EMOJIS.FARM — The Lingua Franca for DeFi 分散式金融的桥梁

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7 min readNov 10, 2020
EMOJIS.FARM — The Lingua Franca for Defi!

In 1999, Japanese artist Shigetaka Kurita was tasked to come up with a new pictorial system for Japan’s telecom giant, NTT DoCoMo’s email systems. Using just a 12 by 12 pixel grid, he had to curate images that can be used to not only replace words, but express more information in a succinct manner. And after 5 arduous weeks, Kurita created the first 176 pictographs, which is otherwise now known as emojis.

Today, we have more than 3,000 emojis in our arsenal. From emojis that express your current mood to emojis that reflect an allegiance to a subculture in society, emojis are now a mainstay in our day-to-day conversations. Highly universal and emblematic of the zeitgeist of our 21st Century, emojis have been a unifying force for the world.

EMOJIS.Farm was thus named as such to reflect our vision for tomorrow. Similar to how emojis have enabled us to express solidarity and belonging, we want to create a community that is global, open and friendly.

Through our intuitive interface and improved protocols, EMOJIS.Farm taps on the advantages of a decentralized system and the power of the internet to welcome everyone to join in the fun.

$EMOJI Presale announcement: https://medium.com/consentium/emoji-presale-on-bounce-finance-emoji%E5%9C%A8bounce-finance%E9%A2%84%E5%94%AE-fad53700ab7b

A Universal Ecosystem for All — EMOJIS.Farm

EMOJIS.Farm was borne out of a desire to unite the DeFi community and through providing an active and fun reward environment, catalyze user adoption and create a self-sustaining community who can enjoy greater liquidity and stability.

Being a decentralised system, EMOJI is equipped with the necessary policies required to support the economy and achieve sustainable growth. With our rebasing function and on-chain governance, EMOJI has both the autonomy to maintain design specs and the nimbility to adapt to new processes and protocols, whenever and wherever necessary.

How is EMOJIS different from other DeFi projects out there?

To be crystal clear right from the start, we are not a hype train and will never be.

How many times have we seen projects go live, garner attention and then fade into oblivion within months? The DeFi community has always been supportive of new projects but unfortunately, always end up having to deal with the short-lived projects that typically fail due to a lack of liquidity.

EMOJI seeks to change that. Here, we actively create an environment that can generate organic growth and sustainability for the long term. Through generous yield incentivization policies and an early withdrawal penalty, EMOJIS.Farm ensures a steady pool of liquidity to support the ecosystem for the long haul.

How does EMOJI work?

EMOJIs are minted to act as an intermediary for the following DeFi protocol tokens: 88MPH, yPLT, CSMx, HAKKA and MGX.

EMOJIS.Farm will provide LP tokens to incentivize token holders to serve as the UNISWAP Liquidity Pool (LP) providers for the pools below. The list is not exhaustive and can change via protocol level voting.


Notably, there is a lower barrier to entry for EMOJIS.Farm. Unlike conventional AMMs, you do not have to contribute tokens in fixed ratios, but can acquire LP tokens using either of the individual tokens separately on EMOJIS.Farm.

Once again, do note that EMOJIS.Farm is unique in that rewards are not the native token of the platform such as $SUSHI. Instead, we reward users with LP tokens of the pool.

emojis.farm swap mechanism

For those who are interested in how this works, let’s assume that you are depositing $EMOJI tokens into the yPLT/EMOJI. As aforementioned, your deposits of $EMOJI tokens will generate rewards. This initiates the smart contract, which takes in the $EMOJI tokens and internally swaps them for the other token, yPLT. To rebalance the pool, additional $EMOJI tokens are minted by the smart contract. These EMOJI and yPLT tokens are redeposited back into the pool to generate LP tokens as rewards that will be distributed amongst all users.

If I join EMOJI, what’s in it for me?

1.Compounded interest guaranteed by our rebasing function

All LP token holders who have deposited with EMOJI pools are awarded compounded interest via rebasing.

The rebasing function is called once a day and it is during rebase where EMOJIS are minted automatically and funnelled through the Half-Liquidity (HL) function to EMOJI pools in order to generate LP tokens. The rebase function is executed by any transaction sent to the smart contract.

2. Fixed APY

To promote self-sustainable growth, the APY for yield pools will be fixed at 1000% APY and can only be changed through a governance vote process on-chain. This 1000% APY is achieved through a daily compounded interest of 0.6592%. Through actively staking their LP tokens in the EMOJI Farms for 365 days, LP token holders can withdraw 11 times of their LP token deposited.

The formula representing this is below:

In order to qualify for the 1000% APY, token holders must serve as LP providers for pools of their choice, and they can do this by adding liquidity via our Half-Liquidity (HL) function.

This daily compounded interest is generated by the rebasing function of EMOJIS.Farm.

3.Never get dumped!

At EMOJIS.Farm, developers CANNOT mint new tokens. We are against selfish acts and would disallow anyone to inflate the supply of tokens for their own interests. Additionally, who loves a dumper? We absolutely hate that and will never abandon the project. As we have said, we are not a hype train and we are here to stay for the long haul.

What can I expect for EMOJIS.Farm’s launch?

7 initial pools will be released on UNISWAP:


Liquidity for the ETH/EMOJI pool will begin with a sale on the bounce.finance fixed swap, followed by a liquidity lock of 100% for a year. This pair will only be served as price discovery.

The other EMOJI pools will require voluntary donations from the DeFi community and initial token depositors of these pools will be entitled to a 70% share of the LP tokens. The remaining 30% of liquidity for DeFi token pairing will be locked on Unicrypt for 3 months.

Do note that there will be a 24-hour time lock for LP tokens deposited on EMOJIS.Farm upon launch; you can only withdraw your tokens and rewards after the time lock.

Withdrawing liquidity from any of the above pools will incur a 5% fee via a token burn of EMOJIs. This 5% will be redistributed back to the remaining LP token holders as a big thank you for sticking with us!

About EMOJIS.Farm

In line with our broader vision to reach a wider audience in the DeFi space and ensure a fundamental level of liquidity. EMOJIS.Farm is backed by the Consentium ecosystem.

Launched in April 2018, Consentium is a revolutionary platform that bridges the gap between social communication and cryptocurrency. Leveraging the popularity of chat apps as key communication channels for cryptocurrency communities, Consentium has disrupted the chat app economy with its integrated cryptocurrency wallet. The in-app wallet function allows users to send and receive CSM, BTC, USDT and ETH using just a phone number or user ID.

Operating on its own proprietary blockchain, CSM Chain, Consentium has a higher TPS that allows its 100,000-member strong community to enjoy a more seamless transaction experience.

In the near future, Consentium aims to become the premier chat platform and super-app for the DeFi space and has many exciting plans in the pipeline to expand its ecosystem. One of these plans include adopting $EMOJI tokens into the superapp, thus enabling $EMOJI to act as a conduit for users to the Consentium ecosystem.


Join us on our socials:

Telegram — https://t.me/emojisfarm_chat

Website — https://emojis.farm

Medium — https://medium.com/@emojisfarm

Twitter — https://twitter.com/EmojisFarm

Find out more about Consentium here.




1999年,日本艺术家栗田茂孝(Shigetaka Kurita)受命为日本电信巨头NTT DoCoMo的电子邮件系统设计出一种新的图像系统。他只需要使用12 x 12像素的网格,就可以管理图像,这些图像不仅可以用来替换单词,还可以以简洁的方式表达更多的信息。经过5个艰苦的星期,栗田制作了第一批176个象形文字,现在又被称为表情符号。 今天,我们的电子产品中有超过3,000个表情符号。从表达您当前情绪的表情符号到反映对社会亚文化的忠诚的表情符号,现在表情符号已成为我们日常对话的中流柱。表情符号是21世纪时代精神的高度普遍性和象征性,一直是世界的统一力量。 因此,EMOJIS.Farm被这样命名,以反映我们对未来的愿景。与表情符号使我们能够表达团结和归属感的方式类似,我们希望创建一个全球性,开放性和友好性的社区。 通过我们直观的界面和改进的协议,EMOJIS.Farm充分利用了去中心化系统的优势和互联网的强大功能,欢迎所有人加入其中。 全民通用生态系统 — EMOJIS.Farm EMOJIS.Farm出于团结DeFi社区的愿望,并通过提供一个积极有趣的​​奖励环境,促进用户采用并创建可以享有更大流动性和稳定性的自我维持的社区来实现。 作为分散系统,EMOJI配备了支持经济和实现可持续增长所需的必要政策。凭借我们的基础功能和链上治理,EMOJI既可以自主维护设计规范,又可以随时随地适应新流程和协议。 EMOJIS与其他DeFi项目有何不同? 从一开始就清晰起见,我们不是炒作,也永远不会。 我们有多少次看到项目上线,获得关注,然后在几个月内消失了? DeFi社区一直以来都支持新项目,但不幸的是,最终总是不得不处理由于缺乏流动性而通常失败的短期项目。 EMOJI试图改变这种状况。在这里,我们积极创造一个可以长期实现有机增长和可持续性的环境。通过慷慨的收益激励政策和提早退出的惩罚,EMOJIS.Farm确保了稳定的流动资金池,以长期支持生态系统。


‌EMOJI被创造,以充当以下DeFi协议令牌的中介:88MPH,yPLT,CSMx,HAKKA,MGX。 EMOJIS.Farm将提供LP代币,以激励代币持有者充当以下池的UNISWAP流动性池(LP)提供者。


值得注意的是,EMOJIS.Farm的进入壁垒较低。与常规AMM不同,您不必按固定比例提供令牌,但是可以使用EMOJIS.Farm上的单个令牌中的一个单独获取LP令牌。 再次注意,EMOJIS.Farm是唯一的,因为奖励不是平台币,例如$ SUSHI。相反,我们使用池的LP令牌奖励用户。

如果你对EMOJI的机制方式感兴趣,假设您将$ EMOJI令牌存入yPLT / EMOJI。如上所述,您的$ EMOJI代币存款将产生奖励。这将启动智能合约,该合约将获取$ EMOJI并将其内部交换为另一个令牌yPLT。为了重新平衡池,智能合约会铸造额外的$ EMOJI令牌。这些EMOJI和yPLT令牌重新存回池中,以生成LP令牌作为奖励,并将分发给所有用户。 如果我加入EMOJI,对我有什么帮助? 1.我们的基准调整功能保证了复合利息 存入EMOJI池的所有LP代币持有者将通过重新定基获得复利。 变基函数每天调用一次,它是在变基过程中自动创建EMOJIS并通过Half-Liquidity(HL)函数集中到EMOJI池中,以生成LP令牌。重置功能由发送到智能合约的任何交易执行。 2.固定APY 为了促进自我可持续的增长,收益池的APY将固定为1000%APY,并且只能通过链上的治理投票过程进行更改。这1000%的APY是通过每日复利0.6592%实现的。通过在EMOJI Farms中积极地放置其LP令牌365天,LP令牌持有者可以提取其所存LP令牌的11倍。 表示此的公式如下:

为了有资格获得1000%的APY,代币持有者必须充当其选择的集合的LP提供者,并且他们可以通过我们的半流动性Half-Liquidity(HL)功能增加流动性来做到这一点。 每天的复利由EMOJIS.Farm的重新定基功能产生。



ETH / EMOJI资金池的流动性将从Bounce.Finance开始,然后是一年的100%流动性锁定。这对将仅用作价格发现。 其他EMOJI池将需要DeFi社区的自愿捐款,并且这些池的初始令牌存储者将有权获得LP令牌的70%。 请注意,存放在EMOJIS.Farm上的LP令牌将有24小时锁定;您只有在时间锁定后才能提取代币和奖励。 从上述任何一个池中提取流动资金将通过象征性燃烧EMOJI产生5%的费用。这5%将重新分配给剩余的LP代币持有者,非常感谢您坚持我们!


‌与我们在DeFi领域中扩大受众并确保基本流动性的更广阔愿景一致。 EMOJIS.Farm得到了嘉信生态系统的支持。 嘉信于2018年4月推出,是一个革命性的平台,弥合了社交沟通与加密货币之间的鸿沟。利用聊天应用程序作为加密货币社区的主要通信频道的普及,嘉信凭借其集成的加密货币钱包扰乱了聊天应用程序的经济。应用程序内钱包功能允许用户仅使用电话号码或用户ID发送和接收CSM,BTC,USDT和ETH。 嘉信在自己的专有区块链CSM Chain上运行,拥有更高的每秒交易 (TPS),使其拥有100,000名会员的强大社区享有更加无缝的交易体验。 在不久的将来,嘉信的目标是成为DeFi空间的首要聊天平台和超级应用程序,并且正在制定许多令人兴奋的计划来扩展其生态系统。这些计划之一包括在超级应用程序中采用$ EMOJI,从而使$ EMOJI可以充当嘉信生态系统用户的频道。

电报 — https://t.me/emojisfarm_chat

网站 — https://emojis.farm

博客 — https://medium.com/@emojisfarm

推特 — https://twitter.com/EmojisFarm




Empowering the Consentium ecosystem with $EMOJI! A DeFi platform harnessing the power of community in exchange for liquidity providence.