EMOJI Presale on Bounce.Finance EMOJI在Bounce.Finance预售

Including presale details, DeFi tokens initial liquidity flow and listing dates. 包含预售详细信息,DeFi代币初始流动资金流量和上市日期。

9 min readDec 2, 2020


Hey $EMOJI lovers,

EMOJI team is pleased to announce that we are ready to launch! We thank you for your patience as we made a few changes over the past two weeks. As you all already know, EMOJIS.Farm was borne out of a desire to unite the DeFi community. Through providing an active and fun reward environment, we hope to catalyze user adoption and create a self-sustaining community who can enjoy greater liquidity and stability. Find out how EMOJIS Farm works in this article.

EMOJIS.Farm will be launching formally on 9th December 2020 (by 12:00 GMT +8). Do note that there will be a time gap between listing and launch to ensure the farm launch goes smoothly; this is because we need time to deploy each farm contract for each pool after listing. However, fret not! Liquidity lock details upon listing are shared below. Price for EMOJI will be pegged to ETH and not USD value in light of recent market volatility.

We understand that it is important to incentivize liquidity providers as soon as we list on Uniswap. Therefore, we will be deploying EMOJI/ETH farm contract on EMOJIS.Farm by 8th December so that EMOJI/ETH Liquidity providers can stake their LPs and receive rewards. The farm contract for remaining pools paired with other DeFi protocols will be deployed by 9th December.

Before the farm launch, there will be a presale on bounce.finance from 2nd to 6th December 2020.

EMOJIS Token Address: 0xcbd380c2d84deafed09f79863705353505764f26


Here is the timeline for EMOJI launch:

*Do take note that these timings serve as a guideline. Do factor in pending onchain transaction duration which is determined by the Ethereum network. Time based in GMT +8.

Presale: 2/12–6/12 (STARTS daily 21:00, 24hours or until sold out) (LAST DAY ends 7/12 14:00)
* We will list at 21:00 sharp, however, it will take some time for the transaction to go through. Fret not, we will be sending in the official link, pool number and pool name on social channels the moment it is live.

DeFi token Initial Liquidity Contribution: 6/12 (21:00) — 7/12 (12:00)

Uniswap Listing: 7/12 (15:00)

7/12 Tasks:

13:30 — Compile and calculate initial liquidity contribution wallets. Equivalent value of EMOJIs will be minted to prepare for Uniswap liquidity.

15:00 — List DeFi token pairings with EMOJI first, followed by EMOJI/ETH

15:30 — Send 70% of LP tokens back to Initial Liquidity provider
*Do give us some time for this.

16:00 — Lock 100% EMOJI/ETH liquidity on Unicrypt for 1 year

16:10 — Lock the remaining 30% LPs on Unicrypt for 3 months


Deploy EMOJI/ETH farm contract on Emojis.farm. Users can start staking EMOJI/ETH LPs.


Deploy all EMOJIS Farm contracts for users to start staking MPH/EMOJI, yPLT/EMOJI, HAKKA/EMOJI, CSMX/EMOJI, MGX/EMOJI Uniswap LPs.

Presale Details:

● Only 500 EMOJI is minted upon genesis for presale. Before Uniswap listing, contract will mint EMOJI according to what is required for providing liquidity. We will be transferring Contract ownership thereafter. (Which means no more manual minting of EMOJIs)

Any remaining EMOJI that is not used for presale and providing liquidity will be burnt. Farm contract will then mint equivalent value of EMOJIs in order to provide liquidity for the DeFi tokens and ETH pairings.

● Presale will be held on a first-come-first-serve basis.

● Max ETH/User for each round: 5 ETH

● Each tier will end after 24 hours or until the hard cap is reached.

● $EMOJI presale value will be pegged to ETH and not USD.

● Uniswap listing will commence on 7th December.

● Bounce Level = There will be different max ETH worth of $EMOJI allocated for each day. Maximum ETH to be raised during presale is 70 ETH.


2 Dec, 21:00 (GMT +8)


Max ETH allocated: 10

3 Dec, 21:00 (GMT +8)


Max ETH allocated: 10

4 Dec, 21:00 (GMT +8)

1 ETH = 6.5 EMOJI

Max ETH allocated: 15

5 Dec, 21:00 (GMT +8)


Max ETH allocated: 15

6 Dec, 21:00 (GMT +8)

1 ETH = 5.5 EMOJI

Max ETH allocated: 20

EMOJI Token Info:

EMOJI Token Address: 0xcbd380c2d84deafed09f79863705353505764f26

(* please be aware that during the pre-sale period, there will be scammers trying to list unofficial EMOJI presale pools on Bounce.finance. Please ensure that the token address is the same as above. For every round of presale, we will be announcing the official pool number and name. Always double confirm on our social channels before participating in any presale or trading EMOJI on UniSwap. )

Supply BEFORE Uniswap listing: Dependent on DeFi token donation quantity and how many ETH raised from presale.

Genesis Supply: 500 EMOJI ( Any remaining EMOJI unused for liquidity will be burnt)

Initial listing price on UniSwap: ~4 EMOJI/ETH

100% of all ETH collected will be used to provide initial liquidity for EMOJI/ETH on Uniswap. This EMOJI/ETH liquidity from presale will be 100% locked for 1 year on Unicrypt.

During this period, we will also be accepting early DeFi token deposits for initial liquidity. Initial token depositors of these pools will be entitled to a 70% share of the LP tokens, whereas the remaining 30% of liquidity for these DeFi token pairings will be locked on Unicrypt for 3 months. This 30% is team’s reserve and this is the only team allocation that we have for the project. This means if you contribute the accepted DeFi token for initial liquidity, equivalent value of EMOJI will be minted and provide liquidity on Uniswap. We will then return 70% of the LP to the initial Liquidity Providers. This means you will get back 70% of both the DeFi tokens and EMOJIs!

DeFi Token Initial Liquidity Provider — How it works?

Although EMOJI/ETH pairing liquidity will be provided through presale, we will require voluntary contribution for other DeFi token pairings. Donating any of the accepted tokens will trigger the contract to mint the equivalent value of EMOJI and provide liquidity on Uniswap.

In return for providing initial liquidity for MPH, yPLT, HAKKA, CSMX and MGX, initial token depositors of these pools will receive 70% of the LP tokens. In other words, you will get back 70% of your DeFi tokens AND 70% of EMOJIs!

Price of $EMOJI will be based on ~4 EMOJI/ETH when we mint the equivalent amount of EMOJI to pair with DeFi tokens.

Do note that only a maximum of US$20,000 worth of DeFi tokens for initial liquidity will be accepted per pool, based on a first-come-first-served basis.

There will be a minimum contribution per wallet for initial DeFi token liquidity contribution. We need to distribute the 70% LP back to contributors’ wallet individually.

Minimum Contribution:

Any voluntary deposits more than the maximum amount or less than the minimum contribution will be refunded. This is to ensure that the initial supply of EMOJI minted for liquidity is not inflated.

70% of the LP tokens will be calculated and distributed to users as soon as we provide liquidity on Uniswap. Do give us some time to distribute the initial LP as it depends on how many wallets contributed to DeFI pairing liquidity. Thereafter, you can start staking the LP to earn more LPs when EMOJIS.farm launches by 9th of December! Do note that after Emojis.farm launches, users who contributed liquidity with single-sided tokens will require swapping of DeFi tokens for EMOJI or vice versa before LP tokens are generated (similar 50/50 rule for providing liquidity on Uniswap).

All initial DeFi tokens will be deposited into- 0x8bf7e3E4016d8b6980dD0D14Ae179B26e720dEb5

This wallet will also be used to host Bounce.finance presale, Uniswap listing, liquidity lock and distribution of LP tokens.

For transparency purposes, do view activities on Etherscan to see inflow/outflow of tokens via this link: https://etherscan.io/address/0x8bf7e3E4016d8b6980dD0D14Ae179B26e720dEb5

$EMOJI Fact Sheet

What is EMOJIS.Farm?

EMOJIS.Farm was borne out of a desire to unite the DeFi community and through providing an active and fun reward environment, catalyze user adoption and create a self-sustaining community who can enjoy greater liquidity and stability.

Being a decentralised system, EMOJI is equipped with the necessary policies required to support the economy and achieve sustainable growth. With our rebasing function and on-chain governance, EMOJI has both the autonomy to maintain design specs and the nimbility to adapt to new processes and protocols, whenever and wherever necessary.

EMOJIS.Farm is also backed by Consentium and will be integrated into the Consentium super app ecosystem in the near future. We are also considering to include NFTs after launch because, ain’t our EMOJIs cute?!

What is Consentium?

Consentium is the team behind EMOJIS.Farm.

Launched in April 2018, Consentium is a revolutionary platform that bridges the gap between social communication and cryptocurrency. Leveraging the popularity of chat apps as key communication channels for cryptocurrency communities, Consentium has disrupted the chat app economy with its integrated cryptocurrency wallet. The in-app wallet function allows users to send and receive CSM, BTC, USDT and ETH using just a phone number or user ID.

Operating on its own proprietary blockchain, CSM Chain, Consentium has a higher TPS that allows its 100,000-member strong community to enjoy a more seamless transaction experience.

In the near future, Consentium aims to become the premier chat platform and super-app for the DeFi space and has many exciting plans in the pipeline to expand its ecosystem. One of these plans include adopting $EMOJI tokens into the superapp, thus enabling $EMOJI to act as a conduit for users to the Consentium ecosystem.

How is EMOJIS.Farm different from the rest of the DeFi space?

The DeFi community has always been supportive of new projects but unfortunately, always end up having to deal with short-lived projects that typically fail due to a lack of liquidity.

EMOJI seeks to change that. Here, we actively create an environment that can generate organic growth and sustainability for the long term. Through generous yield incentivization policies and an early withdrawal penalty, EMOJIS.Farm ensures a steady pool of liquidity to support the ecosystem for the long haul. APY will be fixed at 1000% and reward will be distributed as LP token and not just $EMOJI. There will be a 24 hour timelock for LP deposits on EMOJIS.farm. Thereafter, you can withdraw anytime with the LP rewards. 5% withdrawal fees will be implemented and will be 100% redistributed to users who continue to stake.

What is Bounce.Finance and how do you participate in the EMOJI presale on Bounce?

Bounce.Finance is a decentralised exchange protocol that ensures a seamless token swap experience for users and thus, we have decided to leverage their platform to conduct the $EMOJI presale. For presale participants, bounce.finance is an ideal platform because of two reasons.

Firstly, the swap ratio is always fixed.

Secondly, participants do not have to wait till the pool closes to receive $EMOJI tokens. Once presale participants swap their ETH in exchange for $EMOJI, $EMOJI tokens will immediately be credited to your wallet once the transaction is validated.


Telegram — https://t.me/emojisfarm_chat

Website — https://emojis.farm

Medium — https://medium.com/@emojisfarm

Twitter — https://twitter.com/EmojisFarm

嘿$ EMOJI爱好者,

EMOJI团队很高兴宣布已即将启动!感谢您的耐心配合,在过去的两周内我们进行了一些更改。众所周知,EMOJIS.Farm是出于DeFi社区的期望而产生的。通过提供一个积极有趣的​​奖励环境,我们希望能够促进用户的采用并创建一个可以维持更大流动性和稳定性的自我维持的社区。如果您想了解EMOJIS FARM,请在本文中找到有关我们的更多信息


我们了解,一旦EMOJI在Uniswap上上市,就必须激励流动资金提供者。因此,我们将在12月8日之前在EMOJIS.Farm上部署EMOJI / ETH农场合约,以便EMOJI / ETH流动性提供者可以抵押EMOJI/ETH LP并获得奖励。其他DeFi协议配对的智能合约将在12月9日之前部署。




预售期为:2/12–6/12(每天21:00开始、24小时,直到售完)(最后一天在7/12 14:00结束)





15:00-首先EMOJI与DeFi配对在Uniswap上市,然后EMOJI / ETH


16:00- 在Unicrypt, 100%的EMOJI / ETH流动性锁定期为1年

16:10- 在Unicrypt上, 剩余的30%LP锁定为3个月


在Emojis.farm上创建EMOJI / ETH智能合约。用户将可以开始抵押EMOJI / ETH LP。




EMOJI Farm会分配500个EMOJI进行预售。



每轮最多ETH /用户:5 ETH


$ EMOJI的预售价值将在5天之内与ETH固定。


弹跳水平=每天将分配不同的$ EMOJI最大ETH筹集分配。预售期间最多可筹集70 ETH。


12月2日,21:00(GMT +8)


分配:10 ETH

12月3日,21:00(GMT +8)


分配:10 ETH

12月4日,21:00(GMT +8)

1 ETH = 6.5 EMOJI

分配:15 ETH

12月5日,21:00(GMT +8)


分配:15 ETH

12月6日,21:00(GMT +8)


分配:20 ETH






预售供应:500 EMOJI(所有未使用的EMOJI都会被销毁)

UniSwap的初始上市价格:~4 EMOJI/ETH

所收集到的ETH将100%用于为Uniswap上的EMOJI / ETH提供初始流动性。在此期间,我们也将接受早期的DeFi代币存款以获取初始流动性。这些池的初始令牌存储者将有权获得LP令牌的70%,而这些DeFi代币对的剩余30%的流动性将在Unicrypt上锁定3个月。这意味着,如果您捐赠接受的DeFi代币,我们的合同将铸造等值的EMOJI,并提供Uniswap的流动性。然后,我们将返还70%的有限合伙人给初始流动性提供者。这意味着您将获得70%的DeFi代币以及70%的EMOJI!但是,预售中的EMOJI / ETH流动资金将在Unicrypt上需被100%锁定一年。


尽管将通过预售提供EMOJI / ETH配对流动性,我们将需要其他DeFi代币配对的自愿捐款。作为MPH,yPLT,HAKKA,CSMX和MGX提供初始流动性的回报,用户将获得70%的LP代币。换句话说,您将获得70%的DeFi代币+ 70%的等值EMOJI!当我们创造等量的EMOJI与DeFi代币配对时,$ EMOJI的价格将基于100美元/ EMOJI。


88MPH:50 $ MPH
PlutusSwap:30,000 $ yPLT
HAKKA Finance:15,000 $ HAKKA
CSMX:100,000 $ CSMX
MegaX:10,000 $ MGX


所有初始DeFi代币都将存入- 0x8bf7e3E4016d8b6980dD0D14Ae179B26e720dEb5











嘉信在其专有的区块链CSM Chain上运行,拥有更高的TPS,使其拥有100,000名会员的强大社区享有更加无缝的交易体验。

在不久的将来,嘉信的目标是成为DeFi空间的首要聊天平台和超级应用程序,并且正在制定许多令人兴奋的计划来扩展其生态系统。这些计划之一包括在超级应用程序中采用$ EMOJI,从而使$ EMOJI可以充当嘉信生态系统用户的渠道。



EMOJI试图改变这种状况。在这里,我们积极创造一个可以长期实现有机增长和可持续性的环境。通过慷慨的收益激励政策和提早退出罚单,EMOJIS.Farm确保了稳定的流动资金池,以长期支持生态系统。APY固定为1000%,奖励将以LP分配. EMOJIS Farm LP存款将有24小时锁定, 之后,您可以随时提取资金。EMOJIS Farm也将收取5%的提款费,并将其5%的资金重新分配给那些继续质押的用户。


Bounce.Finance是一种去中心化交换协议,可确保用户无缝的令牌交换体验,因此,我们决定利用他们的平台进行$ EMOJI预售。对于预售参与者,bounce.finance是一个理想的平台,这有两个原因。


其次,参与者不必等到池关闭就可以接收$ EMOJI代币。一旦预售参与者用其ETH交换以换取$ EMOJI,则在验证交易后,$ EMOJI代币将立即记入您的钱包。

电报 — https://t.me/emojisfarm_chat

网站 — https://emojis.farm

博客 — https://medium.com/@emojisfarm

推特 — https://twitter.com/EmojisFarm




Empowering the Consentium ecosystem with $EMOJI! A DeFi platform harnessing the power of community in exchange for liquidity providence.