103 days since Prop 103

Simon Warta
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2023

June 9th marks 103 days since the passing of Cosmos Hub proposal #103, and it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the impactful utilization of Public Goods funding by Confio.

Over the past three months, Confio has been tirelessly working on numerous projects, driven by their commitment to advancing the Cosmos ecosystem. This article aims to highlight major achievements, shed light on the progress made possible through the funding, and provide insights into the various initiatives that have contributed to the growth and development of the CosmWasm framework.

Major achievements

While we lost all track of all the hundreds of little things we worked on in the last three months, we’d like to highlight a few major achievements made possible with the funding.

Public Goods Funding March 2023

In March, the Cosmos Hub grant was the only Public Goods funding we had, and it allowed the resumption of our efforts. We released wasmd 0.31, which comes with CosmWasm 1.2. It also unblocked various bug reports and feature requests throughout the stack.

The Sylvia framework

Sylvia is a new high-level framework to build CosmWasm contracts. Sylvia contracts are fully compatible with regular CosmWasm but reduce boilerplate and improve composability. The latest releases, 0.4 and 0.5, make the framework usable for more and more contracts, and the first Mesh Security contracts are built with it. The Sylvia Book guides developers through it.

Building out the Cosmos Multisig Tool

The cosmos-multisig-ui allows multisig users to create transactions and handle signatures off-chain in a convenient web interface until they are sent to the blockchain. This is typically used by organizations to store larger amounts of tokens securely. The work was started by Interchain and Sam with the help of Confio on the CosmJS side for transaction signing. Over time the project lost an active maintainer, and feature requests and bug reports piled up. With the funding secured, Confio took ownership of the project, allocating one front-end developer to it full-time as well as providing CosmJS help. Since then, open tickets have been completed at a great pace. The tool is not only more stable and convenient than ever before, but it also supports:

  • all mainnets and testnets from the chain-registry
  • multiple messages per transaction
  • all relevant staking types

Coming soon: Support for many more message types, such as the creation of vesting accounts, IBC token sends, and CosmWasm messages are coming, and we are exploring the options for arbitrary message support.

Developer relations

The CosmWasm ecosystem is only as strong as the developers using it to build feature-rich applications. With initiatives like CosmWasm Community Calls and AwesomWasm — the first-ever CosmWasm focussed conference — we inspire, educate and connect the next generation of builders.

The CosmWasm Academy provides in-depth training for emerging contract developers. We have created a new course on multi-contract development and testing and have taught it since the 4th cohort in April 2023.

Neutron launch

By establishing a direct line of communication, we can make sure to efficiently support Neutron with all CosmWasm-related requests and features. This helped their latest testnets as well as the Neutron mainnet launch.

None of those efforts is covered by the ICF funding scope. Those are made possible by the Cosmos Hub. Thank you!

Other funding sources

Confio relies on a diversified set of funding sources for its Public Good work in 2023. This includes the Interchain Foundation (starting from Q2 2023), Nym Technologies, Terra, Stargaze, Dora Hacks, and Osmosis. We are very grateful for those contributions, from small to large.

Treasury management

As agreed in the proposal, the ATOM should not be sold faster than 100 days. The approach for selling the tokens is slow and smooth. Using an oderbook exchange, we ensure to always sell above the current market price and do not push down the price. As of now, only ~ 1/3 of the tokens have been sold:

  • Holding period (2023–03–01 to 2023–03–14)
  • Tranche 1 (2023–03–15 to 2023–04–13):
    15000 ATOM sold for 11.18 EUR on average
  • Tranche 2 (2023–04–19 to 2023–05–30):
    15000 ATOM sold for 10.39 EUR on average
  • Tranche 3: (2023–06–01 to 2023–06–30):
    15000 ATOM sale pending

