Knock Knock. Who’s There?

Nature is Talking. Are We Listening?

Dr. Shaul Dar
Connecting Everything
4 min readJul 7, 2020


As many have noticed, the Corona virus is a clear message from Nature.

In Did Coronavirus Break Society? writes that “Coronavirus is teaching us something. The kind of people we need to become … We are learning what happiness is. We are learning what trust is. What meaning is, what purpose is. We are rediscovering the true nature of sociality.”

In Namaste: A Message from Corona Panda writes “Consider this lockdown as a blessing in disguise. When you sanitize your hands and wear a mask, remember, they are symbols of a greater cleansing. Sanitize not just your body, but find ways to sanitize your thoughts, your ideas, your imaginations, your emotions, your energy, your sensations and your actions”.

Here are some important lessons.

What is Nature?

According to WikipediaNature, in the broadest sense, is the natural, physical, or material world or universe”. In practice we think of nature as a storehouse of stuff we can use. I mean so long as nature can produce and we can consume, what a deal! To the tune of rain forest area the size of Switzerland destroyed in 2019, about a football field of old grown trees cut down every six seconds.


But nature is not just a collection of objects. It is a thought, a force, which directs and governs everything in perfect balance and harmony. Including us. We do not understand this special integral software, its greatness and wisdom, because we are the opposite of it. It is time for us to learn.

We are not in control

World leaders are clueless. Scientists are baffled. Social influencers and celebrities have nothing useful to say. We were not in control before, but this may be the first time we are admitting it.

We are all equal. We are all connected

The Corona virus is touching everyone. It doesn’t care about geography and borders, language, education, income, social status, political views. It treats everyone equally and thus is teaches us to treat everyone equally. It reaches everywhere and thus we suddenly become concerned about people on the other side of the world.

We need to keep a distance

We infect one another not only with viruses, but also with negative thoughts, alienation, hatred. Until we learn how to be good children and play nicely together, Mother Nature had better keep us away from each other.

Social Circles In Domino Park, Brooklyn. Image: REUTERS: Andrew Kelly

We cannot “defeat” Nature

Even if we do find a vaccine to the Corona virus things will not return to the previous “normal”. Because our egoistic form of life has got to change. And if we are stubborn, other messengers will deliver the message. Read The Locust Plague in East Africa Is Sending Us a Message, And It’s Not Good News. Or read about the massive dust cloud that crossed the Atlantic from Africa to America, or the floods in China and Japan.

Trillions of Locusts swarming East Africa. Source:

So what do we need to do?

The good news: the only thing we need to change is ourselves. External changes will come later, when we are wiser. Right now we must learn, upgrade our software to match that of nature, rise from individual and egoistic thinking to a collective consciousness. We need to come closer not physically but rather internally, emotionally. We have an opportunity to discover the unbounded joy found in connection, to assemble the most magnificent puzzle the world has ever seen!


No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it — Albert Einstein



Dr. Shaul Dar
Connecting Everything

Married. 2 sons. PhD in Computer Science. Technologist, data scientist and lecturer. Worked at leading research institutions, startups and intl. corporations.