someone can say “ChatGPT already does it well!” - Of course, it does 👍 But the best part of custom GPTs is efficiency and speed of use. Lots of GPTs aren’t creating something unusual, they are normal GPT-4, but with names and predefined instructions. Here is what I mean:

Instead of typing something like this: “Generate 5 SEO-friendly titles for the article: Custom GPT are revolutionizing the world of AI”

I am just typing some words, like an answer to the question “What says my article?

What my article is about?

And it immediately starts writing for me titles (which is the best starting point for creating nice title):

titles for articles by andrew darius title generator
Prompt: “Custom GPT are revolutionizing the world of AI”

And this GPT isn’t only about the article, you can generate titles for anything 🚀

3. Featured Image

I needed an easy way to create featured images for my stories because browsing free stock images is a pretty time-consuming task. So, I created the Article’s Featured Image Maker.

You can learn more here:

Usually, I am prompting an URL of a post and it paints some variations for me to choose. Today, I am gonna choose one title from the previous title generator as an example and try to generate a featured image for a future article 👍

I chose the first one “Unleashing Creativity: How Custom GPTs are Redefining AI Boundaries” and as usual it gave me 4 variations:

article-s-featured-image-maker example prompt
By default, it draws square images, but you can specify the ratio if needed

The only task left is to choose the best match. I liked the first and the last one and probably I would choose the last:

I already added this GPT to the LINGO BLOCKS GPT store and would appreciate an Upvote 💚

4. Caricature GPT

I found out that sometimes illustrations and caricatures catch more attention on social media, so I researched and found interesting GPT, which draws nice caricatures and it could be useful for anyone who shares posts on different social platforms.

Let’s continue our case and try to draw some caricature for our “virtual” article named “Unleashing Creativity: How Custom GPTs are Redefining AI Boundaries.”

Caricature GPT example prompt
prompt: I need caricature for post to share the article named “Unleashing Creativity: How Custom GPTs are Redefining AI Boundaries”

Of course, it contains too much unnecessary text, so I tried again:

I liked it, but I thought some colors would be nice:

Nice 🚀

5. Publishing on socials

Okay, we have an image for the post, but what about the text? And here comes my newly created ArticlePublisher Pro which has a huge knowledge of the best practices for writing posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

I prompted: I need 2 posts for Facebook to share this article: [Already written text form this article]

Okay, we are good to go! 🌟

Extra: Article Rewriter GPT

Accidentally I came to Article Rewriter GPT, never used it before and I am very interested 😄 Let’s copy the text of this story and try it out!

Prompt: [Text of article]

Hmm.. Sure, it is not a masterpiece, but seems like a good starting point for rewriting 👍


In our exciting journey through the world of blogging and content creation, it’s clear that Custom GPTs are more than just fancy gadgets; they’re game-changers. They’re transforming the usual grind into a fun, creative adventure. Imagine having a buddy like ArticleGPT to whip up quick, engaging articles, or a tool like Caricature GPT to add a splash of color and humor to your posts. These tools aren’t just making our work easier; they’re giving our content a new life and energy. They’re helping us craft stories and visuals that really pop, making sure every piece we create is as lively and engaging as possible.


P.S. This article is free from affiliate links and sponsored content. All information and opinions expressed are solely the result of my personal insights.

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Revaz Gh. (MaestroError)
Community-Driven AI

I'm a full-stack developer with 5+ years of experience. I love building stuff, sharing my experience and riding a horse 🐴😄