Our Platform Security Processes That Excel

Randy Opoku Barimah
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2021

The backbone to the confidence of any trading platform is how robust its security system is. Whether it’s the encryption of its users’ information, reliable and secured payment platforms, or the website’s ‘impenetrable’ feature.

Complete Farmer is no different but heralds these features in their utmost dimension. Our users can easily trade on our platform, provide personal information, and pay through a variety of convenient digital avenues without fear of their information falling into the hands of unscrupulous individuals. This is due to the security measures we take in order to provide them with this level of comfort.

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Some of these security processes on our platform are the use of HTTPS as a communication protocol on the website, utilization of security groups on Amazon Web Services (AWS), and the use of sonarQube as a coding quality control tool.

Usage of HTTPS as a communication protocol

As you may know, HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. HTTPS “is an internet communication protocol that protects the integrity and confidentiality of data between the user’s computer and the site,” according to Google developers. We all don’t want someone to have access to all of the data or content we’re viewing on a website. That will be humiliating for some, if not the majority.

To prevent this, If you’re sending data from your browser using your phone or computer to our service, it’s encrypted to protect your connection to our website. It is not plain, so even if the packet is intercepted over the internet, no one will be able to see anything because it is completely encrypted.

How cool is that?!

Hosting Services on AWS

AWS is a wide-ranging cloud platform that delivers more than 200 fully functional services from data centers around the World. From computing, storage and database infrastructure to emerging technologies, like machine learning and artificial intelligence, data lakes and analytics and the Internet of Things (Amazon, n.d.).

In this article, we’ll concentrate on the security tools aspect. Their varied range of services is backed by “a deep set of cloud security tools, with 230 security, compliance, and governance services and features. AWS supports 90 security standards and compliance certifications, and all 117 AWS services that store customer data offer the ability to encrypt that data” (Amazon, n.d.)

At Complete Farmer, we use security groups on AWS. This means that we can configure these security groups to specify the types of traffic that are allowed to enter our systems and the types of traffic that are not.

Additionally, anything related to the administration of these security groups can only be managed by the CTO’s personal computer IP address, ensuring that no one from anywhere can use the backdoor to access our services. This is the level of multi-factor authentication we offer for our users’ safety.

Usage of sonar Qube

Sonar Qube is an application that helps with “writing cleaner and safer codes” (Sonar Qube, n.d.). This is accomplished by running all of our services through the application before deploying them for code analysis. The application looks for loopholes in the code, and if it finds any, it flags us and halts deployment. To enable the deployment, whatever issue is discovered must be resolved.

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It’s clear how our platform’s security process has been well-developed to ensure that we provide the most secure end-to-end agricultural commodity trading platform to users all over the world. We believe in providing services to our customers which are unrivalled across the globe, allowing us to feed the world by bringing together food lovers, food consumers, and food producers.


Google developers. (n.d.). Secure your site with HTTPS. Retrieved from https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/security/https

Amazon Web Services. (n.d.). Cloud computing with AWS. Retrieved from ​​https://aws.amazon.com/what-is-aws/?nc1=f_cc

Amazon Web Services. (n.d.). Getting Started Resource Centre. Retrieved from https://aws.amazon.com/

SonarQube. (n.d.). Your team mate for Code Quality and Code Security. Retrieved from https://www.sonarqube.org/

