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The possibilities in technology are innumerable and we know that we can use our knowledge to make a big difference in people’s lives.
Note from the editor

Grensesnittet er et sted for faglig kommunikasjon mellom ansatte i Computas og andre i bransjen. Mulighetene i teknologi er utallige og vi vet at vi kan bruke vår kunnskap til å gjøre en stor forskjell i folks liv.

Go to the profile of Computas AS
Computas AS
IT solutions provider based in Norway. Knowledge sharing is important in our culture and we work closely with customers to make the best solutions.
Go to the profile of Filip Van Laenen
Filip Van Laenen
Senior Application Development Adviser at Computas • Fagdirektør Applikasjonsutvikling hos Computas
Go to the profile of Rustam Mehmandarov
Rustam Mehmandarov
Passionate computer scientist. Java Champion and Google Developers Expert (GDE) for Cloud. Public speaker. Community builder.
Go to the profile of Computas Media
Go to the profile of Filip Van Laenen
Filip Van Laenen
Senior Application Development Adviser at Computas • Fagdirektør Applikasjonsutvikling hos Computas
Go to the profile of Rune Hagbartsen
Go to the profile of Victoria Nerem
Victoria Nerem
Senior UI-/UX-designer
Go to the profile of Lotta Nordling
Go to the profile of Erik Tallang
Erik Tallang
Front-end developer at Computas
Go to the profile of Lars Martin Pedersen
Go to the profile of Ida Normann
Go to the profile of Anders Elton
Anders Elton
Software developer and cloud enthusiast
Go to the profile of Teodor Ande Elstad
Teodor Ande Elstad
I write code and design computer systems for a living. I live in Oslo, Norway, and when I'm not working with computers, I play in a band.
Go to the profile of Magnus Stuhr
Magnus Stuhr
Systems architect & DevOps
Go to the profile of Sindre E. de Lange
Go to the profile of Ellen Daleng
Ellen Daleng
Enterprise 2.0, KM, social media, Confluence and requirements management consultant at Computas AS - tweeting about the cool new stuff I find
Go to the profile of Ellen Daleng
Ellen Daleng
Director of Digital Work Design at Computas AS
Go to the profile of Jørgen Vasshaug
Go to the profile of Marco Angel Bertani-Økland
Marco Angel Bertani-Økland
Mathematician and software engineer working within the realms of Software Engineering, ML, and Ethics. Trying to build a sustainable future with technology.
Go to the profile of Michael Gfeller
Michael Gfeller
Software engineer, cloud architect, and DevOps enthousiast. Playing accordion and synth, and singing.
Go to the profile of Elin Langholm
Elin Langholm
Jeg er en funksjonell “junkie” som er hektet på å finne rotårsaker og stadig forstå nye sammenhenger og forretningsområder.
Go to the profile of David Skålid Amundsen
David Skålid Amundsen
I am a data science and search consultant. I enjoy solving challenging problems within machine learning and search, sometimes both at the same time.
Go to the profile of Jostein Leira
Jostein Leira
Python software developer and Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect
Go to the profile of Monika Sperstad Køller
Monika Sperstad Køller
Utvikler som er opptatt av gode løsninger som løser faktiske utfordringer
Go to the profile of Kristina Dorothea Ødegaard
Go to the profile of Jose Manuel Redondo
Jose Manuel Redondo
Helping organizations to build agility and hack growth & innovation one Design Sprint at a time: Business + Process + Tech + People = Behaviour & Results
Go to the profile of Ingrid Heitmann
Ingrid Heitmann
A nurse with deep interests for informatics. When not busy working with IT, I spend time with family, windsurfing, reading books and generally enjoying life.
Go to the profile of Fernando Moreno Oviedo
Go to the profile of Ram Yoga
Ram Yoga
Business and Service Design Director at Computas. Designer, public speaker, avid photographer and computer geek. I DON'T do yoga.
Go to the profile of Shifteh Sherafat
Go to the profile of Kjetil Riise
Go to the profile of Line Lengfelder
Go to the profile of Line Lengfelder
Line Lengfelder
Rådgiver arbeidsmetodikk, ITSM, ITIL, Atlassian @Computas AS
Go to the profile of Jan Øyvind Engedal
Go to the profile of Sindre Eik de Lange
Go to the profile of Marius Ibsen
Marius Ibsen
Code foh shizzle
Go to the profile of Morten Forfang
Go to the profile of Marcus Wærsted Skogsaas
Go to the profile of Marcus W Skogsaas
Go to the profile of John Melin
Go to the profile of John Melin
Go to the profile of Per Axel Aamot
Go to the profile of Joachim Halvorsen Seilen
Go to the profile of Rasmus Halvgaard
Rasmus Halvgaard
Data Scientist
Go to the profile of Toini Rust
Toini Rust
UX designer from Norway, working at Computas. Striving every day for a more sustainable future.
Go to the profile of Michael Marigliano
Michael Marigliano
Software Developer and Team lead at Computas Denmark
Go to the profile of Andreas Clausen
Go to the profile of Jo Inge Stubbe
Go to the profile of Truls Bugge
Go to the profile of Fernando Moreno Oviedo
Go to the profile of Mads Opheim
Mads Opheim
Developer who wants to make people awesome in a safe environment. Test-driven development, Domain-driven design and Modern agile. Working at Computas.
Go to the profile of Markus J. Sørem
Markus J. Sørem
Interaksjonsdesigner i Computas.
Go to the profile of Markus Sørem
Markus Sørem
UX-designer i Computas.
Go to the profile of Steinar Haldorsen
Steinar Haldorsen
Consultant & University College Lecturer within the field of adaptive product development and simplified organizational design. Based in Europe.
Go to the profile of Rune Hovland
Go to the profile of Nathalie Olimb
Go to the profile of Nathalieolimb
Go to the profile of Marian Aspås Grimnes