Pharo Days 2016

March 31 & April 1, Namur, Belgium

Sven VC
Concerning Pharo
6 min readDec 9, 2015


Location: Cercle de Wallonie, Avenue de la Vecquée 21, B-5000 Namur

Mark your calendar: on Thursday March 31 & Friday April 1 we are organising the Pharo Days 2016. This year we moved the location to Namur, Belgium, just a bit south of Brussels, at the very beautiful location of the ‘Cercle de Wallonie’ overlooking the river Meuse.

We’ll update this page moving forward. You can ask questions on any of the Pharo mailing lists or you can email the Pharo Board.

Join the Pharo community for the Pharo Days 2016. Meet your online colleagues, programmers and hackers in real life and experience how much you can pick up in just two days. Learn about key technologies, talk to core developers and other users, pair program and contribute to Pharo. Have fun and enjoy yourself.


Each day has a similar schedule. The morning consists of a handful of twenty minute tech talks, the afternoon is an open pair programming workspace, coding sprint and free demo room.

Thursday March 31

08:30–09:00 — Registration and Welcome

09:00–09:20 — Welcome (Stéphane D)
09:20–09:40 — Finalizing Pharo 5 (Stéphane D — Marcus D)
09:40–09:45 — Q & A
09:45–10:15 — GT’s Moldable Tools (Andrei C)
10:15–10:20 — Q & A

10:20–10:40 — Break

10:40–11:00 —Reflectivity In Practice (Marcus D)
11:00–11:05 — Q & A
11:05––11:25 — Data Formats & Protocols (Sven VC)
11:25–11:30 — Q & A
11:30–11:50 —Unified FFI (Esteban L)
11:50–11:55 — Q & A

12:00–13:30 — Lunch

13:30–14:30 — How To Contribute To Pharo (Marcus D)
14:30–18:00 — Coding Sprint 1 + Free Open Pair Programming

13:30–16:00 — Getting Started with Pharo Workshop

19:00–21:00 — Social Event & Lunch

Friday April 1

08:45–09:00 — Welcome

09:00–09:30 — Pharo Community Update (Stéphane D)
09:30–09:50 — Seaside 3 (Johan B)
09:50–09:55 — Q & A
09:55–10:15 — Using Git For Source Code Management (Esteban L)
10:15–10:20 — Q & A

10:20–10:40 — Break — Project Expo

10:40–11:00 — What You Should Know About Spur (Esteban L)
11:00–11:05 — Q & A
11:05–11:25 — Bloc: Towards a vector-based GUI (Aliaksei S)
11:25–11:30 — Q & A
11:30–11:50 — Plans for Pharo 6 (Marcus D)
11:50–11:55 — Q & A

12:00–13:30 — Lunch

13:30–14:30 — Free Presentations — Show Your Project
14:30–18:00 — Coding Sprint 2 + Free Open Pair Programming

Tech Talks

The Tech Talks are short and fast paced overviews and demos of things you can do with Pharo. Here are some more details about each of them.

Tech Talk 1 — Finalizing Pharo 5

We are in the final weeks of the development of Pharo 5. Learn about everything that happened.

Tech Talk 2 — GT’s Moldable Tools

The triad of GT Inspector, GT Spotter and GT Debugger not only offer new tools, they introduce a new approach to moldable tools and combine to great effect with minimal effort.

Tech Talk 3 — Reflectivity In Practice

New possibilities in reflectivity can now be used to gain real world advantages in day to day development.

Tech Talk 4 — Data Formats & Protocols

Talking to the outside world and understanding that conversation is a fundamental capability of any practical software tool. Luckily Pharo understands some of the most common data formats as well as some common protocols.

Tech Talk 5 — Unified FFI

Integrating with C libraries from Pharo is changing towards a new Unified FFI. Get up to speed on what is new.

Tech Talk 6 — Seaside 3

Seaside is moving forward while being a stable framework for building real world web applications.

Tech Talk 7 — Using Git For Source Code Management

Discover how easy it is to use Git as your source code management tool. A hands on practical guide.

Tech Talk 8 — What You Should Know About Spur

With Pharo 5, we are moving to the new Spur VM architecture. The facts, the details and the possibilities.

Tech Talk 9 — Bloc: Towards a vector-based graphical user interface

Take a time-machine journey to see the future of Pharo’s graphical framework. Discover current status, find out latest news and explore our future plans.

Tech Talk 10 — Plans for Pharo 6

Once Pharo 5 is released, we’ll start the Pharo 6 development. Get up to speed on some of the plans for that release.


A Pharo Sprint is an activity where a number of developers get together to resolve issues and contribute to the system. There will be two sprints, each time in the afternoon. For the Pharo Days we will start the sprints with an introduction and overview of the Pharo development process. Learn about slices, continuous integration, the monkey, the git export and the CI build process.

Getting Started with Pharo Workshop

In the afternoon of the first day there will be a ‘Getting Started with Pharo’ tutorial for those who feel their basic practical knowledge and skills of working with Pharo needs a boost. Expect the level of the ‘Pharo by Example’ book, we’ll start easy and then go fast.

Open Pair Programming

It is natural and productive to sit together with someone else to do some pair programming and hacking. It is amazing how much you can learn from other Pharo developers. On the Pharo Days we make explicit room for this activity.

Free Demo Room

Events like the Pharo Days are an ideal opportunity to show what you have been working on. For this there will be a continuous free demo room, where a table and a presentation board give you a little platform to show us your work.


The Pharo Days are a two day event with catering included (2 lunches, 1 diner, drinks and snacks) in a nice environment with full facilities (main room, auxiliary rooms, office furtniture and wireless network).

€ 199 — Regular
€ 149 — For individual Pharo Association Members
€ 89 — For individual Pharo Gold Association Members
€ 89 — For Pharo Consortium Members (1, 2 or 4 for bronze, silver or gold)
€ 39 — Students (including diner)


For official registration we are using EventBrite. You can buy tickets using PayPal and hence any credit card. If absolutely necessary, you can opt for an off line payment. Please register on time.

>> Goto to the registration page.

For social registration you can use Doodle. Spread the word:


Namur is a medium sized city in Belgium with plenty of options for accommodation, like Hotels and B&B’s. Here are a couple of links that should get you started when searching for a place to stay:

Feel free to ask more questions on the mailing lists.

Pharo Days were already organised multiple times in the past, first in 2011, then in 2012, 2013 & 2015. If you’re interested, you can have a look at the Pharo Days 2015 page. At the top there are links to videos and slides.

The Pharo Days 2016 are organised by the Pharo Community, the Pharo Board, the Pharo Consortium and the Pharo Association with support from INRIA and ESUG.

Pharo Zen

Our values and convictions are condensed in this simple list.

Magic only at the right place.
Messages are our vocabulary.
Easy to understand, easy to learn from, easy to change.
Perfection can kill movement.
Classes structure our vocabulary.
Better a set of small polymorphic classes than a large ugly one.
Simplicity is the ultimate elegance.
Quality is an emerging property.
Simple processes to support progress.
Objects all the way down.
Learning from mistakes.
Abstraction and composition are our friends.
A system with robust abstractions that a single person can understand.
There is no unimportant fix.
Examples to learn from.
Tests are important but can be changed.
Communication is key.
Polymorphism is our esperanto.
One step at a time.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Fully dynamic and malleable.
Beauty in the code, beauty in the comments.



Sven VC
Concerning Pharo

loves high-level, dynamic and interactive object-oriented systems