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Distributed Systems

Computes is the world's first decentralized and distributed mesh computer.
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Creating Algorithms for Computes

We sent out another batch of 100 license keys for the new Computes mesh computer beta release! Congratulations! You’ve gone through our Fibonacci example and now you’re ready to write and run your very own algorithm on our new decentralized and distributed supercomputing…

Supercomputing in Seconds!

Computes, inc. shipped its official beta release on March 30, 2018 (1 day ahead of schedule)! If you were lucky…

Computes Beta Update

We released our decentralized and distributed Computes beta on March 30, 2018 (w00t — 1 day early) to 537 registered developers and the feedback received to date has been fantastic! (In fact, there are over 100 new developers in queue for the next release!)

Infrastructureless Computing

Serverless computing (i.e. AWS Lambda and Azure Functions) is all the craze these days. The appeal of running code without provisioning or managing servers is promising. What if you could accomplish the same goal but within your own organization without adding or managing the…