Open Sourcing the Law — The Release of OpenLaw Core

ConsenSys Media
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2018

OpenLaw has open sourced core components of its library under an Apache 2.0 license.

OpenLaw is building essential infrastructure for the legal and blockchain industry — a comprehensive set of tools and APIs enabling legal agreements to be incorporated into blockchain-based applications and helping existing legal service providers streamline their operations.

With the release of OpenLaw Core, a network of applications can flourish.

True to the our project’s name, OpenLaw has — from the beginning — been dedicated to open source. In that spirit, today, we’re releasing several core libraries of the OpenLaw protocol, including our:

  • JavaScript API, which we announced last month,
  • Scala shared library, which includes the markup language parser, and
  • the OpenLaw Virtual Machine.


To install OpenLaw core into your JavaScript project, simply install our npm package:

$ npm install openlaw --save

And import the libraries from the module:

import {APIClient, Openlaw} from ‘openlaw’;

Once the APIClient library is imported, for every call that needs authentication (a logged in user), you will need to pass the JSON Web Token in the headers under the value OPENLAW_JWT.

The class APIClient handles setting the token in the headers automatically for convenience. Subsequent method calls on the APIClient class instance after login will already have the JWT set. For more information about logging in and using the APIClient to interact with an OpenLaw instance, check out our reference guide.

If you want to use OpenLaw core in your Scala project, here is how to add it to your sbt project:

// First add our repository
resolvers += “"

//add the dependency
libraryDependencies += “org.openlaw” % “openlaw-core” & “<last version>”

Help us Change the Law

With this release, we’re taking another step towards creating a comprehensive open source ecosystem to increase access to justice and streamline the $1 trillion global legal ecosystem. We’ll do this by providing blockchain-based applications and services with easy access to agreements available on our network and providing the legal industry with the bridge to interact with blockchain technology.

For those interested in learning more about our shared libraries, check out our documentation for detailed reference guides and an overview of OpenLaw core.

We can’t change the legal industry alone. If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at or join our community Slack channel to talk to others who are already building with the technology.

The OpenLaw team is here to help. Stay tuned on our Medium or Twitter for further announcements, tutorials, and helpful tips about our technology over the upcoming weeks and months.



ConsenSys Media

A commercial operating system for blockchains. By @awrigh01 and @bmalaus; a @ConsenSys spoke.