60,000 accounts created on Concordium!

Published in
7 min readDec 17, 2021

Covering the latest news

With more than 40,000 initial accounts created in the past 2 weeks and more than 95,000 members across our different communities, we are extremely excited for what is to come in the coming weeks! But first, let’s review the main news of the past few weeks.

$2.5 million Early Explorers Airdrop is live

We are running one of the most ambitious Airdrops of the market, and you have until Dec 20th to join, and grab some free $CCD!

As part of our efforts to decentralize Concordium and launch $CCD we are airdropping up to a total of 4,500,000 $CCD tokens to all the people who are downloading our wallet and creating an account!

This airdrop has a value of approximately US $2.5 million! Don’t miss your opportunity, download Concordium’s wallet and create an account before December 20th, 2021 11:59 PM CET.

Read the Terms and Conditions here.

Concordium’s Founding Community Airdrop was a success!

At Concordium, we are extremely grateful for all the support of our community, therefore we have decided to reward their early presence around our project by giving $30 worth of $CCD to all our early supporters who joined Telegram and shared with us their addresses before Dec 8th.

This airdrop was our opportunity to thank our founding community for being the first to believe in Concordium, and it brought 30,000 new accounts to Concordium in a week!

Thanks to all who participated, and remember.. December is time for giving, and more surprises are around the corner. 😉

Play Magnus Group to Bring Chess NFTs to Market on Concordium

To celebrate the victory of World Chess Champion, Magnus Carlsen, 500 chess enthusiasts will have the chance to become genesis members in a new era of chess when Play Magnus Group and Concordium release a unique set of NFTs. Learn more here.

$GTU is now $CCD

We are excited to announce that our native token is now called $CCD!

The name of the Concordium native currency has changed from “GTU” to “CCD”. The new name is an abbreviation of Concordium, with each letter representing the first letter in the three parts of the word Con+Cor+Dium. The pronunciation is /Cee Cee Dee/. The symbol for our CCD is the “Greek Capital Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol”, number 1022 in the unicode list: Ͼ. Learn more here.

Concordium is launching a Reg DeFi Lab

Concordium and Verum Capital AG are collaborating to launch the first lab focused on developing regulated decentralized finance products: the Concordium DeFi Lab.

The lab will establish a funding vehicle and allocate for $100 M in $CCD in the form of grants and investments through its community endowment program. The Concordium DeFi Lab offers everyone a one-of-a-kind opportunity to participate in the future of regulated decentralized finance. Learn more.

Distribution of the CCD to early buyers

Listing is coming really soon so it is time for distribution! 🥳

Unless exceptional events happen, the CCDs will be distributed in the period from January 3 to January 10, 2022 to all Concordium TPDA token buyers who before December 5, 2021 have provided Concordium with their valid wallet address to where the CCDs shall be transferred. We have sent a confirmation email to all private sale buyers to confirm their wallet address. Those of you who have already provided your valid address don´t need to do any further actions at this stage.

Brace yourselves, the day we have been waiting for is just around the corner!

Tech Updates 💻

Testnet 7.0

Testnet 7.0 is live! You can read the full release notes here, which includes updates for the Concordium Node v3.0.0, and the Concordium Client 3.0.4

A new version of the Concordium iOS Wallet is out!

An update of the Concordium iOS Wallet is out, Version 1.1 brings new features such as support for the new memo functionality in simple, shielded, and scheduled transfers; and various improvements of the identity issuance flow.

Read the full release notes here. If you are an iOS user, please remember to update your wallet! Download it here.

Concordium Ledger App v2.0.3 is here!

We have released a new version of the Ledger app which supports Ledger Nano S firmware version 2.1.0. Besides, an acceptance step has been added to the export of private key seeds. Download the new version here.

SpaceSeven is live!

On the 23rd of November, SpaceSeven launched its state-of-the-art NFT marketplace. The SpaceSeven marketplace is the first of its kind — one of the few — if not the only scaled e-commerce, fully regulatory compliant platform. Learn more.

Buying NFTs With Credit Card — Now a Reality with Switchere

Switchere, a licensed online crypto exchange, announced the integration of Concordium’s native payment token, the $CCD. Switchere is supporting SpaceSeven which allows users to create, buy, and sell NFTs. SpacesSeven’s NFT platform is built on Concordium, a leading public decentralized blockchain. Thanks to this collaboration, you can now directly purchase NFTs at SpaceSeven with your credit or debit card. Learn more.

#WeToo to join forces with Concordium

#WeToo to stop child abuse has chosen Concordium to deploy a unique and innovative solution for collecting donations that will allow donors to maintain control over the flow of their donations and ensure that they have been used for the purposes promised to them.

Smart contracts built by Concordium will allow WeToo to achieve a virtuous circle and both support the Advocacy for Children and improve the tools to support transparent charity.

Concordium is proud of carrying #WeToo´s colors and to support this great initiative with the Concordium Blockchain.

Communities 👩🏻‍💻🧑🏼‍💻👨🏾‍💻

Rust & The DevX Initiative

Rust Developer Survey

The annual State of Rust Developer Survey is now live, this survey is about taking a snapshot of the Rust Community and identifying things that can be improved.

Rust Takes a Major Step in Becoming the Second Language for Linux

Rust as a programming language has matured to such a level that it is now closer than ever to becoming the second language of Linux after C. With the next patch release the door has been opened to add support for Rust stable support in the Linux Kernel.

The DevX Initiative Lays out its Goals Principles for its Sponsorship Program

The DevX Initiative by Concordium has released a blogpost detailing goals and principles they have for the Rust Maintainers Sponsorship Program announced in October read here for further details.

Rust Foundation Announces free compute resources for Project Maintainers

The Rust Foundation has announced the Rust Foundation Cloud Compute Program, a new initiative to provide free computers for Rust Project maintainers around the world. Through infrastructure credits provided by Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, Rust maintainers will have free access to high-powered, cloud computers that will dramatically reduce the time spent building and testing language changes and updates.

Concordium in Africa

Concordium is opening an official community in Africa! Join us!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ConcordiumAfrica
Discord: https://discord.gg/ERrFts8
Medium Blog: https://medium.com/@concordiumafrica
Telegram Group: https://t.me/concordiumAfrica

Insights 💡

Yahoo Finance: Concordium airdrops $2.5 million worth of tokens towards decentralization of $CCD

Yahoo Finance: Concordium will launch a DeFi Lab focused on creating Regulated Decentralized Financial Products

Bloomberg: Play Magnus Group to Bring Chess NFTs to Market on Concordium — Bloomberg

Crypto News: https://cryptonews.com/exclusives/watch-concordiums-chairman-on-digital-identity-growth-plans-crypto-trends-and-more.htm

Cointelligence: RegDeFi and if there is any future for DeFi without regulation

The Block: Michael Jackson, Concordium: Bringing blockchain to traditional finance

New Economy Japan: https://www.neweconomy.jp/posts/172997

News Bitcoin: https://news.bitcoin.com/spacesevens-game-changing-nft-marketplace/

Finanzen: Concordium will launch a DeFi Lab focused on creating Regulated Decentralized Financial Products | Nachricht | finanzen.net

Finans Watch: Lars Seier lancerer handelsplatform for kryptokunst

Finans: Lars Seier i ny blockchain-satsning: Vil sælge kunst med digital garanti for ægthed

Børsen: Lars Seier går i luften med digital kunstbørs: “Jeg tror, mange kunstnere vil finde formatet interessant”

Events 📅


Concordium Blockchain Research Center Aarhus will join the following events:

  • HACS, 13–14 January 2022, in Amsterdam
    To discuss formal methods and other high assurance verification techniques to software.
  • CoqPL, 22 January 2022 in Philadelphia US (- the CoqPL is part of POPL 2022)
    The CoqPL workshop series is an opportunity for programming languages researchers to meet and interact with one another and with members from the core Coq development team.

The NFT. Conference, Ukraine

The Concordium Foundation Chairman, Lars Seier Christensen, took the stage at the NFT.Conference, in Ukraine, to present Blockchain’s place in a regulated world. Watch his presentation below:

Blockchance, Germany

Concordium travelled to Hamburg to participate at Blockchance. Thanks to all of you who visited our booth in Blockchance! It was created to meet our community in Germany. If you couldn’t be there, don’t worry you can watch, Lars Seier presentation here:

European Blockchain Convention, Virtual

Our CEO, Lone Fønss Schroder, did the opening keynote at the European Blockchain Convention to present Concordium’s Reg DeFi Labs.

Lone had also the opportunity to join a panel with other experts to discuss how institutional investors can get access to DeFi and regDeFi.

BlockDown, DeData, Virtual

Concordium’s CMO, Beni Issembert, took the stage at BlockDown DeData to discuss regulation, and ethics at the eve of the Metaverse birth!

Join our communities:

Twitter /ConcordiumNet

Discord /discord.gg/xWmQ5tp

Telegram /concordium_official

Linkedin /company/33433672/

Reddit r/Concordium_Official

Facebook /ConcordiumNet/

Instagram /ConcordiumNet

Github /Concordium

Clubhouse /Concordium

Get Started: https://developer.concordium.software/en/mainnet/net/index.html




Concordium with its Zero-knowledge ID enables the creation of regulation-ready dApps balancing decentralization, security, scalability, and regulation.